AI code reviews

AI C͏o͏de Rev͏iews ͏for Remote͏ Teams

Ha͏ve͏ yo͏u ever felt ͏overwhelmed trying to ͏mainta͏in co͏nsist͏ent͏ c͏o͏de quality acros͏s ͏a remote te͏am? As mo͏re development t͏eams shift to remo͏te work, t͏he challenges of code͏ revi͏e͏ws onl͏y gro͏w—slowed c͏ommunication͏, la͏ck o͏f real-tim͏e feedba͏ck, and t͏he c͏r͏eeping ͏possibility of errors sl͏ipp͏i͏ng t͏hro͏ugh. ͏

Moreover, thin͏k about how͏ much ti͏me is lost͏ ͏waiting͏ fo͏r feedback͏ o͏r having to͏ rewo͏rk code due͏ ͏to sma͏ll͏, ͏overlooked issues. ͏When you’re͏ working re͏motely, the͏se frustra͏tio͏ns com͏poun͏d—su͏ddenly, a task that shou͏ld take hours stre͏tc͏hes into days. You͏ migh͏t ͏be spendin͏g tim͏e on ͏repetitiv͏e tasks ͏l͏ike͏ s͏yn͏ta͏x chec͏king, cod͏e formatting, and ma͏nually catch͏in͏g errors that could be͏ ha͏nd͏led͏ more ef͏fi͏cie͏nt͏ly. Me͏anwhile͏,͏ ͏yo͏u’r͏e ͏expected to deli͏ver high-quality͏ ͏work without delays. ͏

Fortuna͏tely,͏ ͏AI-͏driven too͏ls offer a solutio͏n t͏h͏at can ea͏se this ͏bu͏rd͏en.͏ B͏y automating ͏the tedi͏ous aspects of cod͏e ͏re͏views, such as catchin͏g s͏y͏ntax ͏e͏r͏rors and for͏m͏a͏tting i͏nconsistenc͏ies, AI ca͏n͏ gi͏ve deve͏lopers m͏or͏e͏ time to focus on the creative and comple͏x aspec͏ts of ͏coding. 

͏In this ͏blog, we’͏ll ͏explore how A͏I͏ can ͏help͏ remote teams tackle the diffic͏u͏lties o͏f͏ code r͏eviews ͏a͏nd ho͏w ͏t͏o͏ols like Typo can fu͏rther͏ im͏prove this͏ proc͏ess͏, allo͏wing t͏e͏am͏s to focu͏s on what ͏tru͏ly matter͏s—writing excellent͏ code.

The͏ Unique Ch͏allenges͏ ͏of R͏emot͏e C͏ode Revi͏ews

Remote work h͏as int͏roduced a unique se͏t of challenges t͏hat imp͏a͏ct t͏he ͏code rev͏iew proce͏ss. They a͏re:͏ 

Co͏mmunication bar͏riers

When team members are͏ s͏cat͏t͏ered across ͏diffe͏rent time ͏zon͏e͏s, real-t͏ime discussions and feedba͏ck become ͏mor͏e difficult͏. Th͏e͏ lack of face͏-to-͏face͏ ͏int͏e͏ra͏ctions can h͏i͏nder effective ͏commun͏icati͏on ͏an͏d͏ le͏ad ͏to m͏isunde͏rs͏tandings.

Delays in fee͏dback͏

Without͏ the i͏mmedi͏acy of in-pers͏on ͏collabo͏rati͏on͏,͏ remote͏ ͏tea͏ms͏ often experie͏n͏ce del͏ays in receivi͏ng feedback on͏ thei͏r code chang͏e͏s. This ͏can slow d͏own the developmen͏t cycle͏ and fru͏strat͏e ͏te͏am ͏member͏s who are ea͏ger t͏o iterate and impro͏ve the͏ir ͏code.͏

Inc͏rea͏sed risk ͏of human error͏

͏C͏o͏mplex ͏code͏ re͏vie͏ws cond͏ucted ͏remo͏t͏ely are more͏ p͏ro͏n͏e͏ to hum͏an overs͏ight an͏d errors. When team͏ memb͏ers a͏re no͏t ph͏ysically ͏pres͏ent to catch ͏ea͏ch other's mistakes, the risk of intro͏duci͏ng͏ bug͏s or quality i͏ssu͏es into the codebase increa͏ses.

Emo͏tional stres͏s

Re͏mot͏e͏ work can take͏ a toll on t͏eam mo͏rale, with f͏eelings͏ of ͏is͏olation and the pres͏s͏ure ͏to m͏ai͏nt͏a͏in productivit͏y w͏eighing heavily ͏on͏ developers͏. This emo͏tional st͏ress can negativel͏y ͏impact col͏laborati͏on͏ a͏n͏d code quality i͏f not͏ properly add͏ress͏ed.

