Based on user feedback, there is always a question about Allstacks' data accuracy. With Typo, everything is real-time with 100% accuracy & a way to view detailed analysis.
Allstacks reports are complex & lack co-relations between processes & teams. Typo provides real-time, easy-to-understand insights for teams and managers, to drive action.
Allstacks just reports on past events without any improvement guidance. Typo’s AI offers recommended actions & real-time goals, helping you constantly improve delivery.
Allstacks lacks workflow automations & code quality analysis that highly impact efficiency. Typo’s AI performs automated code reviews in real-time & suggests auto-fixes.
Allstacks provides minimal customisations & basic support to set up user data. Typo offers customisations as per your processes & a dedicated support manager over email/Slack/call.
Get more features in less with Typo & save upto 50% of your current spends. Unlike Allstacks, which is difficult to set up, Typo combines the best of both worlds: features with flexible self-service configuration that only takes minutes.
Typo not only brings deep insights about your development cycle but
enables automated workflows for continuous improvement
reduction in cycle
reduction in
unplanned work
increase in features
Nicholas Lawerence
Tech director @ CloudMargin