
SPACE Framework

SPACE Framework: Strategies for Maximum Efficiency in Developer Productivity

What if we told you that writing more code could be making you less productive? 

While equating productivity with output is tempting, developer efficiency is far more complex. The real challenge often lies in processes, collaboration, and well-being. Without addressing these, inefficiencies and burnout will inevitably follow.

You may spend hours coding, only to feel your work isn’t making an impact—projects get delayed, bug fixes drag on, and constant context switching drains your focus. The key isn’t to work harder but smarter by solving the root causes of these issues.

The SPACE framework addresses this by focusing on five dimensions: Satisfaction, Performance, Activity, Communication, and Efficiency. It helps teams improve how much they do and how effectively they work, reducing workflow friction, improving collaboration, and supporting well-being to boost long-term productivity.

Understanding the SPACE Framework

The space framework addresses five key dimensions of developer productivity: satisfaction and well-being, performance, activity, collaboration and communication, and efficiency and flow. Together, these dimensions provide a comprehensive view of how developers work and where improvements can be made, beyond just measuring output.

By taking these factors into account, teams can better support developers, helping them not only produce better work but also maintain their motivation and well-being. Let’s take a closer look at each part of the framework and how it can help your team achieve a balance between productivity and a healthy work environment.

Common Developer Challenges that SPACE Addresses

In fast-paced, tech-driven environments, developers face several roadblocks to productivity:

  • Constant interruptions: Developers often deal with frequent context switching, from bug fixes to feature development to emergency support, making it hard to stay focused.
  • Cross-team collaboration: Working with multiple teams, such as DevOps, QA, and product management, can lead to miscommunication and misaligned priorities.
  • Lack of real-time feedback: Without timely feedback, developers may unknowingly veer off course or miss performance issues until much later in the development cycle.
  • Technical debt: Legacy systems and inconsistent coding practices create overhead and slow down development cycles, making it harder to move quickly on new features.

The space framework helps identify and address these challenges by focusing on improving both the technical processes and the developer experience.

How SPACE can help: A Deep Dive into Each Dimension

Let’s explore how each aspect of the space framework can directly impact technical teams:

Satisfaction and well-being

Developers are more productive when they feel engaged and valued. It's important to create an environment where developers are recognized for their contributions and have a healthy work-life balance. This can include feedback mechanisms, peer recognition, or even mental health initiatives. Automated tools that reduce repetitive tasks can also contribute to overall well-being.


Measuring performance should go beyond tracking the number of commits or pull requests. It’s about understanding the impact of the work being done. High-performing teams focus on delivering high-quality code and minimizing technical debt. Integrating automated testing and static code analysis tools into your CI/CD pipeline ensures code quality is maintained without manual intervention.


Focusing on meaningful developer activity, such as code reviews, tests written, and pull requests merged, helps align efforts with goals. Tools that track and visualize developer activities provide insight into how time is spent. For example, tracking code review completion times or how often changes are being pushed can reveal bottlenecks or opportunities for improving workflows.

Collaboration and communication

Effective communication across teams reduces friction in the development process. By integrating communication tools directly into the workflow, such as through Git or CI/CD notifications, teams can stay aligned on project goals. Automating feedback loops within the development process, such as notifications when builds succeed or fail, helps teams respond faster to issues.

Efficiency and flow

Developers enter a “flow state” when they can work on a task without distractions. One way to foster this is by reducing manual tasks and interruptions. Implementing CI/CD tools that automate repetitive tasks—like build testing or deployments—frees up developers to focus on writing code. It’s also important to create dedicated time blocks where developers can work without interruptions, helping them enter and maintain that flow.

Practical Strategies for Applying the SPACE Framework

To make the space framework actionable, here are some practical strategies your team can implement:

Automate repetitive tasks to enhance focus

A large portion of developer time is spent on tasks that can easily be automated, such as code formatting, linting, and testing. By introducing tools that handle these tasks automatically, developers can focus on the more meaningful aspects of their work, like writing new features or fixing bugs. This is where tools like Typo can make a difference. Typo integrates seamlessly into your development process, ensuring that code adheres to best practices by automating code quality checks and providing real-time feedback. Automating these reviews reduces the time developers spend on manual reviews and ensures consistency across the codebase.

Track meaningful metrics

Instead of focusing on superficial metrics like lines of code written or hours logged, focus on tracking activities that lead to tangible progress. Typo, for example, helps track key metrics like the number of pull requests merged, the percentage of code coverage, or the speed at which developers address code reviews. These insights give team leads a clearer picture of where bottlenecks are occurring and help teams prioritize tasks that move the project forward.

Improve communication and collaboration through integrated tools

Miscommunication between developers, product managers, and QA teams can cause delays and frustration. Integrating feedback systems that provide automatic notifications when tests fail or builds succeed can significantly improve collaboration. Typo plays a role here by streamlining communication between teams. By automatically reporting code review statuses or deployment readiness, Typo ensures that everyone stays informed without the need for constant manual updates or status meetings.

Protect flow time and eliminate disruptions

Protecting developer flow is essential to maintaining efficiency. Schedule dedicated “flow” periods where meetings are minimized, and developers can focus solely on their tasks. Typo enhances this by minimizing the need for developers to leave their coding environment to check on build statuses or review feedback. With automated reports, developers can stay updated without disrupting their focus. This helps ensure that developers can spend more time in their flow state and less time on administrative tasks.

Identify bottlenecks in your workflow

Using metrics from tools like Typo, you can gain visibility into where delays are happening in your development process—whether it's slow code review cycles, inefficient testing processes, or unclear requirements. With this insight, you can make targeted improvements, such as adjusting team structures, automating manual testing processes, or dedicating more resources to code reviews to ensure smoother project progression.

How Typo supports the SPACE framework

By using Typo as part of your workflow, you can naturally align with many of the principles of the space framework:

  • Automated code quality: Typo ensures code quality through automated reviews and real-time feedback, reducing the manual effort required during code review processes.
  • Tracking developer metrics: Typo tracks key activities that are directly related to developer efficiency, helping teams stay on track with performance goals.
  • Seamless communication: With automatic notifications and updates, Typo ensures that developers and other team members stay in sync without manual reporting, which helps maintain flow and improve collaboration.
  • Supporting flow: Typo’s integrations provide updates within the development environment, reducing the need for developers to context switch between tasks.

Bringing it all together: Maximizing Developer Productivity with SPACE

The space framework offers a well-rounded approach to improving developer productivity and well-being. By focusing on automating repetitive tasks, improving collaboration, and fostering uninterrupted flow time, your team can achieve more without sacrificing quality or developer satisfaction. Tools like Typo naturally fit into this process, helping teams streamline workflows, enhance communication, and maintain high code quality.

If you’re looking to implement the space framework, start by automating repetitive tasks and protecting your developers' flow time. Gradually introduce improvements in collaboration and tracking meaningful activity. Over time, you’ll notice improvements in both productivity and the overall well-being of your development team.

What challenges are you facing in your development workflow? 

Share your experiences and let us know how tools like Typo could help your team implement the space framework to improve productivity and collaboration!

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measuring developer productivity

Measuring and Improving Developer Productivity

Developer productivity is the new buzzword across the industry. Suddenly, measuring developer productivity has started going mainstream after the remote work culture, and companies like McKinsey are publishing articles titled - ”Yes, you can measure software developer productivity” causing a stir in the software development community, So we thought we should share our take on- Developer Productivity.

We will be covering the following Whats, Whys & Hows about Developer Productivity in this piece-

  • What is developer productivity?
  • Why do we need to measure developer productivity?
  • How do we measure it at the Team and individual level? & Why is it more complicated to measure developer productivity than Sales or Hiring productivity?
  • Challenges & Dangers of measuring developer productivity & What not to measure.
  • What is the impact of measuring developer productivity on engineering culture?

What is Developer Productivity?

Developer productivity refers to the effectiveness and efficiency with which software developers create high-quality software that meets business goals. It encompasses various dimensions, including code quality, development speed, team collaboration, and adherence to best practices. For engineering managers and leaders, understanding developer productivity is essential for driving continuous improvement and achieving successful project outcomes.

Key Aspects of Developer Productivity

Quality of Output: Developer productivity is not just about the quantity of code or code changes produced; it also involves the quality of that code. High-quality code is maintainable, readable, and free of significant bugs, which ultimately contributes to the overall success of a project.

Development Speed: This aspect measures how quickly developers (usually referred as developer velocity) can deliver features, fixes, and updates. While developer velocity is important, it should not come at the expense of code quality. Effective engineering teams strike a balance between delivering quickly and maintaining high standards.

Collaboration and Team Dynamics: Successful software development relies heavily on effective teamwork. Collaboration tools and practices that foster communication and knowledge sharing can significantly enhance developer productivity. Engineering managers should prioritize creating a collaborative environment that encourages teamwork.

Adherence to Best Practices for Outcomes: Following coding standards, conducting code review, and implementing testing protocols are essential for maintaining development productivity. These practices ensure that developers produce high-quality work consistently, which can lead to improved project outcomes.

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Why do we need to measure dev productivity?

We all know that no love to be measured but the CEOs & CFOs have an undying love for measuring the ROI of their teams, which we can't ignore. The more the development productivity, the more the RoI. However, measuring developer productivity is essential for engineering managers and leaders too who want to optimize their teams' performance- We can't improve something that we don't measure.

Understanding how effectively developers work can lead to improved project outcomes, better resource allocation, and enhanced team morale. In this section, we will explore the key reasons why measuring developer productivity is crucial for engineering management.

Enhancing Team Performance

Measuring developer productivity allows engineering managers to identify strengths and weaknesses within their teams. By analyzing developer productivity metrics, leaders can pinpoint areas where new developer excel and where they may need additional support or resources. This insight enables managers to tailor training programs, allocate tasks more effectively, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

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Driving Business Outcomes

Developer productivity is directly linked to business success. By measuring development team productivity, managers can assess how effectively their teams deliver features, fix bugs, and contribute to overall project goals. Understanding productivity levels helps align development efforts with business objectives, ensuring that the team is focused on delivering value that meets customer needs.

Improving Resource Allocation

Effective measurement of developer productivity enables better resource allocation. By understanding how much time and effort are required for various tasks, managers can make informed decisions about staffing, project timelines, and budget allocation. This ensures that resources are utilized efficiently, minimizing waste and maximizing output.

Fostering a Positive Work Environment

Measuring developer productivity can also contribute to a positive work environment. By recognizing high-performing teams and individuals, managers can boost morale and motivation. Additionally, understanding productivity trends can help identify burnout or dissatisfaction, allowing leaders to address issues proactively and create a healthier workplace culture.

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Facilitating Data-Driven Decisions

In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, data-driven decision-making is essential. Measuring developer productivity provides concrete data that can inform strategic decisions. Whether it's choosing new tools, adopting agile methodologies, or implementing process changes, having reliable developer productivity metrics allows managers to make informed choices that enhance team performance.

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Encouraging Collaboration and Communication

Regularly measuring productivity can highlight the importance of collaboration and communication within teams. By assessing metrics related to teamwork, such as code reviews and pair programming sessions, managers can encourage practices that foster collaboration. This not only improves productivity but overall developer experience by strengthening team dynamics and knowledge sharing.

Ultimately, understanding developer experience and measuring developer productivity leads to better outcomes for both the team and the organization as a whole.

How do we measure Developer Productivity?

Measuring developer productivity is essential for engineering managers and leaders who want to optimize their teams' performance.

Strategies for Measuring Productivity

Focus on Outcomes, Not Outputs: Shift the emphasis from measuring outputs like lines of code to focusing on outcomes that align with business objectives. This encourages developers to think more strategically about the impact of their work.

Measure at the Team Level: Assess productivity at the team level rather than at the individual level. This fosters team collaboration, knowledge sharing, and a focus on collective goals rather than individual competition.

Incorporate Qualitative Feedback: Balance quantitative metrics with qualitative feedback from developers through surveys, interviews, and regular check-ins. This provides valuable context and helps identify areas for improvement.

Encourage Continuous Improvement: Position productivity measurement as a tool for continuous improvement rather than a means of evaluation. Encourage developers to use metrics to identify areas for growth and work together to optimize workflows and development processes.

Lead by Example: As engineering managers and leaders, model the behavior you want to see in your team & team members. Prioritize work-life balance, encourage risk-taking and innovation, and create an environment where developers feel supported and empowered.

Measuring Dev productivity involves assessing both team and individual contributions to understand how effectively developers are delivering value through their development processes. Here’s how to approach measuring productivity at both levels:

Team-Level Developer Productivity

Measuring productivity at the team level provides a more comprehensive view of how collaborative efforts contribute to project success. Here are some effective metrics:

DORA Metrics

The DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics are widely recognized for evaluating team performance. Key metrics include:

  • Deployment Frequency: How often the software engineering team releases code to production.
  • Lead Time for Changes: The time taken for committed code to reach production.
  • Change Failure Rate: The percentage of deployments that result in failures.
  • Time to Restore Service: The time taken to recover from a failure.

Issue Cycle Time

This metric measures the time taken from the start of work on a task to its completion, providing insights into the efficiency of the software development process.

Team Satisfaction and Engagement

Surveys and feedback mechanisms can gauge team morale and satisfaction, which are critical for long-term productivity.

Collaboration Metrics

Assessing the frequency and quality of code reviews, pair programming sessions, and communication can provide insights into how well the software engineering team collaborates.

Individual Developer Productivity

While team-level metrics are crucial, individual developer productivity also matters, particularly for performance evaluations and personal development. Here are some metrics to consider:

  • Pull Requests and Code Reviews: Tracking the number of pull requests submitted and the quality of code reviews can provide insights into an individual developer's engagement and effectiveness.
  • Commit Frequency: Measuring how often a developer commits code can indicate their active participation in projects, though it should be interpreted with caution to avoid incentivizing quantity over quality.
  • Personal Goals and Outcomes: Setting individual objectives related to project deliverables and tracking their completion can help assess individual productivity in a meaningful way.
  • Skill Development: Encouraging developers to pursue training and certifications can enhance their skills, contributing to overall productivity.