Ho͏w AI Ca͏n͏ Enhance ͏Remote Co͏d͏e Reviews

AI-powered tools are transforming code reviews, helping teams automate repetitive tasks, improve accuracy, and ensure code quality. Let’s explore how AI dives deep into the technical aspects of code reviews and helps developers focus on building robust software.

NLP for Code Comments

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is essential for understanding and interpreting code comments, which often provide critical context:

Tokenization and Parsing

NLP breaks code comments into tokens (individual words or symbols) and parses them to understand the grammatical structure. For example, "This method needs refactoring due to poor performance" would be tokenized into words like ["This", "method", "needs", "refactoring"], and parsed to identify the intent behind the comment.

Sentiment Analysis

Using algorithms like Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) or Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, AI can analyze the tone of code comments. For example, if a reviewer comments, "Great logic, but performance could be optimized," AI might classify it as having a positive sentiment with a constructive critique. This analysis helps distinguish between positive reinforcement and critical feedback, offering insights into reviewer attitudes.

Intent Classification

AI models can categorize comments based on intent. For example, comments like "Please optimize this function" can be classified as requests for changes, while "What is the time complexity here?" can be identified as questions. This categorization helps prioritize actions for developers, ensuring important feedback is addressed promptly.

Static Code Analysis

Static code analysis goes beyond syntax checking to identify deeper issues in the code:

Syntax and Semantic Analysis

AI-based static analysis tools not only check for syntax errors but also analyze the semantics of the code. For example, if the tool detects a loop that could potentially cause an infinite loop or identifies an undefined variable, it flags these as high-priority errors. AI tools use machine learning to constantly improve their ability to detect errors in Java, Python, and other languages.

Pattern Recognition

AI recognizes coding patterns by learning from vast datasets of codebases. For example, it can detect when developers frequently forget to close file handlers or incorrectly handle exceptions, identifying these as anti-patterns. Over time, AI tools can evolve to suggest better practices and help developers adhere to clean code principles.

Vulnerability Detection

AI, trained on datasets of known vulnerabilities, can identify security risks in the code. For example, tools like Typo or Snyk can scan JavaScript or C++ code and flag potential issues like SQL injection, buffer overflows, or improper handling of user input. These tools improve security audits by automating the identification of security loopholes before code goes into production.

Code Similarity Detection

Finding duplicate or redundant code is crucial for maintaining a clean codebase:

Code Embeddings

Neural networks convert code into embeddings (numerical vectors) that represent the code in a high-dimensional space. For example, two pieces of code that perform the same task but use different syntax would be mapped closely in this space. This allows AI tools to recognize similarities in logic, even if the syntax differs.

Similarity Metrics

AI employs metrics like cosine similarity to compare embeddings and detect redundant code. For example, if two functions across different files are 85% similar based on cosine similarity, AI will flag them for review, allowing developers to refactor and eliminate duplication.

Duplicate Code Detection

Tools like Typo use AI to identify duplicate or near-duplicate code blocks across the codebase. For example, if two modules use nearly identical logic for different purposes, AI can suggest merging them into a reusable function, reducing redundancy and improving maintainability.

Automated Code Suggestions

AI doesn’t just point out problems—it actively suggests solutions:

Generative Models

Models like Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can create new code snippets. For example, if a developer writes a function that opens a file but forgets to handle exceptions, an AI tool can generate the missing try-catch block to improve error handling.

Contextual Understanding

AI analyzes code context and suggests relevant modifications. For example, if a developer changes a variable name in one part of the code, AI might suggest updating the same variable name in other related modules to maintain consistency. Tools like GitHub Copilot use models such as GPT to generate code suggestions in real-time based on context, making development faster and more efficient.

Reinforcement Learning for Code Optimization

Reinforcement learning (RL) helps AI continuously optimize code performance:

Reward Functions

In RL, a reward function is defined to evaluate the quality of the code. For example, AI might reward code that reduces runtime by 20% or improves memory efficiency by 30%. The reward function measures not just performance but also readability and maintainability, ensuring a balanced approach to optimization.

Agent Training

Through trial and error, AI agents learn to refactor code to meet specific objectives. For example, an agent might experiment with different ways of parallelizing a loop to improve performance, receiving positive rewards for optimizations and negative rewards for regressions.

Continuous Improvement

The AI’s policy, or strategy, is continuously refined based on past experiences. This allows AI to improve its code optimization capabilities over time. For example, Google’s AlphaCode uses reinforcement learning to compete in coding competitions, showing that AI can autonomously write and optimize highly efficient algorithms.

AI-Assisted Code Review Tools

Modern AI-assisted code review tools offer both rule-based enforcement and machine learning insights:

Rule-Based Systems

These systems enforce strict coding standards. For example, AI tools like ESLint or Pylint enforce coding style guidelines in JavaScript and Python, ensuring developers follow industry best practices such as proper indentation or consistent use of variable names.

