You cannot mandate productivity; you must provide the tools to let people become their best.
~Steve Jobs

Integrations that matter!

See the complete picture of your engineering health by seamlessly connecting Typo to your tech tool stack - all in one click.

Git Versioning

Tools that enable developers to track, manage, and collaborate on code changes using the Git version control system.

  • GitHub

    Connect GitHub to view metrics such as PR Cycle Time, Pull Request insights, Code blockers, and more at team/org level.

  • Gitlab

    Connect Gitlab to visualize your Pull Request insights, Cycle Time breakdown, code inefficiencies, and more at team/org level.

  • Bitbucket

    Connect Bitbucket to see Pull Request metrics/insights & sync with issue tracker data to remove operational inefficiencies.

Issue Tracker

Tools that enable individuals and teams manage and monitor tasks, bugs, and other project-related issues.

  • JIRA

    Connect JIRA to get a detailed visualization of Projects/Sprints/Bugs & sync with development data to fasten delivery.

  • Linear

    Connect Linear & sync with Git data to see patterns, trends, and bottlenecks in your velocity, quality, and resource allocation.

  • ClickUp

    Connect ClickUp to keep a track of your ongoing tasks in a single view & co-relate with Git data to improve efficiency.

  • Github Issues

    Connect Github Issues with Github data to generate detailed insights & identify bottlenecks in real-time.

  • Github Projects

    Connect Github Projects with Github data to generate detailed insights & identify bottlenecks in real-time.


Tools that automate and streamline the software development process by automatically building, testing, and deploying code changes.

  • Jenkins

    Connect Jenkins to view merge and deployment bottlenecks–like high CFR, low deployment frequency or time to build.

  • CircleCI

    Connect CircleCI & see the performance during the merge and release processes with metrics like deploy frequency and CFR.

  • Github Actions

    Connect Github Actions to sync your deployment data & view metrics like deployment frequency, failures & a lot more.


Tools designed to facilitate the exchange of information, ideas, and messages among individuals or teams.

  • Slack

    Connect Slack to enable dev teams use automated Pull Request workflows & stay updated with alerts/nudges.

  • Google Calendar

    Connect Calendar to see the time teams are spending on meetings & optimize developer flow.

Coming Soon

Incident Management Coming Soon

Tools that help dev teams detect, respond to, and resolve unexpected events or failures that disrupt dev operations.

  • PagerDuty

    Connect PagerDuty to get detailed insights around your incidents & see how fast fixes are rolled out for resolution.

Coming Soon

Observability Coming Soon

Tools that enable dev teams to monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize the performance, reliability, and efficiency of their systems.

  • New Relic

    Connect New Relic to link your observability data with deployments to do better RCA & view response times/error rates.

  • DataDog

    Connect DataDog to sync your performance monitoring data with deployments to view RCAs & failures impact.

Get all this set up in 60 seconds. Sign up now!
For all the CTOs & Engineering Managers looking to ship fast, high-quality code with maximum impact.