Measuring developer productivity metrics presents unique challenges compared to more straightforward metrics used in sales or hiring. Here are some reasons why:

  • Complexity of Work: Software development involves intricate problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration, making it difficult to quantify contributions accurately. Unlike sales, where metrics like revenue generated are clear-cut, developer productivity encompasses various qualitative aspects that are harder to measure for project management.
  • Collaborative Nature: Development work is highly collaborative. Team members often intertwine with team efforts, making it challenging to isolate the impact of one developer's work. In sales, individual performance is typically more straightforward to assess based on personal sales figures.
  • Inadequate Traditional Metrics: Traditional metrics such as Lines of Code (LOC) and commit frequency often fail to capture the true essence of developer productivity of a pragmatic engineer. These metrics can incentivize quantity over quality, leading developers to produce more code without necessarily improving the software's functionality or maintainability. This focus on superficial metrics can distort the understanding of a developer's actual contributions.
  • Varied Work Activities: Developers engage in various activities beyond coding, including debugging, code reviews, and meetings. These essential tasks are often overlooked in productivity measurements, whereas sales roles typically have more consistent and quantifiable activities.
  • Productivity Tools and Software development Process: The developer productivity tools and methodologies used in software development are constantly changing, making it difficult to establish consistent metrics. In contrast, sales processes tend to be more stable, allowing for easier benchmarking and comparison.

By employing a balanced approach that considers both quantitative and qualitative factors, with a few developer productivity tools, engineering leaders can gain valuable insights into their teams' productivity and foster an environment of continuous improvement & better developer experience.

Challenges of measuring Developer Productivity - What not to Measure?

Measuring developer productivity is a critical task for engineering managers and leaders, yet it comes with its own set of challenges and potential pitfalls. Understanding these challenges is essential to avoid the dangers of misinterpretation and to ensure that developer productivity metrics genuinely reflect the contributions of developers. In this section, we will explore the challenges of measuring developer productivity and highlight what not to measure.

Challenges of Measuring Developer Productivity

  • Complexity of Software Development: Software development is inherently complex, involving creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration. Unlike more straightforward fields like sales, where performance can be quantified through clear metrics (e.g., sales volume), developer productivity is multifaceted and includes various non-tangible elements. This complexity makes it difficult to establish a one-size-fits-all metric.
  • Inadequate Traditional Metrics: Traditional metrics such as Lines of Code (LOC) and commit frequency often fail to capture the true essence of developer productivity. These metrics can incentivize quantity over quality, leading developers to produce more code without necessarily improving the software's functionality or maintainability. This focus on superficial metrics can distort the understanding of a developer's actual contributions.
  • Team Dynamics and Collaboration: Measuring individual productivity can overlook the collaborative nature of software development. Developers often work in teams where their contributions are interdependent. Focusing solely on individual metrics may ignore the synergistic effects of collaboration, mentorship, and knowledge sharing, which are crucial for a team's overall success.
  • Context Ignorance: Developer productivity metrics often fail to consider the context in which developers work. Factors such as project complexity, team dynamics, and external dependencies can significantly impact productivity but are often overlooked in traditional assessments. This lack of context can lead to misleading conclusions about a developer's performance.
  • Potential for Misguided Incentives: Relying heavily on specific metrics can create perverse incentives. For example, if developers are rewarded based on the number of commits, they may prioritize frequent small commits over meaningful contributions. This can lead to a culture of "gaming the system" rather than fostering genuine productivity and innovation.

What Not to Measure

  • Lines of Code (LOC): While LOC can provide some insight into coding activity, it is not a reliable measure of productivity. More code does not necessarily equate to better software. Instead, focus on the quality and impact of the code produced.
  • Commit Frequency: Tracking how often developers commit code can give a false sense of productivity. Frequent commits do not always indicate meaningful progress and can encourage developers to break down their work into smaller, less significant pieces.
  • Bug Counts: Focusing on the number of bugs reported or fixed can create a negative environment where developers feel pressured to avoid complex tasks that may introduce bugs. This can stifle innovation and lead to a culture of risk aversion.
  • Time Spent on Tasks: Measuring how long developers spend on specific tasks can be misleading. Developers may take longer on complex problems that require deep thinking and creativity, which are essential for high-quality software development.

Measuring developer productivity is fraught with challenges and dangers that engineering managers must navigate carefully. By understanding these complexities and avoiding outdated or superficial metrics, leaders can foster a more accurate and supportive environment for their development team productivity.

What is the impact of measuring Dev productivity on engineering culture?

Developer productivity improvements are a critical factor in the success of software development projects. As engineering managers or technology leaders, measuring and optimizing developer productivity is essential for driving development team productivity and delivering successful outcomes. However, measuring development productivity can have a significant impact on engineering culture & software engineering talent, which must be carefully navigated. Let's talk about measuring developer productivity while maintaining a healthy and productive engineering culture.

Measuring developer productivity presents unique challenges compared to other fields. The complexity of software development, inadequate traditional metrics, team dynamics, and lack of context can all lead to misguided incentives and decreased morale. It's crucial for engineering managers to understand these challenges to avoid the pitfalls of misinterpretation and ensure that developer productivity metrics genuinely reflect the contributions of developers.

Remember, the goal is not to maximize metrics but to create a development environment where software engineers can thrive and deliver maximum value to the organization.

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Optimizing Code Reviews to Boost Developer Productivity

Code review is all about improving the code quality. However, it can be a nightmare for developers when not done correctly. They may experience several code review challenges and slow down the entire development process. This further reduces their morale and efficiency and results in developer burnout.

Hence, optimizing the code review process is crucial for both code reviewers and developers. In this blog post, we have shared a few tips on optimizing code reviews to boost developer productivity.

Importance of Code Reviews

The Code review process is an essential stage in the software development life cycle. It has been a defining principle in agile methodologies. It ensures high-quality code and identifies potential issues or bugs before they are deployed into production.

Another notable benefit of code reviews is that it helps to maintain a continuous integration and delivery pipeline to ensure code changes are aligned with project requirements. It also ensures that the product meets the quality standards, contributing to the overall success of sprint or iteration.

With a consistent code review process, the development team can limit the risks of unnoticed mistakes and prevent a significant amount of tech debt.

They also make sure that the code meets the set acceptance criteria, and functional specifications and whether the code base follows consistent coding styles across the codebase.

Lastly, it provides an opportunity for developers to learn from each other and improve their coding skills which further helps in fostering continuous growth and helps raise the overall code quality.

How do Ineffective Code Reviews Decrease Developer Productivity?

Unclear Standards and Inconsistencies

When the code reviews lack clear guidelines or consistent criteria for evaluation, the developers may feel uncertain of what is expected from their end. This leads to ambiguity due to varied interpretations of code quality and style. It also takes a lot of their time to fix issues on different reviewers’ subjective opinions. This leads to frustration and decreased morale among developers.

Increase in Bottlenecks and Delays

When developers wait for feedback for an extended period, it prevents them from progressing. This slows down the entire software development lifecycle, resulting in missed deadlines and decreased morale. Hence, negatively affecting the deployment timeline, customer satisfaction, and overall business outcomes.

Low Quality and Delayed Feedback

When reviewers communicate vague, unclear, and delayed feedback, they usually miss out on critical information. This leads to context-switching for developers which makes them lose focus on their current tasks. Moreover, they need to refamiliarize themselves with the code when the review is completed. Hence, resulting in developers losing their productivity.

Increase Cognitive Load

Frequent switching between writing and reviewing code requires a lot of mental effort. This makes it harder for developers to be focused and productive. Poorly structured, conflicting, or unclear feedback also confuses developers on which of them to prioritize first and understand the rationale behind suggested changes. This slows down the progress, leading to decision fatigue and reducing the quality of work.

Knowledge Gaps and Lack of Context

Knowledge gaps usually arise when reviewers lack the necessary domain knowledge or context about specific parts of the codebase. This results in a lack of context which further misguides developers who may overlook important issues. They may also need extra time to justify their decision and educate reviewers.

How to Optimize Code Review Process to Improve Developer Productivity?

Set Clear Goals and Standards

Establish clear objectives, coding standards, and expectations for code reviews. Communicate in advance with developers such as how long reviews should take and who will review the code. This allows both reviewers and developers to focus their efforts on relevant issues and prevent their time being wasted on insignificant matters.

Use a Code Review Checklist

Code review checklists include a predetermined set of questions and rules that the team will follow during the code review process. A few of the necessary quality checks include:

  • Readability and maintainability: This is the first criterion and cannot be overstated enough.
  • Uniform formatting: Whether the code with consistent indentation, spacing, and naming convention easy to understand?
  • Testing and quality assurance: Whether it have meticulous testing and quality assurance processes?
  • Boundary testing: Are we exploring extreme scenarios and boundary conditions to identify hidden problems?
  • Security and performance: Are we ensuring security and performance in our source code?
  • Architectural integrity: Whether the code is scalable, sustainable, and has a solid architectural design?

Prioritize High-Impact Issues

The issues must be prioritized based on their severity and impact. Not every issue in the code review process is equally important. Take up those issues first which affect system performance, security, or major features. Review them more thoroughly rather than the ones that have smaller and less impactful changes. It helps in allocating time and resources effectively.

Encourage Constructive Feedback

Always share specific, honest, and actionable feedback with the developers. The feedback must point in the right direction and must explain the ‘why’ behind it. It will reduce follow-ups and give necessary context to the developers. This also helps the engineering team to improve their skills and produce better code which further results in a high-quality codebase.

Automate Wherever Possible

Use automation tools such as style check, syntax check, and static code analysis tools to speed up the review process. This allows for routine checks for style, syntax errors, potential bugs, and performance issues and reduces the manual effort needed on such tasks. Automation allows developers to focus on more complex issues and allocate time more effectively.

Keep Reviews Small and Focused

Break down code into smaller, manageable chunks. This will be less overwhelming and time-consuming. The code reviewers can concentrate on details, adhere to the style guide and coding standards, and identify potential bugs. This will allow them to provide meaningful feedback more effectively. This helps in a deeper understanding of the code’s impact on the overall project.

Recognize and Reward Good Work

Acknowledge and celebrate developers who consistently produce high-quality code. This enables developers to feel valued for their contributions, leading to increased engagement, job satisfaction, and a sense of ownership in the project’s success. They are also more likely to continue producing high-quality code and actively participate in the review process.

Encourage Pair Programming or Pre-Review

Encourage pair programming or pre-review sessions to by enabling real-time feedback, reducing review time, and improving code quality. This fosters collaboration, enhances knowledge sharing, and helps catch issues early. Hence, leading to smoother and more effective reviews. It also promotes team bonding, streamlines communication, and cultivates a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Use a Software Engineering Analytics Platform

Using an Engineering analytics platform in an organization is a powerful way to optimize the code review process and improve developer productivity. It provides comprehensive insights into the code quality, technical debt, and bug frequency which allow teams to proactively identify bottlenecks and address issues in real time before they escalate. It also allow teams to monitor their practices continuously and make adjustments as needed.

Typo — Automated Code Review Tool

Typo’s automated code review tool identifies issues in your code and auto-fixes them before you merge to master. This means less time reviewing and more time for important tasks. It keeps your code error-free, making the whole process faster and smoother.

Key Features

  • Supports top 8 languages including C++ and C#.
  • Understands the context of the code and fixes issues accurately.
  • Optimizes code efficiently.
  • Provides automated debugging with detailed explanations.
  • Standardizes code and reduces the risk of a security breach

Learn More About Typo


If you prioritize the code review process, follow the above-mentioned tips. It will help in maximizing code quality, improve developer productivity, and streamline the development process.

Happy reviewing!

Mastering Developer Productivity with the SPACE Framework

In the crazy world of software development, getting developers to be productive is like finding the Holy Grail for tech companies. When developers hit their stride, turning out valuable work at breakneck speed, it’s a win for everyone. But let’s be honest—traditional productivity metrics, like counting lines of code or tracking hours spent fixing bugs, are about as helpful as a screen door on a submarine.

Say hello to the SPACE framework: your new go-to for cracking the code on developer productivity. This approach doesn’t just dip a toe in the water—it dives in headfirst to give you a clear, comprehensive view of how your team is doing. With the SPACE framework, you’ll ensure your developers aren’t just busy—they’re busy being awesome and delivering top-quality work on the dot. So buckle up, because we’re about to take your team’s productivity to the next level!

Introduction to the SPACE Framework

The SPACE framework is a modern approach to measuring developer productivity, introduced in a 2021 paper by experts from GitHub and Microsoft Research. This framework goes beyond traditional metrics to provide a more accurate and holistic view of productivity.

Nicole Forsgren, the lead author, emphasizes that measuring productivity by lines of code or speed can be misleading. The SPACE framework integrates several key metrics to give a complete picture of developer productivity.

Detailed Breakdown of SPACE Metrics

The five SPACE framework dimensions are:

Satisfaction and Well-being

When developers are happy and healthy, they tend to be more productive. If they enjoy their work and maintain a good work-life balance, they're more likely to produce high-quality results. On the other hand, dissatisfaction and burnout can severely hinder productivity. For example, a study by Haystack Analytics found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, 81% of software developers experienced burnout, which significantly impacted their productivity. The SPACE framework encourages regular surveys to gauge developer satisfaction and well-being, helping you address any issues promptly.


Traditional metrics often measure performance by the number of features added or bugs fixed. However, this approach can be problematic. According to the SPACE framework, performance should be evaluated based on outcomes rather than output. This means assessing whether the code reliably meets its intended purpose, the time taken to complete tasks, customer satisfaction, and code reliability.


Activity metrics are commonly used to gauge developer productivity because they are easy to quantify. However, they only provide a limited view. Developer Activity is the count of actions or outputs completed over time, such as coding new features or conducting code reviews. While useful, activity metrics alone cannot capture the full scope of productivity.

Nicole Forsgren points out that factors like overtime, inconsistent hours, and support systems also affect activity metrics. Therefore, it's essential to consider routine tasks like meetings, issue resolution, and brainstorming sessions when measuring activity.

Collaboration and Communication

Effective communication and collaboration are crucial for any development team's success. Poor communication can lead to project failures, as highlighted by 86% of employees in a study who cited ineffective communication as a major reason for business failures. The SPACE framework suggests measuring collaboration through metrics like the discoverability of documentation, integration speed, quality of work reviews, and network connections within the team.

Efficiency and Flow

Flow is a state of deep focus where developers can achieve high levels of productivity. Interruptions and distractions can break this flow, making it challenging to return to the task at hand. The SPACE framework recommends tracking metrics such as the frequency and timing of interruptions, the time spent in various workflow stages, and the ease with which developers maintain their flow.

Benefits of the SPACE Framework

The SPACE framework offers several advantages over traditional productivity metrics. By considering multiple dimensions, it provides a more nuanced view of developer productivity. This comprehensive approach helps avoid the pitfalls of single metrics, such as focusing solely on lines of code or closed tickets, which can lead to gaming the system.