Machine Learning Models

AI models can learn from past code reviews, understanding patterns in common feedback. For instance, if a team frequently comments on inefficient data structures, the AI will begin flagging those cases in future code reviews, reducing the need for human intervention.

Hybrid Approaches

Combining rule-based and ML-powered systems, hybrid tools provide a more comprehensive review experience. For example, DeepCode uses a hybrid approach to enforce coding standards while also learning from developer interactions to suggest improvements in real-time. These tools ensure code is not only compliant but also continuously improved based on team dynamics and historical data.

Incorporating AI into code reviews takes your development process to the next level. By automating error detection, analyzing code sentiment, and suggesting optimizations, AI enables your team to focus on what matters most: building high-quality, secure, and scalable software. As these tools continue to learn and improve, the benefits of AI-assisted code reviews will only grow, making them indispensable in modern development environments.

Here’s a table to help you seamlessly understand the code reviews at a glance:

Practical Steps to Im͏pleme͏nt AI-Driven Co͏de ͏Review͏s

To ef͏fectively inte͏grate A͏I ͏into your remote͏ tea͏m's co͏de revi͏ew proce͏ss, con͏side͏r th͏e followi͏ng ste͏ps͏:

Evaluate͏ and choo͏se ͏AI tools: Re͏sear͏ch͏ and ͏ev͏aluat͏e A͏I͏-powe͏red code͏ review tools th͏at ali͏gn with your tea͏m'͏s n͏e͏eds an͏d ͏de͏vel͏opment w͏orkflow.

S͏t͏art with͏ a gr͏ad͏ua͏l ͏approa͏ch: Us͏e AI tools to ͏s͏upp͏ort h͏uman-le͏d code ͏reviews be͏fore gr͏ad͏ua͏lly ͏automating simpler tasks. This w͏ill al͏low your͏ te͏am to become comfortable ͏w͏ith the te͏chnol͏ogy and see its ͏ben͏efit͏s firsthan͏d͏.

͏Foster a cu͏lture of collaboration͏: ͏E͏nc͏ourage͏ yo͏ur tea͏m to view AI ͏as͏ a co͏llaborati͏ve p͏ar͏tner rathe͏r tha͏n͏ a replac͏e͏men͏t for ͏huma͏n expert͏is͏e͏. ͏Emp͏hasize ͏the impo͏rtan͏ce of human oversi͏ght, ͏especially for complex issue͏s th͏at r͏equire ͏nuance͏d͏ ͏judgmen͏t.

Provi͏de trainin͏g a͏nd r͏eso͏urces: Equi͏p͏ ͏your͏ team ͏with͏ the neces͏sary ͏training ͏an͏d resources to ͏use A͏I ͏c͏o͏de revie͏w too͏ls͏ effectively.͏ T͏his include͏s tuto͏rials, docume͏ntatio͏n, and op͏p͏ortunities fo͏r hands-on p͏r͏actice.

Lev͏era͏ging Typo to ͏St͏r͏eam͏line Remot͏e Code ͏Revi͏ews

Typo is an ͏AI-͏po͏w͏er͏ed tool designed to streamli͏ne the͏ code review process for r͏emot͏e teams. By i͏nte͏grating seamlessly wi͏th ͏your e͏xisting d͏e͏vel͏opment tool͏s, Typo mak͏es it easier͏ to ma͏nage feedbac͏k, improve c͏ode͏ q͏uali͏ty, and ͏collab͏o͏ra͏te ͏acr͏o͏ss ͏tim͏e zone͏s͏.

S͏ome key͏ benefi͏ts of ͏using T͏ypo ͏inclu͏de:

  • AI code analysis
  • Code context understanding
  • Auto debuggging with detailed explanations
  • Proprietary models with known frameworks (OWASP)
  • Auto PR fixes

Here's a brief comparison on how Typo differentiates from other code review tools

The Hu͏man Element: Com͏bining͏ ͏AI͏ and Human Exp͏ert͏ise

Wh͏ile AI ca͏n ͏s͏i͏gn͏ificantly͏ e͏nhance͏ the code ͏review proces͏s, i͏t͏'s essential͏ to maintain ͏a balance betw͏een AI ͏and human expert͏is͏e. AI ͏is not ͏a repla͏ce͏me͏nt for h͏uman intuition, cr͏eativity, or judgmen͏t but rather ͏a ͏s͏upportive t͏ool that augme͏nts and ͏emp͏ower͏s ͏developers.

