Understanding DORA Metrics: Cycle Time vs Lead Time in Software Development

In the dynamic world of software development, where speed and quality are paramount, measuring efficiency is critical. DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics provide a valuable framework for gauging the performance of software development teams. Two of the most crucial DORA metrics are cycle time and lead time. This blog post will delve into these metrics, explaining their definitions, differences, and significance in optimizing software development processes. To start with, here’s the most simple explanation of the two metrics –

What is Lead Time?

Lead time refers to the total time it takes to deliver a feature or code change to production, from the moment it’s first conceived as a user story or feature request. In simpler terms, it’s the entire journey of a feature, encompassing various stages like:

  • Initiating a user story or feature request: This involves capturing the user’s needs and translating them into a clear and concise user story or feature request within the backlog.
  • Development and coding: Once prioritized, the development team works on building the feature, translating the user story into functional code.
  • Testing and quality assurance: Rigorous testing ensures the feature functions as intended and meets quality standards. This may involve unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT).
  • Deployment to production: The final stage involves deploying the feature to production, making it available to end users.

What is Cycle Time?

Cycle time, on the other hand, focuses specifically on the development stage. It measures the average time it takes for a developer’s code to go from being committed to the codebase to being PR merged. Unlike lead time, which considers the entire delivery pipeline, cycle time is an internal metric that reflects the development team’s efficiency. Here’s a deeper dive into the stages that contribute to cycle time:

  • The “Coding” stage represents the time taken by developers to write and complete the code changes.
  • The “Pickup” stage denotes the time spent before a pull request is assigned for review.
  • The “Review” stage encompasses the time taken for peer review and feedback on the pull request.
  • Finally, the “Merge” stage shows the duration from the approval of the pull request to its integration into the main codebase.

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Key Differences between Lead Time and Cycle Time

Here’s a table summarizing the key distinctions between lead time and cycle time, along with additional pointers to consider for a more nuanced understanding:


Lead Time

Cycle Time


Entire delivery pipeline

Development stage

Influencing Factors

– Feature complexity (design, planning, testing) 

– Prioritization decisions (backlog management) 

– External approvals (design, marketing) – External dependencies (APIs, integrations) 

– Waiting for infrastructure provisioning

– Developer availability 

– Code quality issues (code reviews, bug fixes) 

– Development tooling and infrastructure maturity (build times, deployment automation)


Higher variability due to external factors

Lower variability due to focus on internal processes

Actionable Insights

Requires further investigation to pinpoint delays (specific stage analysis)

Provides more direct insights for development team improvement (code review efficiency, build optimization)

Metrics Used

– Time in backlog 

– Time in design/planning 

– Time in development 

– Time in testing (unit, integration, UAT) – Deployment lead time

– Coding time

– Code review time 

– Merge time

Improvement Strategies

– Backlog refinement and prioritization – Collaboration with stakeholders for faster approvals 

– Manage external dependencies effectively 

– Optimize infrastructure provisioning processes

– Improve developer skills and availability 

– Implement code review best practices 

– Automate build and deployment processes

Scenario: Implementing a Login with Social Media Integration Feature

Imagine a software development team working on a new feature: allowing users to log in with their social media accounts. Let’s calculate the lead time and cycle time for this feature.

Lead Time (Total Time)

  • User Story Creation (1 Day): A product manager drafts a user story outlining the login with social media functionality.
  • Estimation & Backlog (2 Days): The development team discusses the complexity, estimates the effort (in days) to complete the feature, and adds it to the product backlog.
  • Development & Testing (5 Days): Once prioritized, developers start coding, implementing the social media login functionality, and writing unit tests.
  • Code Review & Merge (1 Day): A code review is conducted, feedback is addressed, and the code is merged into the main branch.
  • Deployment & Release (1 Day): The code is deployed to a staging environment, tested thoroughly, and finally released to production.