Moreover, the SPACE framework allows you to measure both the quantity and quality of work, ensuring that developers deliver high-quality software efficiently. This integrated view helps organizations make informed decisions about team productivity and optimize their workflows for better outcomes.

Implementing the SPACE Framework in Your Organization

Implementing the SPACE productivity framework effectively requires careful planning and execution. Below is a comprehensive plan and roadmap to guide you through the process. This detailed guide will help you tailor the SPACE framework to your organization's unique needs and ensure a smooth transition to this advanced productivity measurement approach.

Step 1: Understanding Your Current State

Objective: Establish a baseline by understanding your current productivity measurement practices and developer workflow.

  1. Conduct a Productivity Audit
    • Review existing metrics and tools like Typo used for tracking productivity. 
    • Identify gaps and limitations in current measurement methods.
    • Gather feedback from developers and managers on existing practices.
  2. Analyze Team Dynamics and Workflow
    • Map out your development process, identifying key stages and tasks.
    • Observe how teams collaborate, communicate, and handle interruptions.
    • Assess the overall satisfaction and well-being of your developers.

Outcome: A comprehensive report detailing your current productivity measurement practices, team dynamics, and workflow processes.

Step 2: Setting Goals and Objectives

Objective: Define clear goals and objectives for implementing the SPACE framework.

  1. Identify Key Business Objectives
    • Align the goals of the SPACE framework with your company's strategic objectives.
    • Focus on improving areas such as time-to-market, code quality, customer satisfaction, and developer well-being.
  2. Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) Goals
    • Example Goals
      • Increase developer satisfaction by 20% within six months.
      • Reduce average bug resolution time by 30% over the next quarter.
      • Improve code review quality scores by 15% within the next year.

Outcome: A set of SMART goals that will guide the implementation of the SPACE framework.

Step 3: Selecting and Customizing SPACE Metrics

Objective: Choose the most relevant SPACE metrics and customize them to fit your organization's needs.

  1. Review SPACE Metrics
    • Satisfaction and Well-being
    • Performance
    • Activity
    • Collaboration and Communication
    • Efficiency and Flow
  2. Customize Metrics
    • Tailor each metric to align with your organization's specific context and objectives.
    • Example Customizations
      • Satisfaction and Well-being: Conduct quarterly surveys to measure job satisfaction and work-life balance.
      • Performance: Track the reliability of code and customer feedback on delivered features.
      • Activity: Measure the number of completed tasks, code commits, and other relevant activities.
      • Collaboration and Communication: Monitor the quality of code reviews and the speed of integrating work.
      • Efficiency and Flow: Track the frequency and duration of interruptions and the time spent in flow states.

Outcome: A customized set of SPACE metrics tailored to your organization's needs.

Step 4: Implementing Measurement Tools and Processes

Objective: Implement tools and processes to measure and track the selected SPACE metrics.

  1. Choose Appropriate Tools
    • Use project management tools like Jira or Trello to track activity and performance metrics.
    • Implement collaboration tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Confluence to facilitate communication and knowledge sharing.
    • Utilize code review tools like CodeIQ by Typo to monitor the quality of code and collaboration.
  2. Set Up Data Collection Processes
    • Establish processes for collecting and analyzing data for each metric.
    • Ensure that data collection is automated wherever possible to reduce manual effort and improve accuracy.
  3. Train Your Team
    • Provide training sessions for developers and managers on using the new tools and understanding the SPACE metrics.
    • Encourage open communication and address any concerns or questions from the team.

Outcome: A fully implemented set of tools and processes for measuring and tracking SPACE metrics.

Step 5: Regular Monitoring and Review

Objective: Continuously monitor and review the metrics to ensure ongoing improvement.

  1. Establish Regular Review Cycles
    • Conduct monthly or quarterly reviews of the SPACE metrics to track progress towards goals.
    • Hold team meetings to discuss the results, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate successes.
  2. Analyze Trends and Patterns
    • Look for trends and patterns in the data to gain insights into team performance and productivity.
    • Use these insights to make informed decisions and adjustments to workflows and processes.
  3. Solicit Feedback
    • Regularly gather feedback from developers and managers on the effectiveness of the SPACE framework.
    • Use this feedback to make continuous improvements to the framework and its implementation.

Outcome: A robust monitoring and review process that ensures the ongoing effectiveness of the SPACE framework.

Step 6: Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

Objective: Adapt and improve the SPACE framework based on feedback and evolving needs.

  1. Iterate and Improve
    • Continuously refine and improve the SPACE metrics based on feedback and observed results.
    • Adapt the framework to address new challenges and opportunities as they arise.
  2. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement
    • Encourage a culture of continuous improvement within your development teams.
    • Promote openness to change and a willingness to experiment with new ideas and approaches.
  3. Share Success Stories
    • Share success stories and best practices with the broader organization to demonstrate the value of the SPACE framework.
    • Use these stories to inspire other teams and encourage the adoption of the framework across the organization.

Outcome: A dynamic and adaptable SPACE framework that evolves with your organization's needs.


Implementing the SPACE framework is a strategic investment in your organization's productivity and success. By following this comprehensive plan and roadmap, you can effectively integrate the SPACE metrics into your development process, leading to improved performance, satisfaction, and overall productivity. Embrace the journey of continuous improvement and leverage the insights gained from the SPACE framework to unlock the full potential of your development teams.

SPACE Framework: How to Measure Developer Productivity

In today’s fast-paced software development world, understanding and improving developer productivity is more crucial than ever. One framework that has gained prominence for its comprehensive approach to measuring and enhancing productivity is the SPACE Framework. This framework, developed by industry experts and backed by extensive research, offers a multi-dimensional perspective on productivity that transcends traditional metrics.

This blog delves deep into the genesis of the SPACE Framework, its components, and how it can be effectively implemented to boost developer productivity. We’ll also explore real-world success stories of companies that have benefited from adopting this framework.

The genesis of the SPACE Framework

The SPACE Framework was introduced by researchers Nicole Forsgren, Margaret-Anne Storey, Chandra Maddila, Thomas Zimmermann, Brian Houck, and Jenna Butler. Their work was published in a paper titled “The SPACE of Developer Productivity: There’s More to it than You Think!” emphasising that a single metric cannot measure developer productivity. Instead, it should be viewed through multiple lenses to capture a holistic picture.

Components of the SPACE Framework

The SPACE Framework is an acronym that stands for:

  1. Satisfaction and Well-being
  2. Performance
  3. Activity
  4. Communication and Collaboration
  5. Efficiency and Flow

Each component represents a critical aspect of developer productivity, ensuring a balanced approach to measurement and improvement.

Detailed breakdown of the SPACE Framework

1. Satisfaction and Well-being

Definition: This dimension focuses on how satisfied and happy developers are with their work and environment. It also considers their overall well-being, which includes factors like work-life balance, stress levels, and job fulfillment.

Why It Matters: Happy developers are more engaged, creative, and productive. Ensuring high satisfaction and well-being can reduce burnout and turnover, leading to a more stable and effective team.

Metrics to Consider:

  • Employee satisfaction surveys
  • Work-life balance scores
  • Burnout indices
  • Turnover rates

2. Performance

Definition: Performance measures the outcomes of developers’ work, including the quality and impact of the software they produce. This includes assessing code quality, deployment frequency, and the ability to meet user needs.

Why It Matters: High performance indicates that the team is delivering valuable software efficiently. It helps in maintaining a competitive edge and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Metrics to Consider:

  • Code quality metrics (e.g., number of bugs, code review scores)
  • Deployment frequency
  • Customer satisfaction ratings
  • Feature adoption rates

3. Activity

Definition: Activity tracks the actions developers take, such as the number of commits, code reviews, and feature development. This component focuses on the volume and types of activities rather than their outcomes.

Why It Matters: Monitoring activity helps understand workload distribution and identify potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the development process.

Metrics to Consider:

  • Number of commits per developer
  • Code review participation
  • Task completion rates
  • Meeting attendance

4. Communication and Collaboration

Definition: This dimension assesses how effectively developers interact with each other and with other stakeholders. It includes evaluating the quality of communication channels and collaboration tools used.

Why It Matters: Effective communication and collaboration are crucial for resolving issues quickly, sharing knowledge, and fostering a cohesive team environment. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and project delays.

Metrics to Consider:

  • Frequency and quality of team meetings
  • Use of collaboration tools (e.g., Slack, Jira)
  • Cross-functional team interactions
  • Feedback loops

5. Efficiency and Flow

Definition: Efficiency and flow measure how smoothly the development process operates, including how well developers can focus on their tasks without interruptions. It also looks at the efficiency of the processes and tools in place.

Why It Matters: High efficiency and flow indicate that developers can work without unnecessary disruptions, leading to higher productivity and job satisfaction. It also helps in identifying and eliminating waste in the process.

Metrics to Consider:

  • Cycle time (time from task start to completion)
  • Time spent in meetings vs. coding
  • Context switching frequency
  • Tool and process efficiency

Implementing the SPACE Framework in real life

Implementing the SPACE Framework requires a strategic approach, involving the following steps:

Establish baseline metrics

Before making any changes, establish baseline metrics for each SPACE component. Use existing tools and methods to gather initial data.

Actionable Steps:

  • Conduct surveys to measure satisfaction and well-being.
  • Use code quality tools to assess performance.
  • Track activity through version control systems.
  • Analyze communication patterns via collaboration tools.
  • Measure efficiency and flow using project management software.

Set clear goals

Define what success looks like for each component of the SPACE Framework. Set achievable and measurable goals.

Actionable Steps:

  • Increase employee satisfaction scores by 10% within six months.
  • Reduce bug rates by 20% over the next quarter.
  • Improve code review participation by 15%.
  • Enhance cross-team communication frequency.
  • Shorten cycle time by 25%.

Implement changes

Based on the goals set, implement changes to processes, tools, and practices. This may involve adopting new tools, changing workflows, or providing additional training.

Actionable Steps:

  • Introduce well-being programs to improve satisfaction.
  • Adopt automated testing tools to enhance performance.
  • Encourage regular code reviews to boost activity.
  • Use collaboration tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams to improve communication.
  • Streamline processes to reduce context switching and improve flow.

Monitor and adjust

Regularly monitor the metrics to evaluate the impact of the changes. Be prepared to make adjustments as necessary to stay on track with your goals.

Actionable Steps:

  • Use dashboards to track key metrics in real time.
  • Hold regular review meetings to discuss progress.
  • Gather feedback from developers to identify areas for improvement.
  • Make iterative changes based on data and feedback.

Integrating the SPACE Framework with DORA Metrics

SPACE Dimension


DORA Metric Integration

Actionable Steps

Satisfaction and Well-being

Measures happiness, job fulfillment, and work-life balance

High deployment frequency and low lead time improve satisfaction; high failure rates increase stress

– Conduct satisfaction surveys 

– Correlate with DORA metrics

 – Implement well-being programs


Assesses the outcomes of developers’ work

Direct overlap with DORA metrics like deployment frequency and lead time

– Use DORA metrics for benchmark

– Track and improve key metrics

 – Address failure causes


Tracks volume and types of work (e.g., commits, reviews)

Frequent, high-quality activities improve deployment frequency and lead time

– Track activities and DORA metrics

 – Promote high-quality work practices

– Balance workloads

Communication and Collaboration

Evaluates effectiveness of interactions and tools

Effective communication and collaboration reduce failure rates and restoration times

– Use communication tools (e.g., Slack)

– Conduct retrospectives

 – Encourage cross-functional teams

Efficiency and Flow

Measures smoothness and efficiency of processes

Efficient workflows lead to higher deployment frequencies and shorter lead times

– Streamline processes <br> – Implement CI/CD pipelines

 – Monitor cycle times and context switching

Real-world success stories


GitHub implemented the SPACE Framework to enhance its developer productivity. By focusing on communication and collaboration, they improved their internal processes and tools, leading to a more cohesive and efficient development team. They introduced regular team-building activities and enhanced their internal communication tools, resulting in a 15% increase in developer satisfaction and a 20% reduction in project completion time.


Microsoft adopted the SPACE Framework across several development teams. They focused on improving efficiency and flow by reducing context switching and streamlining their development processes. This involved adopting continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices, which reduced cycle time by 30% and increased deployment frequency by 25%.

Key software engineering metrics mapped to the SPACE Framework

This table outlines key software engineering metrics mapped to the SPACE Framework, along with how they can be measured and implemented to improve developer productivity and overall team effectiveness.


Key Metrics

Measurement Tools/Methods

Implementation Steps

Satisfaction and Well-being

Employee Satisfaction Score

Employee surveys, engagement platforms (e.g.,Typo)

– Conduct regular surveys

– Analyze results to identify pain points

– Implement programs for well-being and work-life balance

Work-life Balance

Survey responses, self-reported hours

Employee surveys, time tracking tools (e.g., Toggl)

– Encourage flexible hours and remote work

– Monitor workload distribution

Burnout Index

Burnout survey scores

Surveys, tools like Typo, Gallup Q12

– Monitor and address high burnout scores

– Offer mental health resources

Turnover Rate

Percentage of staff leaving

HR systems, exit interviews

– Analyze reasons for turnover

– Improve work conditions based on feedback


Key Metrics

Measurement Tools/Methods

Implementation Steps

Code Quality

Number of bugs, code review scores

Static analysis tools (e.g., Typo, SonarQube), code review platforms (e.g., GitHub)

– Implement code quality tools

– Conduct regular code reviews

Deployment Frequency

Number of deployments per time period

CI/CD pipelines (e.g., Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD)

– Adopt CI/CD practices

– Automate deployment processes

Lead Time for Changes

Time from commit to production

CI/CD pipelines, version control systems (e.g., Git)

– Streamline deployment pipeline

– Optimize testing processes

Change Failure Rate

Percentage of failed deployments

Incident tracking tools (e.g., PagerDuty, Jira)

– Implement thorough testing and QA

– Analyze and learn from failures

Time to Restore Service

Time to recover from incidents

Incident tracking tools (e.g., PagerDuty, Jira)

– Develop robust incident response plans

– Conduct post-incident reviews


Key Metrics

Measurement Tools/Methods

Implementation Steps

Number of Commits

Commits per developer

Version control systems (e.g., Git)

– Track commits per developer

– Ensure commits are meaningful

Code Review Participation

Reviews per developer

Code review platforms (e.g., GitHub, Typo)

– Encourage regular participation in reviews

– Recognize and reward contributions

Task Completion Rates

Completed tasks vs. assigned tasks

Project management tools (e.g., Jira, Trello)

– Monitor task completion

– Address bottlenecks and redistribute workloads

Meeting Attendance

Attendance records

Calendar tools, project management tools

– Schedule necessary meetings

– Ensure meetings are productive and focused

Communication and Collaboration

Key Metrics

Measurement Tools/Methods

Implementation Steps

Team Meeting Frequency

Number of team meetings

Calendar tools, project management tools (e.g., Jira)

– Schedule regular team meetings

– Ensure meetings are structured and purposeful

Use of Collaboration Tools

Activity in tools (e.g., Slack messages, Jira comments)

Collaboration tools (e.g., Slack, Jira)

– Promote use of collaboration tools

– Provide training on tool usage

Cross-functional Interactions

Number of interactions with other teams

Project management tools, communication tools

– Encourage cross-functional projects

– Facilitate regular cross-team meetings

Feedback Loops

Number and quality of feedback instances

Feedback tools, retrospectives

– Implement regular feedback sessions

– Act on feedback to improve processes

Efficiency and Flow

Key Metrics

Measurement Tools/Methods

Implementation Steps

Cycle Time

Time from task start to completion

Project management tools (e.g., Jira)

– Monitor cycle times 

– Identify and remove bottlenecks

Time Spent in Meetings vs. Coding

Hours logged in meetings vs. coding

Time tracking tools, calendar tools

– Optimize meeting schedules

– Minimize unnecessary meetings

Context Switching Frequency

Number of task switches per day

Time tracking tools, self-reporting

– Reduce unnecessary interruptions

– Promote focused work periods

Tool and Process Efficiency

Time saved using tools/processes

Productivity tools, surveys

– Regularly review tool/process efficiency

– Implement improvements based on feedback

What engineering leaders can do

Engineering leaders play a crucial role in the successful implementation of the SPACE Framework. Here are some actionable steps they can take:

Promote a culture of continuous improvement

Encourage a mindset of continuous improvement among the team. This involves being open to feedback and constantly seeking ways to enhance productivity and well-being.