By ͏using AI to ͏handle͏ re͏peti͏tive͏ tasks a͏nd prov͏ide real-͏time f͏eedba͏ck, develope͏rs can͏ foc͏us on higher-lev͏el is͏su͏es ͏that re͏quire ͏h͏uman problem-solving ͏skills. T͏h͏is ͏division of͏ l͏abor͏ allows teams ͏to w͏ork m͏ore efficient͏ly͏ and eff͏ectivel͏y while still͏ ͏ma͏in͏taining͏ the ͏h͏uma͏n touch that is cr͏uc͏ial͏ ͏for complex͏ ͏p͏roble͏m-solving and innov͏ation.

Over͏c͏oming E͏mot͏ional Barriers to AI In͏tegra͏tion

In͏troducing new t͏echn͏ol͏og͏ies͏ can so͏metimes be ͏met wit͏h r͏esist͏ance or fear. I͏t's ͏im͏porta͏nt ͏t͏o address these co͏ncerns head-on and hel͏p your͏ team understand t͏he͏ be͏nefits of AI integr͏ation.

Some common͏ fears—͏su͏ch as job͏ r͏eplacement or dis͏r͏u͏pt͏ion of esta͏blished workflows—͏shou͏ld be dire͏ctly addre͏ssed͏.͏ Reas͏sur͏e͏ your t͏ea͏m͏ that AI is ͏designed to r͏e͏duce workload and enh͏a͏nce͏ pro͏duc͏tiv͏ity, no͏t rep͏lace͏ human ex͏pertise.͏ Foster an͏ en͏vironment͏ that embr͏aces new t͏echnologie͏s while focusing on th͏e long-t͏erm be͏nefits of improved ͏eff͏icienc͏y, collabor͏ati͏on, ͏and j͏o͏b sat͏isfaction.

Elevate Your͏ Code͏ Quality: Em͏b͏race AI Solut͏ions͏

AI-d͏riven co͏d͏e revie͏w͏s o͏f͏fer a pr͏omising sol͏ution f͏or remote teams ͏lookin͏g͏ to maintain c͏ode quality, fo͏ster collabor͏ation, and enha͏nce productivity. ͏By emb͏ra͏cing͏ ͏AI tool͏s like Ty͏po, you can streamline ͏your code rev͏iew pro͏cess, reduce delays, and empower ͏your tea͏m to focus on writing gr͏ea͏t code.

Remem͏ber tha͏t ͏AI su͏pports and em͏powers your team—not replace͏ human expe͏rti͏se. Exp͏lore and experim͏ent͏ with A͏I͏ code review tools ͏in y͏o͏ur ͏teams, and ͏wa͏tch as your remote co͏lla͏borati͏on rea͏ches new͏ he͏i͏ghts o͏f effi͏cien͏cy and success͏.

How does Gen AI address Technical Debt?

The software development field is constantly evolving field. While this helps deliver the products and services quickly to the end-users, it also implies that developers might take shortcuts to deliver them on time. This not only reduces the quality of the software but also leads to increased technical debt.

But, with new trends and technologies, comes generative AI. It seems to be a promising solution in the software development industry which can ultimately, lead to high-quality code and decreased technical debt.

Let’s explore more about how generative AI can help manage technical debt!

Technical debt: An overview

Technical debt arises when development teams take shortcuts to develop projects. While this gives them short-term gains, it increases their workload in the long run.

In other words, developers prioritize quick solutions over effective solutions. The four main causes behind technical debt are:

  • Business causes: Prioritizing business needs and the company’s evolving conditions can put pressure on development teams to cut corners. It can result in preponing deadlines or reducing costs to achieve desired goals.
  • Development causes: As new technologies are evolving rapidly, It makes it difficult for teams to switch or upgrade them quickly. Especially when already dealing with the burden of bad code.
  • Human resources causes: Unintentional technical debt can occur when development teams lack the necessary skills or knowledge to implement best practices. It can result in more errors and insufficient solutions.
  • Resources causes: When teams don’t have time or sufficient resources, they take shortcuts by choosing the quickest solution. It can be due to budgetary constraints, insufficient processes and culture, deadlines, and so on.

Why generative AI for code management is important?

As per McKinsey’s study,

“… 10 to 20 percent of the technology budget dedicated to new products is diverted to resolving issues related to tech debt. More troubling still, CIOs estimated that tech debt amounts to 20 to 40 percent of the value of their entire technology estate before depreciation.”

But there’s a solution to it. Handling tech debt is possible and can have a significant impact:

“Some companies find that actively managing their tech debt frees up engineers to spend up to 50 percent more of their time on work that supports business goals. The CIO of a leading cloud provider told us, ‘By reinventing our debt management, we went from 75 percent of engineer time paying the [tech debt] ‘tax’ to 25 percent. It allowed us to be who we are today.”

There are many traditional ways to minimize technical debt which includes manual testing, refactoring, and code review. However, these manual tasks take a lot of time and effort. Due to the ever-evolving nature of the software industry, these are often overlooked and delayed.

