You cannot mandate productivity; you must provide the tools to let people become their best.
~Steve Jobs

Swarmia vs Typo

Swarmia is good for reporting basic engineering metrics but Typo goes beyond 
to deliver actionable insights & workflow automations to boost dev productivity

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Top 5 reasons why modern software teams love Typo over Swarmia
Seamless Onboarding

Swarmia setup is complex & requires extensive Jira adaptation. Typo offers automated self-serve configuration without process changes. Connect your systems with just a few clicks.

A Platform for everyone

Swarmia fails to deliver value for EMs & Devs whereas Typo is focused on each stakeholder & delivers value to the entire team right from bottom-up

Action Beyond Reports

Swarmia just reports on past events without any improvement guidance. Typo’s AI offers recommended actions & real-time goals, helping you constantly improve delivery.

AI-powered Code Analysis

Swarmia lacks workflow automations & code quality analysis that highly impact efficiency. Typo’s AI performs automated code reviews in real-time & suggests auto-fixes.

Customisations and Support

Swarmia provides minimal customisations & basic support to set up user data. Typo offers customisations as per your processes & a dedicated support manager over email/Slack/call.

Save big with Typo!

Get more features in less with Typo & save upto 75% of your current spends. Unlike Swarmia, which is difficult to set up, Typo combines the best of both worlds: features with flexible self-service configuration that only takes minutes.

Amplify your engineering Productivity

Actionable SDLC insights, automated code reviews & enhanced developer experience

Typo not only brings deep insights about your development cycle but
 enables automated workflows for continuous improvement

Ready to get started with Typo?

With Typo, your teams
can achieve

reduction in cycle


reduction in
unplanned work


increase in features

What our customers have to say about us

Typo helps to track our team’s output and goals with its clean , user-friendly interface , and seamless integration with third-party tools. It offers automation, quick setup, and ongoing support for added convenience.

Richard Pangborn

Engineering Manager @ Method

Typo shows a birds-eye view of team’s activities which help generate insights of what might be blocked and learn about patterns. It’s a good tool for to get a teams’ productivity overview.

Ignas Paplauskas

Head of Engineering @ Billo

When I was looking for an Engineering KPI platform, Typo was the only one with an amazing tailored proposal that fits with my needs (Investment distribution at first). It has been months of use with good experience and really good support.

Rafael Negherbon

Co-founder & CTO @ Transfeera

Typo helps to track our team’s output and goals with its clean , user-friendly interface , and seamless integration with third-party tools. It offers automation, quick setup, and ongoing support for added convenience.

Richard Pangborn

Engineering Manager @ Method

Typo shows a birds-eye view of team’s activities which help generate insights of what might be blocked and learn about patterns. It’s a good tool for to get a teams’ productivity overview.

Ignas Paplauskas

Head of Engineering @ Billo

Definitely an interesting value prop vs something like Linearb, and I'm enjoying exploring. Your competitors are crazy expensive. Excited to see where the product goes!

Jonny Power

CTO @ TractionRec

Loved across the globe!

Typo has been rated as a 'Leader' on G2 with 100+ positive reviews & is one of the most loved products on Product Hunt with 2000+ upvotes.

Loved across the globe!

Typo has been rated as a 'Leader' on G2 with 100+ positive reviews & is one of the most loved products on Product Hunt with 2000+ upvotes.

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For all engineering leaders looking to ship faster, deliver higher
 code quality & bring maximum business impact.