Actionable Steps:

  • Regularly solicit feedback from team members.
  • Celebrate small wins and improvements.
  • Provide opportunities for professional development and growth.

Invest in the right tools and processes

Ensure that developers have access to the tools and processes that enable them to work efficiently and effectively.

Actionable Steps:

  • Conduct regular tool audits to ensure they meet current needs.
  • Invest in training programs for new tools and technologies.
  • Streamline processes to eliminate unnecessary steps and reduce bottlenecks.

Foster collaboration and communication

Create an environment where communication and collaboration are prioritized. This can lead to better problem-solving and more innovative solutions.

Actionable Steps:

  • Organize regular team-building activities.
  • Use collaboration tools to facilitate better communication.
  • Encourage cross-functional projects to enhance team interaction.

Prioritize well-being and satisfaction

Recognize the importance of developer well-being and satisfaction. Implement programs and policies that support a healthy work-life balance.

Actionable Steps:

  • Offer flexible working hours and remote work options.
  • Provide access to mental health resources and support.
  • Recognize and reward achievements and contributions.


The SPACE Framework offers a holistic and actionable approach to understanding and improving developer productivity. By focusing on satisfaction and well-being, performance, activity, communication and collaboration, and efficiency and flow, organizations can create a more productive and fulfilling work environment for their developers.

Implementing this framework requires a strategic approach, clear goal setting, and ongoing monitoring and adjustment. Real-world success stories from companies like GitHub and Microsoft demonstrate the potential benefits of adopting the SPACE Framework.

Engineering leaders have a pivotal role in driving this change. By promoting a culture of continuous improvement, investing in the right tools and processes, fostering collaboration and communication, and prioritizing well-being and satisfaction, they can significantly enhance developer productivity and overall team success.

Top Developer Experience tools (2024)

In the software development industry, while user experience is an important aspect of the product life cycle, organizations are also considering Developer Experience.

A positive Developer Experience helps in delivering quality products and allows developers to be happy and healthy in the long run.

However, it is not always possible for organizations to measure and improve developer experience without any good tools and platforms.

What is Developer Experience?

Developer Experience is about the experience software developers have while working in the organization. It is the developers’ journey while working with a specific framework, programming languages, platform, documentation, general tools, and open-source solutions.

Positive Developer Experience = Happier teams

Developer Experience has a direct relationship with developer productivity. A positive experience results in high dev productivity, leading to high job satisfaction, performance, and morale. Hence, happier developer teams.

This starts with understanding the unique needs of developers and fostering a positive work culture for them.

Why Developer Experience is important?

Smooth onboarding process

Good DX ensures the onboarding process is as simple and smooth as possible. It includes making them familiar with the tools and culture and giving them the support they need to proceed further in their career. It also allows them to know other developers which helps in collaboration, open communication, and seeking help, whenever required.

Improves product quality

A positive Developer Experience leads to 3 effective C’s – Collaboration, communication, and coordination. Besides this, adhering to coding standards, best practices, and automated testing helps promote code quality and consistency and fix issues early.  As a result, development teams can easily create products that meet customer needs and are free from errors and glitches.  

Increases development speed

When Developer Experience is handled with care, software developers can work more smoothly and meet milestones efficiently. Access to well-defined tools, clear documents, streamlined workflow, and a well-configured development environment are few ways to boost development speed.  It also lets them minimize the need to switch between different tools and platforms which increases the focus and team productivity.

Attracts and retains top talents

Developers usually look out for a strong tech culture. So they can focus on their core skills and get acknowledged for their contributions. Great DX increases job satisfaction and aligns their values and goals with the organization. In return, developers bring the best to the table and want to stay in the organization for the long run.

Enhances collaboration

The right kind of Developer Experience encourages collaboration and effective communication tools. This fosters teamwork and reduces misunderstandings. Developers can easily discuss issues, share feedback, and work together on tasks. It helps streamline the development process and results in high-quality work.

Best developer experience tools

Time management tools


A powerful time management tool that streamlines and automates the calendar and protects developers’ flow time. It helps to strike a balance between meetings and coding time with a focus time feature.

Key features
  • Seamlessly integrates with third-party applications such as Slack, Google Calendar, and Asana.
  • Determines the most suitable meeting times for both developers and engineering leaders.
  • Creates custom smart holds i.e. protected time throughout the hold.
  • Reschedules the meetings that are marked as ‘Flexible’.
  • Provides a quick summary of how much meetings and focus time was spent last week.

Toggle track

A straightforward time-tracking, reporting, and billing tool for software developers. It lets development teams view tracked team entries in a grid or calendar format.

Key features
  • ‘Dashboard and Reporting’ feature offers in-depth analysis and lets engineering leaders create customized dashboards.
  • Simple and easy-to-use interface.
  • Preferable for those who avoid real-time tracking rather than track their time manually.
  • Offers a PDF invoice template that can be downloaded easily.
  • Includes optional Pomodoro setting that allows developers to take regular quick breaks.

Software development intelligence


Typo is an intelligent engineering management platform used for gaining visibility, removing blockers, and maximizing developer effectiveness. It gives a comparative view of each team’s performance across velocity, quality, and throughput. This tool can be integrated with the tech stack to deliver real-time insights. Git, Slack, Calenders, and CI/CD to name a few.

Key features
  • Seamlessly integrates with third-party applications such as Git, Slack, Calenders, and CI/CD tools.
  • ‘Sprint analysis’ feature allows for tracking and analyzing the team’s progress throughout a sprint.
  • Offers customized DORA metrics and other engineering metrics that can be configured in a single dashboard.
  • Offers engineering benchmark to compare the team’s results across industries.
  • User-friendly interface.
Software development intelligence

Code intelligence tools

Sourcegraph (Cody)

An AI code-based assistant tool that provides code-specific information and helps in locating precise code based on natural language description, file names, or function names.

Key features
  • Explain complex lines of code in simple language.
  • Identifies bugs and errors in a codebase and provides suggestions.
  • Offers documentation generation.
  • Answers questions about existing code.
  • Generates code snippets, fixes, and improves code.

GitHub Copilot

Developed by GitHub in collaboration with open AI, it uses an open AI codex for writing code quickly. It draws context from the code and suggests whole lines or complete functions that developers can accept, modify, or reject.

Key features
  • Creates predictive lines of code from comments and existing patterns in the code.
  • Generates code in multiple languages including Typescript, Javascript, Ruby, C++, and Python.
  • Seamlessly integrates with popular editors such as Neovim, JetBrains IDEs, and Visual Studio.
  • Create dictionaries of lookup data
  • Writes test cases and code comments

Communication and collaboration


A widely used communication platform that enables developers to real-time communication and share files. It also allows team members to share and download files and create external links for people outside of the team.

Key features
  • Seamlessly integrates with third-party applications such as Google Calendar, Hubspot, Clickup, and Salesforce.
  • ‘Huddle’ feature that includes phone and video conferencing options.
  • Accessible on both mobile and desktop (Application and browser).
  • Offers ‘Channel’ feature i.e. similar to groups, team members can create projects, teams, and topics.
  • Perfect for asynchronous communication and collaboration.

Project and task management


A part of the Atlassian group, JIRA is an umbrella platform that includes JIRA software, JIRA core, and JIRA work management. It relies on the agile way of working and is purposely built for developers and engineers.

Key features
  • Built for agile and scrum workflows.
  • Offers Kanban view.
  • JIRA dashboard helps users to plan projects, measure progress, and track due dates.
  • Offers third-party integrations with other parts of Atlassian groups and third-party apps like Github, Gitlab, and Jenkins.
  • Offers customizable workflow states and transitions for every issue type.


A project management and issue-tracking tool that is tailored for software development teams. It helps the team plan their projects and auto-close and auto-archive issues.

Key features
  • Simple and straightforward UI.
  • Easy to set up.
  • Breaks larger tasks into smaller issues.
  • Switches between list and board layout to view work from any angle.
  • Quickly apply filters and operators to refine issue lists and create custom views.

Automated software testing

Lambda test

A cloud-based cross-browser testing platform that provides real-time testing on multiple devices and simulators. It is used to create and run both manual and automatic tests and functions via the Selenium Automation Grid.

Key features
  • Seamlessly integrates with other testing frameworks and CI/CD tools.
  • Offers detailed automated logs such as exception logs, command logs, and metadata.
  • Runs parallel tests in multiple browsers and environments.
  • Offers command screenshots and video recordings of the script execution.
  • Facilitates responsive testing to ensure the application works well on various devices and screen sizes.


A widely used automation testing tool for API. It provides a streamlined process for standardizing API testing and monitoring it for usage and trend insights.

Key features
  • Seamlessly integrates with CI/CD pipelines.
  • Enable users to mimic real-world scenarios and assess API behavior under various conditions.
  • Creates mock servers, and facilitates realistic simulations and comprehensive testing.
  • Provides monitoring features to gain insights into API performance and usage trends.
  • Friendly and easy-to-use interface equipped with code snippets.

Continuous integration/continuous deployment

Circle CI

Certified with FebRamp and SOC Type II compliant, It helps in achieving CI/CD in open-source and large-scale projects. Circle CI streamlines the DevOps process and automates builds across multiple environments.

Key features
  • Seamlessly integrates with third-party applications with Bitbucket, GitHub, and GitHub Enterprise.  
  • Tracks the status of projects and keeps tabs on build processes
  • ‘Parallel testing’ feature helps in running tests in parallel across different executors.
  • Allows a single process per project.
  • Provides ways to troubleshoot problems and inspect things such as directory path, log files, and running processes



Specifically designed for software development teams. Swimm is an innovative cloud-based documentation tool that integrates continuous documentation into the development workflow.

Key features
  • Seamlessly integrates with development tools such as GitHub, VSC, and JetBrains IDEs.
  • ‘Auto-sync’ feature ensures the document stays up to date with changes in the codebase.
  • Creates new documents, rewrites existing ones, or summarizes information.
  • Creates tutorials and visualizations within the codebase for better understanding and onboarding new members.
  • Analyzes the entire codebase, documentation sources, and data from enterprise tools.

Developer engagement

DevEx by Typo

A valuable tool for development teams that captures 360 views of developer experience and helps with early indicators of their well-being and actionable insights on the areas that need attention through signals from work patterns and continuous AI-driven pulse check-ins.

Key features
  • Research-backed framework that captures parameters and uncovers real issues.
  • In-depth insights are published on the dashboard.
  • Combines data-driven insights with proactive monitoring and strategic intervention.
  • Identifies the key priority areas affecting developer productivity and well-being.
  • Sends automated alerts to identify burnout signs in developers at an early stage.
DevEx by Typo


A comprehensive insights platform that is founded by researchers behind the DORA and SPACE framework. It offers both qualitative and quantitative measures to give a holistic view of the organization.

Key features
  • Provides a suite of tools that capture data from surveys and systems in real-time.
  • Breaks down results based on personas.
  • Streamlines developer onboarding with real-time insights.
  • Contextualizes performance with 180,000+ industry benchmark samples.
  • Uses advanced statistical analysis to identify the top opportunities.


Overall Developer Experience is crucial in today’s times. It facilitates effective collaboration within engineering teams, offers real-time feedback on workflow efficiency and early signs of burnout, and enables informed decision-making. By pinpointing areas for improvement, it cultivates a more productive and enjoyable work environment for developers.

There are various tools available in the market. We’ve curated the best Developer Experience tools for you. You can check other tools as well. Do your own research and see what fits right for you.

All the best!

Measuring Developer Productivity: A Comprehensive Guide

The software development industry constantly evolves, and measuring developer productivity has become crucial to success. It is the key to achieving efficiency, quality, and innovation. However, measuring productivity is not a one-size-fits-all process. It requires a deep understanding of productivity in a development context and selecting the right metrics to reflect it accurately.

This guide will help you and your teams navigate the complexities of measuring dev productivity. It offers insights into the process’s nuances and equips teams with the knowledge and tools to optimize performance. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this guide, teams can improve their productivity and deliver better software.

What is Developer Productivity?

Development productivity extends far beyond the mere output of code. It encompasses a multifaceted spectrum of skills, behaviors, and conditions that contribute to the successful creation of software solutions. Technical proficiency, effective collaboration, clear communication, suitable tools, and a conducive work environment are all integral components of developer productivity. Recognizing and understanding these factors is fundamental to devising meaningful metrics and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Benefits of developer productivity

  • Increased productivity allows developers to complete tasks more efficiently. It leads to shorter development cycles and quicker delivery of products or features to the market.
  • Productivity developers can focus more on code quality, testing, and optimization, resulting in higher-quality software with fewer bugs and issues.
  • Developers can accomplish more in less time, reducing development costs and improving the organization’s overall return on investment.
  • Productive developers often experience less stress and frustration due to reduced workloads and smoother development processes that lead to higher job satisfaction and retention rates.
  • With more time and energy available, developers can dedicate resources to innovation, continuous learning, experimenting with new technologies, and implementing creative solutions to complex problems.