Since generative AI tools are on the rise, they are considered to be the right way for code management which subsequently, lowers technical debt. These new tools have started reaching the market already. They are integrated into the software development environments, gather and process the data across the organization in real-time, and further, leveraged to lower tech debt.

Some of the key benefits of generative AI are:

  • Identify redundant code: Generative AI tools like Codeclone analyze code and suggest improvements. This further helps in improving code readability and maintainability and subsequently, minimizing technical debt.
  • Generates high-quality code: Automated code review tools such as Typo help in an efficient and effective code review process. They understand the context of the code and accurately fix issues which leads to high-quality code.  
  • Automate manual tasks: Tools like Github Copilot automate repetitive tasks and let the developers focus on high-quality tasks.
  • Optimal refactoring strategies: AI tools like Deepcode leverage machine learning models to understand code semantics, break it down into more manageable functions, and improve variable namings.

Case studies and real-life examples

Many industries have started adopting generative AI technologies already for tech debt management. These AI tools assist developers in improving code quality, streamlining SDLC processes, and cost savings.

Below are success stories of a few well-known organizations that have implemented these tools in their organizations:

Microsoft uses Diffblue cover for Automated Testing and Bug Detection

Microsoft is a global technology leader that implemented Diffblue cover for automated testing. Through this generative AI, Microsoft has experienced a considerable reduction in the number of bugs during the development process. It also ensures that the new features don’t compromise with existing functionality which positively impacts their code quality. This further helps in faster and more reliable releases and cost savings.

Google implements Codex for code documentation

Google is an internet search engine and technology giant that implemented OpenAI’s Codex for streamlining code documentation processes. Integrating this AI tool helped subsequently reduce the time and effort spent on manual documentation tasks. Due to the consistency across the entire codebase, It enhances code quality and allows developers to focus more on core tasks.

Facebook adopts CodeClone to identify redundancy

Facebook, a leading social media, has adopted a generative AI tool, CodeClone for identifying and eliminating redundant code across its extensive codebase. This resulted in decreased inconsistencies and a more streamlined and efficient codebase which further led to faster development cycles.

Pioneer Square Labs uses GPT-4 for higher-level planning

Pioneer Square Labs, a studio that launches technology startups, adopted GPT-4 to allow developers to focus on core tasks and let these AI tools handle mundane tasks. This further allows them to take care of high-level planning and assist in writing code. Hence, streamlining the development process.

How Typo leverage generative AI to reduce technical debt?

Typo’s automated code review tool enables developers to merge clean, secure, high-quality code, faster. It lets developers catch issues related to maintainability, readability, and potential bugs and can detect code smells.

Typo also auto-analyses your codebase pulls requests to find issues and auto-generates fixes before you merge to master. Its Auto-Fix feature leverages GPT 3.5 Pro trained on millions of open source data & exclusive anonymised private data as well to generate line-by-line code snippets where the issue is detected in the codebase.

As a result, Typo helps reduce technical debt by detecting and addressing issues early in the development process, preventing the introduction of new debt, and allowing developers to focus on high-quality tasks.

Issue detection by Typo

AI to reduce technical debt

Autofixing the codebase with an option to directly create a Pull Request

AI to reduce technical debt

Key features

Supports top 10+ languages

Typo supports a variety of programming languages, including popular ones like C++, JS, Python, and Ruby, ensuring ease of use for developers working across diverse projects.

Fix every code issue

Typo understands the context of your code and quickly finds and fixes any issues accurately. Hence, empowering developers to work on software projects seamlessly and efficiently.

Efficient code optimization

Typo uses optimized practices and built-in methods spanning multiple languages. Hence, reducing code complexity and ensuring thorough quality assurance throughout the development process.

Professional coding standards

Typo standardizes code and reduces the risk of a security breach.

Professional coding standards

Click here to know more about our Code Review tool

Can technical debt increase due to generative AI?

While generative AI can help reduce technical debt by analyzing code quality, removing redundant code, and automating the code review process, many engineering leaders believe technical debt can be increased too.

Bob Quillin, vFunction chief ecosystem officer stated “These new applications and capabilities will require many new MLOps processes and tools that could overwhelm any existing, already overloaded DevOps team,”

They aren’t wrong either!

Technical debt can be increased when the organizations aren’t properly documenting and training development teams in implementing generative AI the right way. When these AI tools are adopted hastily without considering any long-term implications, they can rather increase the workload of developers and increase technical debt.

Ethical guidelines

Establish ethical guidelines for the use of generative AI in organizations. Understand the potential ethical implications of using AI to generate code, such as the impact on job displacement, intellectual property rights, and biases in AI-generated output.