Lead Time Calculation

Lead Time = User Story Creation + Estimation + Development & Testing + Code Review & Merge + Deployment & Release Lead Time = 1 Day + 2 Days + 5 Days + 1 Day + 1 Day Lead Time = 10 Days

Cycle Time (Development Focused Time)

This considers only the time the development team actively worked on the feature (excluding waiting periods).

  • Coding (3 Days): The actual time developers spent writing and testing the code for the social media login functionality.
  • Code Review (1 Day): The time taken for the code reviewer to analyze and provide feedback.

Cycle Time Calculation

Cycle Time = Coding + Code Review Cycle Time = 3 Days + 1 Day Cycle Time = 4 Days


  • Lead Time (10 Days): This represents the entire time from initial idea to the feature being available to users.
  • Cycle Time (4 Days): This reflects the development team’s internal efficiency in completing the feature once they started working on it.

By monitoring and analyzing both lead time and cycle time, the development team can identify areas for improvement. Reducing lead time could involve streamlining the user story creation or backlog management process. Lowering cycle time might suggest implementing pair programming for faster collaboration or optimizing the code review process.

Optimizing Lead Time and Cycle Time: A Strategic Approach

By understanding the distinct roles of lead time and cycle time, development teams can implement targeted strategies for improvement:

Lead Time Reduction

  • Backlog Refinement: Regularly prioritize and refine the backlog, ensuring user stories are clear, concise, and ready for development.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Foster seamless communication between developers, product owners, and other stakeholders to avoid delays and rework caused by misunderstandings.
  • Streamlined Approvals: Implement efficient approval processes for user stories and code changes to minimize bottlenecks.
  • Dependency Management: Proactively identify and address dependencies on external teams or resources to prevent delays.

Cycle Time Reduction

  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Automate testing and deployment processes using CI/CD pipelines to expedite code delivery to production.
  • Pair Programming: Encourage pair programming sessions to promote knowledge sharing, improve code quality, and identify bugs early in the development cycle.
  • Code Reviews: Implement efficient code review practices to catch potential issues and ensure code adheres to quality standards.
  • Focus on Work in Progress (WIP) Limits: Limit the number of concurrent tasks per developer to minimize context switching and improve focus.
  • Invest in Developer Tools and Training: Equip developers with the latest tools and training opportunities to enhance their development efficiency and knowledge.

The synergy of Lead Time and Cycle Time

Lead time and cycle time, while distinct concepts, are not mutually exclusive. Optimizing one metric ultimately influences the other. By focusing on lead time reduction strategies, teams can streamline the overall development process, leading to shorter cycle times. Consequently, improving development efficiency through cycle time reduction translates to faster feature delivery, ultimately decreasing lead time. This synergistic relationship highlights the importance of tracking and analyzing both metrics to gain a holistic view of software delivery performance.

Leveraging DORA metrics for Continuous Improvement

Lead time and cycle time are fundamental DORA metrics that provide valuable insights into software development efficiency and customer experience. By understanding their distinctions and implementing targeted improvement strategies, development teams can optimize their workflows and deliver high-quality features faster.

This data-driven approach, empowered by DORA metrics, is crucial for achieving continuous improvement in the fast-paced world of software development. Remember, DORA metrics extend beyond lead time and cycle time. Deployment frequency and change failure rate are additional metrics that offer valuable insights into the software delivery pipeline’s health. By tracking a comprehensive set of DORA metrics, development teams can gain a holistic view of their software delivery performance and identify areas for improvement across the entire value stream.

This empowers teams to:

  • Increase software delivery velocity by streamlining development processes and accelerating feature deployment.
  • Enhance software quality and reliability by implementing robust testing practices and reducing the likelihood of bugs in production.
  • Reduce development costs through efficient resource allocation, minimized rework, and faster time-to-market.
  • Elevate customer satisfaction by delivering features faster and responding to feedback more promptly.

By evaluating all these DORA metrics holistically, development teams gain a comprehensive understanding of their software development performance. This allows them to identify areas for improvement across the entire delivery pipeline, leading to faster deployments, higher quality software, and ultimately, happier customers.

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