Metrics for Measuring Developer Productivity

Measuring software developers’ productivity cannot be any arbitrary criteria. This is why there are several metrics in place that can be considered while measuring it. Here we can divide them into quantitative and qualitative metrics. Here is what they mean:

Quantitative Metrics

Lines of Code (LOC) Written

While counting lines of code isn’t a perfect measure of productivity, it can provide valuable insights into coding activity. A higher number of lines might suggest more work done, but it doesn’t necessarily equate to higher quality or efficiency. However, tracking LOC changes over time can help identify trends and patterns in development velocity. For instance, a sudden spike in LOC might indicate a burst of productivity or potentially code bloat, while a decline could signal optimization efforts or refactoring.

Time to Resolve Issues/Bugs

The swift resolution of issues and bugs is indicative of a team’s efficiency in problem-solving and code maintenance. Monitoring the time it takes to identify, address, and resolve issues provides valuable feedback on the team’s responsiveness and effectiveness. A shorter time to resolution suggests agility and proactive debugging practices, while prolonged resolution times may highlight bottlenecks in the development process or technical debt that needs addressing.

Number of Commits or Pull Requests

Active participation in version control systems, as evidenced by the number of commits or pull requests, reflects the level of engagement and contribution to the codebase. A higher number of commits or pull requests may signify active development and collaboration within the team. However, it’s essential to consider the quality, not just quantity, of commits and pull requests. A high volume of low-quality changes may indicate inefficiency or a lack of focus.

Code Churn

Code churn refers to the rate of change in a codebase over time. Monitoring code churn helps identify areas of instability or frequent modifications, which may require closer attention or refactoring. High code churn could indicate areas of the code that are particularly complex or prone to bugs, while low churn might suggest stability but could also indicate stagnation if accompanied by a lack of feature development or innovation. Furthermore, focusing on code changes allows teams to track progress and ensure that updates align with project goals while emphasizing quality code ensures that these changes maintain or improve the overall codebase integrity and performance.

Qualitative Metrics

Code Review Feedback

Effective code reviews are crucial for maintaining code quality and fostering a collaborative development environment in engineering org. Monitoring code review feedback, such as the frequency of comments, the depth of review, and the incorporation of feedback into subsequent iterations, provides insights into the team’s commitment to quality and continuous improvement. A culture of constructive feedback and iteration during code reviews indicates a quality-driven approach to development.

Team Satisfaction and Morale

High morale and job satisfaction among engineering teams are key indicators of a healthy and productive work environment. Happy and engaged teams tend to be more motivated, creative, and productive. Regularly measuring team satisfaction through surveys, feedback sessions, or one-on-one discussions helps identify areas for improvement and reinforces a positive culture that fosters teamwork, productivity, and collaboration.

Rate of Feature Delivery

Timely delivery of features is essential for meeting project deadlines and delivering value to stakeholders. Monitoring the rate of feature delivery, including the speed and predictability of feature releases, provides insights into the team’s ability to execute and deliver results efficiently. Consistently meeting or exceeding feature delivery targets indicates a well-functioning development process and effective project management practices.

Customer Satisfaction and Feedback

Ultimately, the success of development efforts is measured by the satisfaction of end-users. Monitoring customer satisfaction through feedback channels, such as surveys, reviews, and support tickets, provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of the software in delivering meaningful solutions. Positive feedback and high satisfaction scores indicate that the development team has successfully met user needs and delivered a product that adds value. Conversely, negative feedback or low satisfaction scores highlight areas for improvement and inform future development priorities.

Best Practices for Measuring Developer Productivity

While analyzing the metrics and measuring software developer productivity, here are some things you need to remember:

  • Balance Quantitative and Qualitative Metrics: Combining both types of metrics provides a holistic view of productivity.
  • Customize Metrics to Fit Team Dynamics: Tailor metrics to align with the development team’s unique objectives and working styles.
  • Ensure Transparency and Clarity: Communicate clearly about the purpose and interpretation of metrics to foster trust and accountability.
  • Iterate and Adapt Measurement Strategies: Continuously evaluate and refine measurement approaches based on feedback and evolving project requirements.

How does Generative AI Improve Developer Productivity?

Below are a few ways in which Generative AI can have a positive impact on developer productivity:

Focus on meaningful tasks: Generative AI tools take up tedious and repetitive tasks, allowing developers to give their time and energy to meaningful activities, resulting in productivity gains within the team members’ workflow.

Assist in their learning graph: Generative AI lets software engineers gain practical insights and examples from these AI tools and enhance team performance.

Assist in pair programming: Through Generative AI, developers can collaborate with other developers easily.

Increase the pace of software development: Generative AI helps in the continuous delivery of products and services and drives business strategy.

How does Typo Measure Developer Productivity?

There are many developer productivity tools available in the market for tech companies. One of the tools is Typo – the most comprehensive solution on the market.

Typo helps with early indicators of their well-being and actionable insights on the areas that need attention through signals from work patterns and continuous AI-driven pulse check-ins on the developer experience. It offers innovative features to streamline workflow processes, enhance collaboration, and boost overall productivity in engineering teams. It helps in measuring the overall team’s productivity while keeping individual’ strengths and weaknesses in mind.

Here are three ways in which Typo measures the team productivity:

Software Development Visibility

Typo provides complete visibility in software delivery. It helps development teams and engineering leaders to identify blockers in real time, predict delays, and maximize business impact. Moreover, it lets the team dive deep into key DORA metrics and understand how well they are performing across industry-wide benchmarks. Typo also enables them to get real-time predictive analysis of how time is performing, identify the best dev practices, and provide a comprehensive view across velocity, quality, and throughput.

Hence, empowering development teams to optimize their workflows, identify inefficiencies, and prioritize impactful tasks. This approach ensures that resources are utilized efficiently, resulting in enhanced productivity and better business outcomes.

Code Quality Automation

Typo helps developers streamline the development process and enhance their productivity by identifying issues in your code and auto-fixing them before merging to master. This means less time reviewing and more time for important tasks hence, keeping code error-free, making the whole process faster and smoother. The platform also uses optimized practices and built-in methods spanning multiple languages. Besides this, it standardizes the code and enforces coding standards which reduces the risk of a security breach and boosts maintainability.

Since the platform automates repetitive tasks, it allows development teams to focus on high-quality work. Moreover, it accelerates the review process and facilitates faster iterations by providing timely feedback.  This offers insights into code quality trends and areas for improvement, fostering an engineering culture that supports learning and development.

Developer Experience

Typo helps with early indicators of developers’ well-being and actionable insights on the areas that need attention through signals from work patterns and continuous AI-driven pulse check-ins on the experience of the developers. It includes pulse surveys, built on a developer experience framework that triggers AI-driven pulse surveys.

Based on the responses to the pulse surveys over time, insights are published on the Typo dashboard. These insights help engineering managers analyze how developers feel at the workplace, what needs immediate attention, how many developers are at risk of burnout and much more.

Hence, by addressing these aspects, Typo’s holistic approach combines data-driven insights with proactive monitoring and strategic intervention to create a supportive and high-performing work environment. This leads to increased developer productivity and satisfaction.

Track Developer Productivity Effectively

Measuring developers’ productivity is not straightforward, as it varies from person to person. It is a dynamic process that requires careful consideration and adaptability.

To achieve greater success in software development, the development teams must embrace the complexity of productivity, select appropriate metrics, use relevant tools, and develop a supportive work culture.

There are many developer productivity tools available in the market. Typo stands out to be the prevalent one. It’s important to remember that the journey toward productivity is an ongoing process, and each iteration presents new opportunities for growth and innovation.

How to Measure and Improve Engineering Productivity?

As technology rapidly advances, software engineering is becoming an increasingly fast-paced field where maximizing productivity is critical for staying competitive and driving innovation. Efficient resource allocation, streamlined processes, and effective teamwork are all essential components of engineering productivity. In this guide, we will delve into the significance of measuring and improving engineering productivity, explore key metrics, provide strategies for enhancement, and examine the consequences of neglecting productivity tracking.

What is Engineering Productivity?

Engineering productivity refers to the efficiency and effectiveness of engineering teams in producing work output within a specified timeframe while maintaining high-quality standards. It encompasses various factors such as resource utilization, task completion speed, deliverable quality, and overall team performance. Essentially, engineering productivity measures how well a team can translate inputs like time, effort, and resources into valuable outputs such as completed projects, software features, or innovative solutions.

Tracking software engineering productivity involves analyzing key metrics like productivity ratio, throughput, cycle time, and lead time. By assessing these metrics, engineering managers can pinpoint areas for improvement, make informed decisions, and implement strategies to optimize productivity and achieve project objectives. Ultimately, engineering productivity plays a critical role in ensuring the success and competitiveness of engineering projects and organizations in today’s fast-paced technological landscape.

Why does Engineering Productivity Matter?

Impact on Project Timelines and Deadlines

Engineering productivity directly affects project timelines and deadlines. When teams are productive, they can deliver projects on schedule, meeting client expectations and maintaining stakeholder satisfaction.

Influence on Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction

High productivity levels correlate with better product quality. By maximizing productivity, engineering teams can focus on thorough testing, debugging, and refining processes, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction.

Role in Resource Allocation and Cost-Effectiveness

Optimized engineering productivity ensures efficient resource allocation, reducing unnecessary expenditures and maximizing ROI. By utilizing resources effectively, tech companies can achieve their goals within budgetary constraints.

The Importance of Tracking Engineering Productivity

Insights for Performance Evaluation and Improvement

Tracking engineering productivity provides valuable insights into team performance. By analyzing productivity metrics, organizations can identify areas for improvement and implement targeted strategies for enhancement.

Facilitates Data-Driven Decision-Making

Data-driven decision-making is essential for optimizing engineering productivity. Organizations can make informed decisions about resource allocation, process optimization, and project prioritization by tracking relevant metrics.

Helps in Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations

Tracking productivity metrics allows organizations to set realistic goals and expectations. By understanding historical productivity data, teams can establish achievable targets and benchmarks for future projects.

Factors Affecting Engineering Productivity

Team Dynamics and Collaboration

Effective teamwork and collaboration are essential for maximizing engineering productivity. Organizations can leverage team members’ diverse skills and expertise to achieve common goals by fostering a collaboration and communication culture.

Work Environment and Organizational Culture

The work environment and organizational culture play a significant role in determining engineering productivity. A supportive and conducive work environment fosters team members’ creativity, innovation, and productivity.

Resource Allocation and Workload Management

Efficient resource allocation and workload management are critical for optimizing engineering productivity. By allocating resources effectively and balancing workload distribution, organizations can ensure that team members work on tasks that align with their skills and expertise.

Strategies to Improve Engineering Productivity

Identifying Productivity Roadblocks and Bottlenecks

Identifying and addressing productivity roadblocks and bottlenecks is essential for improving engineering productivity. By conducting thorough assessments of workflow processes, organizations can identify inefficiencies, focus on workload distribution, and implement targeted solutions for improvement.

Implementing Effective Tools and Practices for Optimization

Leveraging effective tools and best practices is crucial for optimizing engineering productivity. By adopting agile methodologies, DevOps practices, and automation tools, engineering organizations can streamline processes, reduce manual efforts, enhance code quality, and accelerate delivery timelines.

Prioritizing Tasks Strategically

Strategic task prioritization, along with effective time management and goal setting, is key to maximizing engineering productivity. By prioritizing tasks based on their impact and urgency, organizations can ensure that team members focus on the most critical activities, leading to improved productivity and efficiency.

Promoting Collaboration and Communication

Promoting collaboration and communication within engineering teams is essential for maximizing productivity. By fostering open communication channels, encouraging knowledge sharing, and facilitating cross-functional collaboration, organizations can leverage the collective expertise of team members to drive innovation, and motivation and achieve common goal setting.

Continuous Improvement through Feedback Loops and Iteration

Continuous improvement is essential for maintaining and enhancing engineering productivity. By soliciting feedback from team members, identifying areas for improvement, and iteratively refining processes, organizations can continuously optimize productivity, address technical debt, and adapt to changing requirements and challenges.

Consequences of Not Tracking Engineering Productivity

Risk of Missed Deadlines and Project Delays

Neglecting to track engineering productivity increases the risk of missed deadlines and project delays. Without accurate productivity tracking, organizations may struggle to identify and address issues that could impact project timelines and deliverables.

Decreased Product Quality and Customer Dissatisfaction

Poor engineering productivity can lead to decreased product quality and customer dissatisfaction. Organizations may overlook critical quality issues without effective productivity tracking, resulting in negative business outcomes, subpar products, and unsatisfied customers.

Inefficient Resource Allocation and Higher Costs

Failure to track engineering productivity can lead to inefficient resource allocation and higher costs. Without visibility into productivity metrics, organizations may allocate resources ineffectively, wasting time, effort, and budgetary overruns.

Best Practices for Engineering Productivity

Setting SMART Goals

Setting SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goals is essential for maximizing engineering productivity. By setting clear and achievable goals, organizations can focus their efforts on activities that drive meaningful results and contribute to overall project success.

Establishing a Culture of Accountability and Ownership

Establishing a culture of accountability and ownership is critical for maximizing engineering productivity. Organizations can foster a sense of ownership and commitment that drives productivity and excellence by empowering team members to take ownership of their work and be accountable for their actions.

Promoting Work-Life Balance

Ensure work-life balance at the organization by promoting policies that support flexible schedules, encouraging regular breaks, and providing opportunities for professional development and personal growth. This can help reduce stress and prevent burnout, leading to higher productivity and job satisfaction.

Embracing Automation and Technology

Embracing automation and technology is key to streamlining processes and accelerating delivery timelines. By leveraging automation tools, DevOps practices, and advanced technologies, organizations can automate repetitive tasks, reduce manual efforts, and improve overall productivity and efficiency.

Investing in Employee Training and Skill Development

Investing in employee training and skill development is essential for maintaining and enhancing engineering productivity. By providing ongoing training and development opportunities, organizations can equip team members with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their roles and contribute to overall project success.

Using Typo for Improved Engineering Productivity

Typo offers innovative features to streamline workflow processes, enhance collaboration, and boost overall productivity in engineering teams. It includes engineering metrics that can help you take action with in-depth insights.