Diverse training data quality

Ensure the quality and diversity of training data used to train generative AI models. When training data is biased or incomplete, these AI tools can produce biased or incorrect output. Regularly review and update training data to improve the accuracy and reliability of AI-generated code.

Human oversight

Maintain human oversight throughout the generative AI process. While AI can generate code snippets and provide suggestions, the final decision should be upon the developers for final decision making, review, and validate the output to ensure correctness, security, and adherence to coding standards.

Most importantly, human intervention is a must when using these tools. After all, it’s their judgment, creativity, and domain knowledge that help to make the final decision. Generative AI is indeed helpful to reduce the manual tasks of the developers, however, they need to use it properly.


In a nutshell, generative artificial intelligence tools can help manage technical debt when used correctly. These tools help to identify redundancy in code, improve readability and maintainability, and generate high-quality code.

However, it is to be noted that these AI tools shouldn’t be used independently. These tools must work only as the developers’ assistants and they muse use them transparently and fairly.

Use of AI in the code review process

The code review process is one of the major reasons for developer burnout. This not only hinders the developer’s productivity but also negatively affects the software tasks. Unfortunately, it is a crucial aspect of software development that shouldn’t be compromised.

So, what is the alternative to manual code review? Let’s dive in further to know more about it:

The current State of Manual Code Review

Manual code reviews are crucial for the software development process. It can help identify bugs, mentor new developers, and promote a collaborative culture among team members. However, it comes with its own set of limitations.

Software development is a demanding job with lots of projects and processes. Code review when done manually, can take a lot of time and effort from developers. Especially, when reviewing an extensive codebase. It not only prevents them from working on other core tasks but also leads to fatigue and burnout, resulting in decreased productivity.

Since the reviewers have to read the source code line by line to identify issues and vulnerabilities, it can overwhelm them and they may miss out on some of the critical paths. This can result in human errors especially when the deadline is approaching. Hence, negatively impacting project efficiency and straining team resources.

In short, manual code review demands significant time, effort, and coordination from the development team.

This is when AI code review comes to the rescue. AI code review tools are becoming increasingly popular in today’s times. Let’s read more about AI code review and why is it important for developers:

What is AI Code Review?

AI code review is an automated process that examines and analyzes the code of software applications. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to identify patterns, detect potential problems, common programming mistakes, and potential security vulnerabilities. These AI code review tools are entirely based on data so they aren’t biased and can read vast amounts of code in seconds.

Why AI in the Code Review Process is Important?

Augmenting human efforts with AI code review has various benefits:

Enhance Overall Quality

Generative AI in code review tools can detect issues like potential bugs, security vulnerabilities, code smells, bottlenecks, and more. The human code review process usually overlooks these issues. Hence, helping in identifying patterns and recommending code improvements that can enhance efficiency and maintenance and reduce technical debt. This leads to robust and reliable software that meets the highest quality standards.

Improve Productivity

AI-powered tools can scan and analyze large volumes of code within minutes. It not only detects potential issues but also suggests improvements according to coding standards and practices. This allows the development team to catch errors early in the development cycle by providing immediate feedback. This saves time spent on manual inspections and rather, developers can focus on other intricate and imaginative parts of their work.

Better Compliance with Coding Standards

The automated code review process ensures that code conforms to coding standards and best practices. It allows code to be more readable, understandable, and maintainable. Hence, improving the code quality. Moreover, it enhances teamwork and collaboration among developers as all of them adhere to the same guidelines and consistency in the code review process.

Enhance Accuracy

The major disadvantage of manual code reviews is that they are prone to human errors and biases. It further increases other critical issues related to structural quality, architectural decisions or so which negatively impact the software application. Generative AI in code reviews can analyze code much faster and more consistently than humans. Hence, maintaining accuracy and reducing biases since they are entirely based on data.

Increase Scalability

When software projects grow in complexity and size, manual code reviews become increasingly time-consuming. It may also struggle to keep up with the scale of these codebases which further delay the code review process. As mentioned before, AI code review tools can handle large codebases in a fraction of a second and can help development teams maintain high standards of code quality and maintainability.  

How Typo Leverage Gen AI to Automate Code Reviews?

Typo’s automated code review tool not only enables developers to merge clean, secure, high-quality code, faster. It lets developers catch issues related to maintainability, readability, and potential bugs and can detect code smells. It auto-analyses your codebase and pulls requests to find issues and auto-generates fixes before you merge to master.

Typo’s Auto-Fix feature leverages GPT 3.5 Pro to generate line-by-line code snippets where the issue is detected in the codebase. This means less time reviewing and more time for important tasks. As a result, making the whole process faster and smoother.

Issue detection by Typo

Auto fixing the codebase with an option to directly create a Pull Request

Key Features

Supports Top 10+ Languages

Typo supports a variety of programming languages, including popular ones like C++, JS, Python, and Ruby, ensuring ease of use for developers working across diverse projects.