Understanding Engineering Productivity Metrics

Below are a few important engineering metrics that can help in measuring their productivity:

Merge Frequency

Merge Frequency represents the rate at which the Pull Requests are merged into any of the code branches per day. Engineering teams can optimize their development workflows, improve collaboration, and increase team efficiency.

Cycle Time

Cycle time measures the time it takes to complete a single iteration of a process or task. Organizations can identify opportunities for process optimization and efficiency improvement by tracking cycle time.

Deployment PR

Deployment PRs represent the average number of Pull Requests merged in the main/master/production branch per week. Measuring it helps improve Engineering teams’ efficiency by providing insights into code deployments’ frequency, timing, and success rate.

Planning Accuracy

Planning Accuracy represents the percentage of Tasks Planned versus Tasks Completed within a given time frame. Its benchmarks help engineering teams measure their performance, identify improvement opportunities, and drive continuous enhancement of their planning processes and outcomes.

Code Coverage

Code coverage is a measure that indicates the percentage of a codebase that is tested by automated tests. It helps ensure that the tests cover a significant portion of the code, identifying code quality, untested parts, and potential bugs.

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How does Typo Help in Enhancing Engineering Productivity?

Typo is an effective software engineering intelligence platform that offers SDLC visibility, developer insights, and workflow automation to build better programs faster. It can seamlessly integrate into tech tool stacks such as GIT versioning, issue tracker, and CI/CD tools. It also offers comprehensive insights into the deployment process through key metrics such as change failure rate, time to build, and deployment frequency. Moreover, its automated code tool helps identify issues in the code and auto-fixes them before you merge to master.


  • Offers customized DORA metrics and other engineering metrics that can be configured in a single dashboard.
  • Includes effective sprint analysis feature that tracks and analyzes the team’s progress throughout a sprint.
  • Provides 360 views of the developer experience i.e. captures qualitative insights and provides an in-depth view of the real issues.
  • Offers engineering benchmark to compare the team’s results across industries.
  • User-friendly interface.

Improve Engineering Productivity Always to Stay Ahead

Measuring and improving engineering productivity is essential for achieving project success and driving business growth. By understanding the importance of productivity tracking, leveraging relevant metrics, and implementing effective strategies, organizations can optimize productivity, enhance product quality, and deliver exceptional results in today’s competitive software engineering landscape.

In conclusion, engineering productivity is not just a metric; it’s a mindset and a continuous journey towards excellence.

Measure Developer Experience with Typo

A software development team is critical for business performance. They wear multiple hats to complete the work and deliver high-quality software to end-users. On the other hand, organizations need to take care of their well-being and measure developer experience to create a positive workplace for them.

Otherwise, this can negatively impact developers’ productivity and morale which makes their work less efficient and effective. As a result, disrupting the developer experience at the workplace.

With Typo, you can capture qualitative insights and get a 360 view of your developer experience. Let’s delve deeper into it in this blog post:

What is Developer Experience?

Developer experience refers to the overall experience of developer teams when using tools, platforms, and services to build software applications. This means right from the documentation to coding and deployment and includes tangible and intangible experience.

Happy developers = positive developer experience. It increases their productivity and morale. It further leads to a faster development cycle, developer workflow, methods, and working conditions.

Not taking care of developer experience can make it difficult for businesses to retain and attract top talent.

Why is Developer Experience Beneficial?

Developer experience isn’t just a buzzword. It is a crucial aspect of your team’s productivity and satisfaction.

Below are a few benefits of developer experience:

Smooth Onboarding Process

Good devex ensures the onboarding process is as simple and smooth as possible. It includes making engineering teams familiar with the tools and culture and giving them the support they need to proceed further in their career. It also allows them to know other developers which can help them in collaboration and mentorship.

Improves Product Quality

A positive developer experience leads to 3 effective C’s – Collaboration, communication, and coordination. Adhering to coding standards, best practices and automated testing also helps in promoting code quality and consistency and catching and fixing issues early. As a result, they can easily create products that meet customer needs and are free from errors and glitches.  

Increases Development Speed

When developer experience is handled carefully, team members can work more smoothly and meet milestones efficiently. Access to well-defined tools, clear documents, streamlined workflow, and a well-configured development environment are a few of the ways to boost development speed. It lets them minimize the need to switch between different tools and platforms which increases the focus and team productivity.

Attracts and Retains Top Talents

Developers usually look out for a strong tech culture so they can focus on their core skills and get acknowledged for their contributions. A good developer experience results in developer satisfaction and aligns their values and goals with the organization. In return, developers bring the best to the table and want to stay in the organization for the long run.

Enhances Collaboration

Great developer experience encourages collaboration and effective communication tools. This fosters teamwork and reduces misunderstandings. Through collaborative approaches, developers can easily discuss issues, share feedback, and work together on tasks.

How to Measure Developer Experience with Typo?

Typo helps with early indicators of their well-being and actionable insights on the areas that need attention through signals from work patterns and continuous AI-driven pulse check-ins on the experience of the developers.

Below is the process that Typo follows to gain insights into developer experience effectively:

Step 1: Pulse Surveys

Pulse surveys refer to short, periodic questionaries used to gather feedback from developers to assess their engagement, satisfaction, and overall organizational health.

Typo’s pulse surveys are specifically designed for the software engineering team as it is built on a developer experience framework. It triggers AI-driven pulse surveys where each developer receives a notification periodically with a few conversational questions.

We highly recommend doing surveys once a month as to keep a tab on your team’s wellbeing & experiences and build a continuous loop of feedback. However, you can customize the frequency of these surveys according to the company’s suitability and needs.

And don’t worry, these surveys are anonymous.

Step 2: Developer Experience Analytics

Based on the responses to the pulse surveys over time, insights are published on the Typo dashboard. These insights help to analyze how developers feel at the workplace, what needs immediate attention, how many developers are at risk of burnout and much more.

Below are key components of Typo’s developer experience analytics dashboard:

DevEx Score

The DevEx score indicates the overall state of well-being or happiness within an organization. It reflects the collective emotional and mental health of the developers.

Also known as the employee net promoter score, this score ranges between 1 – 10 as shown in the image below. It is based on the developer feedback collected. A high well-being score suggests that people are generally content and satisfied while a low score may indicate areas of concern or areas needing improvement.

Response Rate

It is the percentage of people who responded to the check-in. A higher response rate represents a more reliable dataset for analyzing developer experience metrics and deriving insights.

This is a percentage number along with the delta change. You will also see the exact count to drive this percentage.  It also includes the trend graph showing the data from the last 4 weeks.

It also includes trending sentiments that show you the segregation of employees based on the maximum re-occurring sentiments as mentioned by developer team.

Recent comments

This section shows all the concerns raised by developers which you can reply to and drive meaningful conversations. This offers valuable insights into their workflow challenges, addresses issues promptly, and boosts developer satisfaction.


In this section, you can slice and dice your data to deep-dive further on the level of different demographics. The list of demo graphies is as follows:

  • Designation
  • Location
  • Team
  • Tenure

Burnout Alerts

Typo sends automated alerts to your communication to help you identify burnout signs in developers at an early stage. This enables leaders to track developer engagement and support their well-being, maintain productivity, and create a positive and thriving work environment.

Typo tracks the work habits of developers across multiple activities, such as commits, PRs, reviews, comments, tasks, and merges, over a certain period. If these patterns consistently exceed the average of other developers or violate predefined benchmarks, the system identifies them as being in the burnout zone or at risk of burnout. These benchmarks can be customized to meet your specific needs.

Developer Experience Framework, Powered by Typo

Typo’s developer experience framework suggests to engineering leaders what they should focus on for measuring the dev productivity and experience.  

Below are the key focus areas and their drivers incorporated in the developer experience framework:

Key Focus Areas

Manager Support

It refers to the level of assistance, guidance, and resources provided by managers or team leads to support developers in their work.

Sub focus areas




The ability to understand and relate to developers, actively listen, and show compassion in interactions.

  • Do you feel comfortable sharing your concerns or personal challenges with your manager?
  • Do you feel comfortable expressing yourself in this space?
  • Does your manager actively listen to your ideas without judgment?

Coach and guide

The role of managers is to provide expertise, advice, and support to help developers improve their skills, overcome challenges, and achieve career goals.

  • Does your manager give constructive feedback regularly?
  • Does your manager give you the guidance you need in your work?
  • Does your manager help you learn and develop new skills?


The ability to provide timely and constructive feedback on performance, skills, and growth areas helping developers gain insights, refine their skills, and work towards achieving their career objectives.

  • Do you feel that your manager’s feedback helps you understand your strengths and areas for improvement?
  • Do you feel comfortable providing feedback to your manager?
  • How effectively does your manager help you get support for technical growth?

Developer Flow

It is a state of optimal engagement and productivity that developers experience when fully immersed and focused on their work.

Sub focus areas



Work-life balance

Maintaining a healthy equilibrium between work responsibilities and personal life promotes well-being, boundaries, and resources for managing workload effectively.

  • How would you rate the work-life balance in your current role?
  • Do you feel supported by your team in maintaining a good work-life balance?
  • How would you rate the work-life balance in your current role?


Providing developers with the freedom and independence to make decisions, set goals, and determine their approach and execution of tasks.

  • Do you feel free to make decisions for your work?
  • Do you feel encouraged to explore new ideas and experiment with different solutions?
  • Do you think your ideas are well-supported by the team?

Focus time

The dedicated periods of uninterrupted work where developers can deeply concentrate on their tasks without distractions or interruptions.

  • How often do you have time for focused work without interruptions?
  • How often do you switch context during focus time?
  • How often can you adjust your work schedule to improve conditions for focused work when needed?


Setting clear objectives that provide direction, motivation, and a sense of purpose in developers’ work, enhances their overall experience and productivity.

  • Have you experienced success in meeting your goals?
  • Are you able to track your progress towards your goals?
  • How satisfied are you with the goal-setting process within your team?

Product Management

The practices involved overseeing a software product’s lifecycle, from ideation to development, launch, and ongoing management.

Sub focus areas



Clear requirements

Providing developers with precise and unambiguous specifications, ensuring clarity, reducing ambiguity, and enabling them to meet the expectations of stakeholders and end-users.

  • Are the requirements provided for your projects clear and well-defined?
  • Do you have the necessary information you need for your tasks?
  • Do you think the project documentation covers everything you need?

Reasonable timelines

Setting achievable and realistic project deadlines, allowing developers ample time to complete tasks without undue pressure or unrealistic expectations.

  • Do you have manageable timeframes and deadlines that enhance the quality of your work?
  • Are you provided with the resources you need to meet the project timelines?
  • How often do you encounter unrealistic project timelines?

Collaborative discussions

Fostering open communication among developers, product managers, and stakeholders, enabling constructive discussions to align product strategies, share ideas, and resolve issues.

  • Are your inputs valued during collaborative discussions?
  • Does your team handle conflicts well in product meetings?
  • How often do you actively participate during collaborative discussions?

Development Releases

It refers to creating and deploying software solutions or updates, emphasizing collaboration, streamlined workflows, and reliable deployment to enhance the developer experience.

Sub focus areas



Tools and technology

Providing developers with the necessary software tools, frameworks, and technologies to facilitate their work in creating and deploying software solutions. 

  • Are you satisfied with the tools provided to you for your development work?
  • Has the availability of tools positively impacted your development process?
  • To what extent do you believe that testing tools adequately support your work?

Code review

Evaluating code changes for quality, adherence to standards, and identifying issues to enhance software quality and promote collaboration among developers.

  • Do you feel that code reviews contribute to your growth and development as a developer?
  • How well does your team addresses the issues identified during code reviews?
  • How often do you receive constructive feedback during code reviews that help improve your coding skills?

Code health

Involves activities like code refactoring, performance optimization, and enforcing best practices to ensure code quality, maintainability, and efficiency, thereby enhancing the developer experience and software longevity.

  • Are coding standards and best practices consistently followed in the development process?
  • Do you get enough support with technical debt & code-related issues?
  • Are you satisfied with the overall health of the codebase you’re currently working on?

Frictional releases

Streamlining software deployment through automation, standardized procedures, and effective coordination, reducing errors and delays for a seamless and efficient process that enhances the developer experience.

  • Do you often have post-release reviews to identify areas for improvement?
  • Do you feel that the release process is streamlined in your projects?
  • Is the release process in your projects efficient?

Culture and Values

It includes shared beliefs, norms, and principles that shape a positive work environment. It includes collaboration, open communication, respect, innovation, diversity, and inclusion, fostering creativity, productivity, and satisfaction among developers.

Sub focus areas



Psychological safety

Creating an environment where developers feel safe to express their opinions, take risks, and share their ideas without fear of judgment or negative consequences.

  • Do you feel that your team creates an atmosphere where trust, respect, and openness are valued?
  • Do you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts without worrying about judgement?
  • Do you believe that your team fosters a culture where everyone’s opinions are valued?


Acknowledging and appreciating developers’ contributions and achievements through meaningful recognition, fostering a positive and motivating environment that boosts morale and engagement.

  • Does recognition at your workplace make you happier and more involved in your job?
  • Do you feel that your hard work is acknowledged by your team members and manager?
  • Do you believe that recognition motivates you to perform better in your role?

Team collaboration

Fostering open communication, trust, and knowledge sharing among developers, enabling seamless collaboration, and idea exchange, and leveraging strengths to achieve common goals.

  • Is there a strong sense of teamwork and cooperation within your team?
  • Are you confident in your team’s ability to solve problems together?
  • Do you believe that your team leverages individual expertise to enhance collaboration?

Learning and growth

Continuous learning and professional development, offering skill-enhancing opportunities, encouraging a growth mindset, fostering curiosity and innovation, and supporting career progression.

  • Does your organization encourage your professional growth?
  • Are there any training programs you would like to see implemented?
  • Does your organization invest enough in employee training and development?


Measuring developer experience continuously is crucial in today’s times. It helps to provide real-time feedback on workflow efficiency, early signs of burnout, and overall satisfaction levels. This further identifies areas for improvement and fosters a more productive and enjoyable work environment for developers.

To learn more about DevEx, visit our website!


Developer Experience Framework: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Developer Productivity

In today’s times, developer experience has become an integral part of any software development company. A direct relationship exists between developer experience and developer productivity. A positive developer experience leads to high developer productivity, increasing job satisfaction, efficiency, and high-quality products.

When organizations don’t focus on developer experience, they may encounter many problems in workflow. This negatively impacts the overall business performance.

In this blog, let’s learn more about the developer experience framework that is beneficial to developers, engineering managers, and organizations.

What is Developer Experience?

In simple words, Developer experience is about the experience software developers have while working in the organization.

It is the developers’ journey while working with a specific framework, programming languages, platform, documentation, general tools, and open-source solutions.

Positive developer experience = Happier teams

Developer experience has a direct relationship with developer productivity. A positive experience results in high dev productivity which further leads to high job satisfaction, performance, and morale. Hence, happier developer teams.

This starts with understanding the unique needs of developers and fostering a positive work culture for them.

Benefits of Developer Experience

Smooth Onboarding Process

DX ensures that the onboarding process is simple and smooth as possible. This includes making them familiar with the tools and culture as well as giving them the support they need to proceed further in their career.

It also allows them to know other developers which help in collaboration, open communication, and seeking help, whenever required.

Improves Product Quality

A positive developer experience leads to 3 effective C’s - Collaboration, communication, and coordination. Besides this, adhering to coding standards, best practices, and automated testing helps in promoting code quality and consistency and catching and fixing issues early.

As a result, they can easily create products that can meet customer needs and are free from errors and glitches.  

Increases Development Speed

When developer experience is handled with care, software developers can work more smoothly and meet milestones efficiently. Access to well-defined tools, clear documents, streamlined workflow, and a well-configured development environment are a few of the ways to boost development speed.

It also lets them minimize the need to switch between different tools and platforms which increases the focus and team productivity.

Attract and Retain Top Talents

Developers usually look out for a strong tech culture. So they can focus on their core skills and get acknowledged for their contributions. A good developer experience increases job satisfaction and aligns their values and goals with the organization.

In return, developers bring the best to the table and want to stay in the organization for the long run.

Enhanced Collaboration

The right kind of developer experience encourages collaboration and effective communication tools. This fosters teamwork and reduces misunderstandings.

Through collaborative approaches, developers can easily discuss issues, share feedback, and work together on tasks. It helps streamline the development process and results in high-quality work.

Two Key Frameworks and Their Limitations

There are two frameworks to measure developer productivity. However, they come with certain drawbacks. Hence, a new developer framework is required to bridge the gap in how organizations approach developer experience and productivity.

Let’s take a look at DORA metrics and SPACE frameworks along with their limitations:

DORA Metrics

DORA metrics have been identified after 6 years of research and surveys by DORA. It assists engineering leaders to determine two things:

  • The characteristics of a top-performing team
  • How their performance compares to the rest of the industry

It defines 4 key metrics:

Deployment frequency

Deployment Frequency measures the frequency of deployment of code to production or releases to end-users in a given time frame.

Lead Time for Changes

Also known as cycle time. Lead Time for Changes measures the time between a commit being made and that commit making it to production.

Mean Time to Recover

This metric is also known as the mean time to restore. Mean Time to Recover measures the time required to solve the incident i.e. service incident or defect impacting end-users.

Change Failure Rate

Change Failure Rate measures the proportion of deployment to production that results in degraded services.

Use Four Keys metrics like change failure rate to measure your DevOps  performance | Google Cloud Blog

Limitations of DORA metrics

It Doesn't Take into Consideration All the Factors that Add to the Success of the Development Process

DORA metrics are a useful tool for tracking and comparing DevOps team performance. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take into account all the factors for a successful software development process. For example, assessing coding skills across teams can be challenging due to varying levels of expertise. These metrics also overlook the actual efforts behind the scenes, such as debugging, feature development, and more.

It Doesn't Provide Full Context

While DORA metrics tell us which metric is low or high, it doesn’t reveal the reason behind it. Suppose, there is an increase in lead time for changes, it could be due to various reasons. For example, DORA metrics might not reflect the effectiveness of feedback provided during code review. Hence, overlooking the true impact and value of the code review process.

The Software Development Landscape is Constantly Evolving

The software development landscape is changing rapidly. Hence, the DORA metrics may not be able to quickly adapt to emerging programming practices, coding standards, and other software trends. For instance, Code review has evolved to include not only traditional peer reviews but also practices like automated code analysis. DORA metrics may not be able to capture the new approaches fully. Hence, it may not be able to assess the effectiveness of these reviews properly.

SPACE Framework

This framework helps in understanding and measuring developer productivity. It takes into consideration both the qualitative and quantitative aspects and uses various data points to gauge the team's productivity.

The 5 dimensions of this framework are:

Satisfaction and Well-Being

The dimension of developers’ satisfaction and well-being is often evaluated through developer surveys, which assess whether team members are content, happy, and exhibiting healthy work practices. There is a strong connection between contentment, well-being, and productivity, and teams that are highly productive but dissatisfied are at risk of burning out if their well-being is not improved.


The SPACE Framework originators recommend evaluating a developer’s performance based on their work outcome, using metrics like Defect Rate and Change Failure Rate. Every failure in production takes away time from developing new features and ultimately harms customers.


The Velocity framework includes activity metrics that provide insights into developer outputs, such as on-call participation, pull requests opened, the volume of code reviewed, or documents written, which are similar to older productivity measures. However, the framework emphasizes that such activity metrics should not be viewed in isolation but should be considered in conjunction with other metrics and qualitative information.

Communication and Collaboration:

Teams that are highly transparent and communicative tend to be the most successful. This enables developers to have a clear understanding of their priorities, and how their work contributes to larger projects, and also facilitates knowledge sharing among team members.

Indicators that can be used to measure collaboration and communication may include the extent of code review coverage and the quality of documentation.

Efficiency and Flow

The concept of efficiency in the SPACE framework pertains to an individual’s ability to complete tasks quickly with minimal disruption, while team efficiency refers to the ability of a group to work effectively together. These are essential factors in reducing developer frustration.

SPACE framework: a quick primer

Limitations of SPACE framework

It Doesn’t Tell You WHY

While the SPACE framework measures dev productivity, it doesn’t tell why certain measurements have a specific value nor can tell the events that triggered a change. This framework offers a structured approach to evaluating internal and external factors but doesn’t delve into the deeper motivations driving these factors.

Limited Scope for Innovation

Too much focus on efficiency and stability can stifle developers’ creativity and innovation. The framework can make teams focus more on hitting specific targets. A culture that embraces change, experiments, and a certain level of uncertainty doesn’t align with the framework principles.

Too Many Metrics

This framework has 5 different dimensions and multiple metrics. Hence, it produces an overwhelming amount of data. Further, engineering leaders need to set up data, maintain data accuracy, and analyze these results. This makes it difficult to identify critical insights and prioritize actions.

Need for a new Developer Experience Framework

This new framework suggests to organizations and engineering leaders what they should focus on for measuring the dev productivity and experience.  

Below are the key focus areas and their drivers incorporated in the Developer Experience Framework:

Manager Support

Refers to the level of assistance, guidance, and resources provided by managers or team leads to support developers in their work.


The ability to understand and relate to developers, actively listen, and show compassion in interactions.

Coach and Guide

The role of managers is to provide expertise, advice, and support to help developers improve their skills, overcome challenges, and achieve career goals.


The ability to provide timely and constructive feedback on performance, skills, and growth areas helping developers gain insights, refine their skills, and work towards achieving their career objectives.

Developer flow

Refers to a state of optimal engagement and productivity that developers experience when they are fully immersed and focused on their work.

Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy equilibrium between work responsibilities and personal life promotes well-being, boundaries, and resources for managing workload effectively.


Providing developers with the freedom and independence to make decisions, set goals, and determine their approach and execution of tasks.

Focus Time

The dedicated periods of uninterrupted work where developers can deeply concentrate on their tasks without distractions or interruptions.


Setting clear objectives that provide direction, motivation, and a sense of purpose in developers' work, enhances their overall experience and productivity.

Product Management

Refers to the practices involved in overseeing the lifecycle of a software product, from ideation to development, launch, and ongoing management.

Clear Requirements

Providing developers with precise and unambiguous specifications, ensuring clarity, reducing ambiguity, and enabling them to meet the expectations of stakeholders and end-users.

Reasonable Timelines

Setting achievable and realistic project deadlines, allowing developers ample time to complete tasks without undue pressure or unrealistic expectations.

Collaborative Discussions

Fostering open communication among developers, product managers, and stakeholders, enabling constructive discussions to align product strategies, share ideas, and resolve issues.

Development and Releases

Refers to creating and deploying software solutions or updates, emphasizing collaboration, streamlined workflows, and reliable deployment to enhance the developer experience.

Tools and Technology

Providing developers with the necessary software tools, frameworks, and technologies to facilitate their work in creating and deploying software solutions.

Code Health

Involves activities like code refactoring, performance optimization, and enforcing best practices to ensure code quality, maintainability, and efficiency, thereby enhancing the developer experience and software longevity.

Frictionless Releases

Streamlining software deployment through automation, standardized procedures, and effective coordination, reducing errors and delays for a seamless and efficient process that enhances the developer experience.

Culture and Values

Refers to shared beliefs, norms, and principles that shape a positive work environment. It includes collaboration, open communication, respect, innovation, diversity, and inclusion, fostering creativity, productivity, and satisfaction among developers.

Psychological Safety

Creating an environment where developers feel safe to express their opinions, take risks, and share their ideas without fear of judgment or negative consequences.


Acknowledging and appreciating developers' contributions and achievements through meaningful recognition, fostering a positive and motivating environment that boosts morale and engagement.

Team Collaboration

Fostering open communication, trust, and knowledge sharing among developers, enabling seamless collaboration, and idea exchange, and leveraging strengths to achieve common goals.

Learning and Growth

Continuous learning and professional development, offering skill-enhancing opportunities, encouraging a growth mindset, fostering curiosity and innovation, and supporting career progression.


The developer experience framework creates an indispensable link between developer experience and productivity. Organizations that neglect developer experience face workflow challenges that can harm business performance.  

Prioritizing developer experience isn’t just about efficiency. It includes creating a work culture that values individual developers, fosters innovation, and propels software development teams toward unparalleled success.

Typo aligns seamlessly with the principles of the Developer Experience Framework, empowering engineering leaders to revolutionize their teams.


7 Tips to Improve Developer Happiness

Happy developers are more engaged and productive in the organization. They are more creative and less likely to quit.

But, does developer happiness only come from the fair compensation provided to them? While it is one of the key factors, other aspects also contribute to their happiness.

As the times are changing, there has been a shift in developers’ perspective too. From ‘What we do for a Living’, they now believe in ‘How we want to live’. Happiness is now becoming a major driving force in their decision whether to take, stay, or leave a job.

In this blog, let’s delve deeper into developer happiness and ways to improve it in the organization:

What is Developer Happiness?

In simple words, Developer happiness can be defined as a ‘State of having a positive attitude and outlook on one’s work’.

It is one of the essential elements of organizational success. An increase in developer happiness results in higher engagement and job satisfaction. This gives software developers the freedom to be human and survive and thrive in the organization.

The making of a good Developer Experience (DX) | by Teerapong Singthong  👨🏻‍💻 | Medium

Below are a few benefits of having happy developers in the workplace:

Breed Innovation

Happy developers have a positive mindset toward their jobs and organization. They are most likely to experiment with new ideas and contribute to creative solutions. They are more likely to take calculated risks and step out of their comfort zone to foster innovation and try new approaches.

Faster Problem Resolution

Having a positive mindset leads to quicker problem-solving. When software developers are content, they are open to collaboration with other developers and increase communication. This facilitates faster issue resolution, anticipates potential issues, and addresses them before they escalate.

Ownership and Accountability

Developer happiness comes from a positive work environment. When they feel valued and happy about their work, they take responsibility for resolving issues promptly and align their work and the company goals. They become accountable for their work and want to give their best. This not only increases their work satisfaction but developer experience as well.

Improves Code Quality

Happy developers are more likely to pay attention to the details of their code. They ensure that the work is clean and adheres to the best practices. They are more open to and cooperative during code reviews and take feedback as a way to improve and not criticism.

Health and Well-Being

A positive work environment, supportive team, and job satisfaction result in developer happiness. This reduces their stress and burnout and hence, improves developers’ overall mental and physical well-being.

The above-mentioned points also result in increased developer productivity. In the next section, let’s understand how developer happiness is related to developer productivity.

How Developer Happiness and Developer Productivity are Related to Each Other?

According to the Social Market Foundation, Happy employees are 12% more productive than unhappy employees on average.

Developer Happiness is closely linked to Developer Productivity.

Happy developers perform their tasks well. They treat their customers well and take their queries seriously. This results in happy customers as well. These developers are also likely to take fewer sick leaves and work breaks. Hence, showcasing their organization and its work culture in a good picture.

Moreover, software developers find fulfillment in their roles. This increases their enthusiasm and commitment to their work. They wouldn’t mind going the extra mile to achieve project goals and perform their tasks well.

As a result, happy developers are highly motivated and engaged in their work which leads to increased productivity and developer experience.

Three Core Aspects of Developer Happiness

Following are the three pillars of developer happiness:

Right Tools and Technologies

Tools have a huge impact on developer happiness and retention. The latest and most reliable tools save a lot of time and effort. It makes them more effective in their roles and improves their day-to-day tasks. This helps in creating the flow state, comfortable cognitive leads, and feedback loops.

Passionate Developer Teams

When developers have more control over their roadmaps, it challenges them intellectually and allows them to make meaningful decisions. Having autonomy and a sense of ownership over their work, allows them to deliver efficient and high-quality software products.

Positive Engineering Culture

The right engineering culture creates space for developers to learn, experiment, and share. It allows them to have an ownership mindset, encourages strong agile practices, and is a foundation for productive and efficient teams that drive the business forward. A positive engineering culture also prioritizes psychological safety.

Ways to Boost Developer Happiness in the Workplace

Use Relevant Tools and Technologies

One of the main ways to improve developer happiness is to invest in the right tools and technologies. Experiment with these tools from time to time and monitor the progress of it. If it seems to be the right fit, go ahead with them. However, be cautious to not include every latest tool and technology that comes your way. Use those that you seem are relevant, updated, and compatible with the software. You can also set policies for how someone can obtain new equipment.

The combination of efficient workspace and modern learning tools helps in getting better work from developers. This also increases their productivity and hence, results in developer happiness.

Flexible Work Arrangement

When developers have control over their working style and work schedules, it gives them a healthy work-life balance. As in changing times, we all are changing our perspective not everyone is meant for 9-5 jobs. The flexibility allows developers to when their productivity is at its peak. This becomes a win-win situation for developer satisfaction and project success.