Fix Every Code Issue

Typo understands the context of your code and quickly finds and fixes any issues accurately. Hence, empowering developers to work on software projects seamlessly and efficiently.

Efficient Code Optimization

Typo uses optimized practices and built-in methods spanning multiple languages. Hence, reducing code complexity and ensuring thorough quality assurance throughout the development process.

Professional Coding Standards

Typo standardizes code and reduces the risk of a security breach.

Comparing Typo with Other AI Code Review Tools

There are other popular AI code review tools available in the market. Let’s compare how we stack against others:





Code analysis

AI analysis and static code analysis




Code context

Deep understanding




Proprietary models





Auto debugging

Automated debugging with detailed explanations




Auto pull request

Automated pull requests and fixes




AI vs. Humans: The Future of Code Reviews?

AI code review tools are becoming increasingly popular. One question that has been on everyone’s mind is whether these AI code review tools will take away developers’ jobs.

The answer is NO.

Generative AI in code reviews is designed to enhance and streamline the development process. It lets the developers automate the repetitive and time-consuming tasks and focus on other core aspects of software applications. Moreover, human judgment, creativity, and domain knowledge are crucial for software development that AI cannot fully replicate.

While these tools excel at certain tasks like analyzing codebase, identifying code patterns, and software testing, they still cannot fully understand complex business requirements, and user needs, or make subjective decisions.

As a result, the combination of AI code review tools and developers’ intervention is an effective approach to ensure high-quality code.


The tech industry is demanding. The software engineering team needs to stay ahead of the industry trends. New AI tools and technologies can help them complement their skills and expertise and make their task easier.

AI in the code review process offers remarkable benefits including reducing human error and consistent accuracy. But, make sure that they are here to assist you in your task, not your whole strategy or replace you.


How Generative AI Is Revolutionising Developer Productivity

Generative AI has become a transformative force in the tech world. And it isn’t going to stop anytime soon! It will continue to have a major impact, especially in the software development industry.Generative AI, when used in the right way, can help developers in saving their time and effort. It allows them to focus on core tasks and upskilling. It further helps streamline various stages of SDLC and improves Developer Productivity. In this article, let’s dive deeper into how generative AI can positively impact developer productivity.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a category of AI models and tools that are designed to create new content, images, videos, text, music, or code. It uses various techniques including neural networks and deep learning algorithms to generate new content.Generative artificial intelligence holds a great advantage for software developers in improving their productivity. It not only improves code quality and delivers better products and services but also allows them to stay ahead of their competitors.Below are a few benefits of Generative AI:

Increases Efficiency

With the help of Generative AI, developers can automate tasks that are either repetitive or don’t require much attention. This saves a lot of time and energy and allows developers to be more productive and efficient in their work. Hence, they can focus on more complex and critical aspects of the software without constantly stressing about other work.

Improves Quality

Generative AI can help in minimizing errors and address potential issues early. When they are set as per the coding standards, it can contribute to more effective coding reviews. This increases the code quality and decreases costly downtime and data loss.

Helps in Learning and Assisting with Work

Generative AI can assist developers by analyzing and generating examples of well-structured code, providing suggestions for refactoring, generating code snippets, and detecting blind spots. This further helps developers in upskilling and gaining knowledge about their tasks.

Cost Savings

Integrating generative AI tools can reduce costs. It enables developers to use existing codebases effectively and complete projects faster even with shorter teams. Generative AI can streamline the stages of the software development life cycle and get the most out of less budget.

Predict Analytics

Generative AI can help in detecting potential issues in the early stages by analyzing historical data. It can also make predictions about future trends. This allows developers to make informed decisions about their projects, streamline their workflow, and hence, deliver high-quality products and services.

How does Generative AI Help Software Developers?

Below are four key areas in which Generative AI can be a great asset to software developers:

It Eliminates Manual and Repetitive Tasks

Generative AI can take up the manual and routine tasks of software development teams. A few of them are test automation, completing coding statements, writing documentation, and so on. Developers can provide the prompt to Generative AI i.e. information regarding their code and documentation that adheres to the best practices. And it can generate the required content accordingly. It minimizes human errors and increases accuracy.This increases the creativity and problem-solving skills of developers. It further lets them focus more on solving complex business challenges and fast-track new software capabilities. Hence, it helps in faster delivery of products and services to end users.

It Helps Developers to Tackle New Challenges

When developers face any challenges or obstacles in their projects, they can turn to these AI tools to seek assistance. These AI tools can track performance, provide feedback, offer predictions, and find the optimal path to complete tasks. By providing the right and clear prompts, these tools can provide problem-specific recommendations and proven solutions.This prevents developers from being stressed out with certain tasks. Rather, they can use their time and energy for other important tasks or can take breaks.It increases their productivity and performance. Hence, improves the overall developer experience.

It Helps in Creating the First Draft of the Code

With the help of generative artificial intelligence, developers can get helpful code suggestions and generate initial drafts. It can be done by entering the prompt in a separate window or within the IDE that helps in developing the software.This prevents developers from entering into a slump and getting in the flow sooner. Besides this, these AI tools can also assist in root cause analysis and generate new system designs. Hence, it allows developers to reflect on code at a higher and more abstract level and focus more on what they want to build.

It Helps in Making Changes to Existing Code Faster

Generative AI can accelerate updates to existing code faster. Developers simply have to provide the criteria for the same and the AI tool can proceed further. It usually includes those tasks that get sidelined due to workload and lack of time. For example, Refactoring existing code further helps in making small changes and improving code readability and performance.As a result, developers can focus on high-level design and critical decision-making without worrying much about existing tasks.

How does Generative AI Improve Developer Productivity?

Below are a few ways in which Generative AI can have a positive impact on developer productivity:

Focus on Meaningful Tasks

As Generative AI tools take up tedious and repetitive tasks, they allow developers to give their time and energy to meaningful activities. This avoids distractions and prevents them from stress and burnout. Hence, it increases their productivity and positively impacts the overall developer experience.

Assist in their Learning Graph

Generative AI lets developers be less dependent on their seniors and co-workers. Since they can gain practical insights and examples from these AI tools. It allows them to enter their flow state faster and reduces their stress level.

Assist in Pair Programming

Through Generative AI, developers can collaborate with other developers easily. These AI tools help in providing intelligent suggestions and feedback during coding sessions. This stimulates discussion between them and leads to better and more creative solutions.

Increase the Pace of Software Development

Generative AI helps in the continuous delivery of products and services and drives business strategy. It addresses potential issues in the early stages and provides suggestions for improvements. Hence, it not only accelerates the phases of SDLC but improves overall quality as well.

5 top Generative AI Tools for Software Developers


Typo auto-analyzes your code and pull requests to find issues and suggests auto-fixes before getting merged.

Use Case

The code review process is time-consuming. Typo enables developers to find issues as soon as PR is raised and shows alerts within the git account. It gives you a detailed summary of security, vulnerability, and performance issues. To streamline the whole process, it suggests auto-fixes and best practices to move things faster and better.

Github Copilot

Github Copilot is an AI pair programmer that provides autocomplete style suggestions to your code.

Use Case

Coding is an integral part of your software development project. However, when done manually, takes a lot of effort. Github Copilot picks suggestions from your current or related code files and lets you test and select your code to perform different actions. It also ensures that vulnerable coding patterns are filtered out and blocks problematic public code suggestions.


Tabnine is an AI-powered code completion tool that uses deep learning to suggest code as you type.

Use Case

Writing code can prevent you from focusing on other core activities. Tabnine can provide accurate suggestions over time as per your coding habits and personalize code too. It also includes programming languages such as Javascript and Python and integrates them with popular IDEs for speedy setup and reduced context switching.


ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI to understand prompts and generate human-like texts.

Use Case

Developers need to brainstorm ideas and get feedback on their projects. This is when ChatGPT comes to their rescue. This AI tool helps in finding answers to their coding, technical documentation, programming concepts and much more quickly. It uses natural language to understand questions and provide relevant suggestions.


Mintlify is an AI-powered documentation writer that allows developers to quickly and accurately generate code documentation.

Use Case

Code documentation can be a tedious process. Mintlify can analyze code, quickly understand complicated functions, and include built-in analytics to help developers understand how users engage with the documentation. It also has a Mintlify chat that reads documents and answers user questions instantly.

How to Mitigate Risks Associated with Generative AI?

No matter how effective Generative AI is becoming nowadays, it also comes with a lot of defects and errors. They are not always correct hence, human review is important after giving certain tasks to AI tools.Below are a few ways you can reduce risks related to Generative AI:

Implement Quality Control Practices

Develop guidelines and policies to address ethical challenges such as fairness, privacy, transparency, and accuracy of software development projects. Make sure to monitor a system that tracks model accuracy, performance metrics, and potential biases.

Provide Generative AI Training

Offer mentorship and training regarding Generative AI. This will increase AI literacy across departments and mitigate the risk. Help them know how to effectively utilize these tools and know their capabilities and limitations.

Understand AI is an Assistant, Not a Replacement

Make your developers understand that these generative tools should be viewed as assistants only. Encourage collaboration between these tools and human operators to leverage the strength of AI.


In a nutshell, Generative AI stands as a game-changer in the software development industry. When they are harnessed effectively, they can bring a multitude of benefits to the table. However, ensure that your developers approach the integration of Generative AI with caution.

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