For team communication and collaboration, particular core hours can be set. I.e. 12 PM - 5 PM. After that, anyone can work at any time of the day. Apart from this, asynchronous communication can also be encouraged to accommodate varied work schedules.

Ensure that there are open communication channels to understand the evolving needs and preferences of the development team.

Keep Realistic Expectations

Ensure that you don’t get caught up in completing objectives. Understand that you are dealing with human beings. Hence, keep realistic expectations and deadlines from your developers. Know that good software takes time. It includes a lot of planning, effort, energy, and commitment to create meaningful projects. Also, consider their time beyond work as well. By taking note of all of these, set expectations accordingly.

But that’s not all! Ensure that you prioritize quality over quantity. This not only boosts their confidence in skills and abilities but also allows them to be productive and satisfied with their role.

It doesn't end well : r/ProgrammerHumor

Enable Deep Focus

Software development job is demanding and requires a lot of undivided focus. Too many meetings or overwork can distract them and lose their focus. The state of flow is important for deep work. If a developer is working from the office, having booths can be helpful. They can isolate themselves and focus deeply on work. If they are working remotely, developers can turn off notifications or set the status as focused time.

Focus time can be as long as two hours to less than half an hour. Make sure that they are taking breaks between these focus sessions. You can make them aware of time management techniques. So, that they know how to manage their time effectively and efficiently.

Promote Continuous Learning

Software development is an ever-changing field. Hence, developers need to upskill and stay up to date with the latest developments. Have cross-sharing and recorded training sessions so that they are aware of the current trends in the software development industry. You can also provide them with the necessary courses, books, and newsletters.

Apart from this, you can also do task-shifting so they don’t feel their work to be monotonous. Give them time and space to skill up before any new project starts.

Appreciation and Recognition

Developers want to know their work counts and feel proud of their job. They want to be seen, valued, heard and understood. To foster a positive work environment, celebrate their achievements. Even a ‘Thankyou’ goes a long way.

Since developers' jobs are demanding, they have a strong emotional need to be recognized for their accomplishments. They expect genuine appreciation and recognition that match the impact or output. It should be publicly acknowledged.

You can give them credit for their work in daily or weekly group meetings. This increases their job satisfaction, retention, and productivity.

Improves Overall Well-Being

The above-mentioned points help developers improve their physical and mental well-being. It not only helps them in the work front but also their personal lives. When developers aren’t loaded with lots of work, it lets them be more creative in solving problems and decision-making. It also encourages a healthy lifestyle and allows them to have proper sleep.

You can also share mental health resources and therapists' details with your developers. Besides this, you can have seminars and workshops on how health is important and promote physical activities such as walking, playing outdoor games, swimming, and so on.


Fostering developer happiness is not just a desirable goal, but rather a driving force for an organization’s success. By investing in supportive cultures, effective tools, and learning opportunities, Organizations can empower developers to perform their development tasks well and unleash their full potential.

Typo helps in revolutionizing your team's efficiency and happiness.


10 Ways to Boost Developer Productivity

If you are leading a developer team, you can relate to this line – ‘No matter what the situation is, developers won’t ever stop being busy.’

There will always be important decisions to make, keeping up with customers’ demands, maintaining the software development process, and whatnot. Indeed, it is the nature of their work. But if this remains for the long run, it can hamper developer productivity.

In simple terms, when developers are constantly busy with their work, it can lead to burnout and frustration. As a result, this lowers their productivity. The work couldn’t be compromised or reduced, but there are ways to unblock their workflows and enhance the developer experience.

In this blog, let’s dive further into the ways to increase developer productivity.

What is Developer Productivity?

Productivity refers to the measure of the efficiency of people, teams, or organizations in converting inputs into valuable outputs. This is done to accomplish more and reach for bigger ambitious goals.Developer productivity refers to how productive a developer is in a given time frame. It is a measure of the team’s ability to ship high-quality products to end-users. When it is properly taken care of, it can improve developer experience and performance while fostering a positive work culture.

Why is it Important?

A few of the reasons why developer productivity is important are stated below:

Business Outcomes

Efficient developers can ship high-quality code that delivers business value. Positive business outcomes accelerate the development process. This not only increases customer satisfaction but also results in faster product releases and new features.

Improves Overall Well-Being

Developer productivity is not just important for business outcomes. It improves the physical and mental well-being of the developers as well. High productivity among developers leads to reduced stress and helps prevent burnout. Hence, it contributes to their positive mental and physical health.

Developer Satisfaction

Developer productivity allows them to be highly satisfied with their work. This is because they can see the impact of their work and can accomplish more in less time. Besides this, they can focus better, set better goals, and be more effective at their jobs.

Improves Quality of Work

Productive developers are more efficient at work. They help them to strike the right balance between speed and quality of work. As a result, it reduces the need for rework and extensive bug fixes.

Improves Creativity and Problem-Solving Ability

Productive developers have more time to focus on creative problem-solving and innovation. They have better analytical and decision-making abilities. Hence, they can introduce new and innovative features and technologies that enhance their products or services.

What Kills Developer Productivity?

Software developers face more productivity challenges compared to other professionals. If not taken care of, it can negatively affect their performance which further, hinders the business outcome.

Below are some of the obstacles that kill the productivity of the developers:

Ineffective Meetings

Meetings are an important aspect of aligning developers on the same page. But, when many meetings are conducted per day without any agenda, it can hamper their productivity. These meetings can break the focus mode of developers and reduce the time for actual work. As a result, it can impede developers’ progress and performance.

Too Many Manual Processes

Lack of automation can hinder the productivity of developers. They spend a lot of time on manual and repetitive tasks which can overwhelm them and increase their stress. This wastes a lot of their time and hence, they aren’t able to focus on core tasks.

Slow Code Reviews

Code reviews are usually the hurdles in most software companies. This leaves the developers frustrated as PR is either unmerged for too long or they are juggling between new and old work. Hence, this negatively impacts their motivation level and productivity.

No Alignment between Tech and Business Teams

Although tech and business teams have different expertise, they have the same core product vision. When they aren’t on the same page, developers may not be able to fully grasp business objectives and feel disconnected from the work. As a result, developers may feel frustrated and directionless.

Lack of Adequate Sleep and Free Time

When developers don’t get adequate sleep, it prevents their brains from functioning at optimum levels. Lack of proper sleep could be due to overtime, heavy workload, or constant work stress. In these cases, burnout is expected which further decreases their performance and impacts their productivity.

10 Ways to Increase Developer Productivity

Someone rightly said - ‘Where there is a will, there is a way!’ Undoubtedly, this is the case in improving developer productivity too.

As team leaders, you must take care of your teams' productivity. Below are the top 10 ways you can implement at your workplace to enhance developer productivity:

Clearly Define the Project Scope

Engineering managers must inform the development team clearly how to get started on their projects. You can create an outline of specific features, functions, and tasks so that developers are aware of what tools to use, what things to keep in mind, and what shouldn’t be done.

Vague or ambiguous project requirements can create misunderstandings and confusion among team members. They may not be able to see the bigger picture and are expected to make changes continuously.

When project requirements are clearly defined, developers can set the scope for better time management and reduce miscommunication and the need for additional meetings. They can create project plans accordingly, set realistic timelines, and allocate resources.

This also motivates the team since they can see the direct impact of their work on the project’s objectives.  

Set Realistic Deadlines

If your developers are continuously missing deadlines, understand that it is a productivity problem. The deadlines are unrealistic which developers are failing to meet.

Unrealistic deadlines can cause burnout, poor code quality work, and negligence in PR review. This further leads to technical debt. If it remains for a long run, it can negatively impact business performance.

Always involve your development team while setting deadlines. When set right, it can help them plan and prioritize their tasks.

Including your developers gives you an idea of the timeline each task will take. Hence, it allows you to decide the deadline accordingly. Ensure that you give buffer time to them to manage roadblocks and unexpected bugs as well as other priorities.

Be Well Aware of your Development Environment

Be well aware of your development environment and prioritize developer performance. Ensure that you and your team members are fully informed about the development environment. In other words, they should be familiar with the set of tools, resources, and configurations that they use, including IDE, Programming languages and frameworks, operating systems, version control systems, software applications, and so on.

This allows them to complete tasks faster and more accurately, contributing to enhanced developer performance and code quality. Further, it helps in faster problem-solving, thinking innovatively, and speeding up development. When developers are well-versed in their tools and resources, they can also collaborate with other developers and mentor their juniors better. Ensure that you inform them about your existing tools and resources on their day of joining. It is important to be transparent about these things to allow them to perform their tasks well without any confusion and frustration.

This not only results in better resource utilization but also allows them to understand their environment in a much more efficient way.

Encourage Frequent Communication and Two-Way Feedback

Regular communication among team leaders and developers lets them share important information on a priority basis. It allows them to effectively get their work done since they are communicating their progress and blockers while simultaneously moving on with their tasks.

There are various ways to encourage frequent communication. A few of them are:

Daily Standups

Daily standups could be inefficient when the agenda is not clear and if turns out to be hour-long meetings. However, when customized according to your team’s size and preference and agenda is well known, it can work wonders.

Slack (or Any Other Communication Platform)

Various unified communication platforms such as Slack channels and Microsoft Teams allow teams to communicate with each other. These have chat-first solutions with multiple integration options that make everyone’s work easier and simpler.

Team Lunch

Another way to share important updates and progress is team lunch. These meetings can be conducted once or twice a month where team members can share the updates, blockers, and achievements they have while working on their project.

However, don’t overdo it. Make the communication short and engaging. Otherwise, it will take a lot of time from the developers’ schedules which makes them distracted and frustrated.

While frequent communication is important, nurturing a two-way feedback loop is another vital aspect as well to improving developer productivity. This allows developers to be accountable, improve their skills, and know where they are going wrong.

Don’t forget to document everything or else they may spend a lot of time figuring it out. As ideas are shared and cooperation is encouraged, it makes developers satisfied with their work. As a result, it increases their productivity.

Implement Agile Methodology

Most of the organizations are implementing agile methodology and emphasizing agile development nowadays. The key reason is that it breaks down the project into several phases, promoting efficient project management.

This allows the development team to focus on achievable tasks that result in quicker, tangible progress. This increases their efficiency and speed and allows them to continuously release and test updates and features. As a result, it allows them to hit the market faster.

The agile methodology also creates a culture of continuous improvement and learning within the realm of agile development and project management. Regular feedback loops help identify and address issues early, enhancing the overall project management process and reducing time-consuming revisions. It also allows developers to take ownership of their work.

This autonomy often leads to higher motivation, positively impacting both agile development and project management productivity and performance.

Automate your Workflow

Developers usually become overwhelmed when they are continuously working on tedious and repetitive tasks. Such as generating API documentation, creating data or reports, and much more. This hampers team productivity and efficiency. As a result, they aren’t able to focus well on the core activities.

This is the reason why organizations need to automate their workflow. This allows developers not to work on repetitive tasks, but rather focus on work that requires constant attention. Automated testing also minimizes human errors and accelerates the development cycle.

Organizations can adopt the CI/CD approach. This helps in continuous monitoring, from integration to delivery and deployment of applications.

Besides this, there are various tools available in the market such as Selenium, TestSigma, and Katalon.

Use the Right Productivity Tools

Choose high-quality tools that are best suited for the task and team’s preference. You must first start by choosing the right hardware. Assure that the laptop is right for the task and it supports various software and applications. Afterward, choose the developer productivity tools and applications that can be well suited for the projects and tasks.

There are various tools in the market such as Typo, Github, and Codacy. This lets them automate the non-core activities, set timelines for the work, and clearly define their project requirements. Hence, it impacts the efficiency and quality of software development.

Below are certain criteria for choosing the right productivity tools:

  • Relevance
  • User-friendly interface
  • Customization
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Cost-effective

Encourage Frequent Breaks

Here, breaks don’t mean 10-15-minute lunch breaks. It means taking short and frequent breaks to relax the mind and regain energy levels. One technique that is usually helpful is the Pomodoro Technique, a time management method. It breaks work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.

During these frequent breaks, developers can take a nap, exercise, or take a walk. This will help bring back their productivity level and further, improve their performance.

Make sure you have a flexible schedule at your workplace. Not every developer can work from 9-5 and they may find it better to balance their work and personal lives with flexible schedules. Besides this, when developers work during their peak hours, it results in higher-quality work and better focus.

Match Developers’ Strengths with Projects

Developers tend to be more productive when they are doing something that interests them. Notice your team’s strengths and weaknesses. And then assign the work according to their strengths. Task allocation also becomes easier when strengths are matched.

This lets them be satisfied with their work and contribute positively to their job. They can think creatively and find unique ways to solve problems. Hence, be more efficient about the work.

It could also be a possibility that developers may be good at specific skills. However, they want to learn something else. In such cases, you can ask your developers directly what they want to do.

Mentoring and Pair Programming

To increase developer productivity, knowledge sharing and collaboration are important. This can be through pair programming and collaborating with other developers. As it allows them to work on more complex problems and code together in parallel.

Besides this, it also results in effective communication as well as accountability for each other’s work.

Another way is mentoring and training junior and new developers. Through knowledge transfer, they can acquire new skills and learn best practices more efficiently. It also reduces the time spent on trial and error.

Both mentoring and pair programming can result in developers’ satisfaction and happiness. As a result, increases retention rate.


Productivity is not a one-day task. It is a journey and hence, needs to be prioritized always.

There will be many productivity challenges faced by the developers, even when they are doing well in their careers. Team leaders must make it easier for them so that they can contribute positively to business success.

The above-mentioned ideas may help you to increase their productivity. Feel free to follow or customize as per your needs and preferences.


Are Daily Standups Inefficient?

Daily standup meetings are a ritual usually followed by scrum and agile teams. According to sources, 81% of scrum teams hold daily standups. Agile and non-agile teams too.

While they are considered an important part, they are overlooked. Daily standups can be a waste of time for the team when not done correctly. They aren’t worth it if they are unable to provide value and align the team on the same page.

Let’s dive further to explore it in detail and various formats that you may consider.

What are Daily Standups?

Daily standups are brief meetings where team members share updates about their progress and discuss blockers. The aim is to sync teams with the projects and it usually last for 15 minutes or less.

The motive behind these meetings is to promote productivity and efficiency among team members.

Where do they go Wrong?

These daily standups are progressive. However, when it takes the wrong direction, it can cause trouble. Below are a few signs of the same:

When it is Stretched for Too Long

A few of the reasons why standup meetings last for more than 15 minutes are:

  • These meetings are overly detailed. 
  • These meetings include gossip and meaningless discussions. 
  • The team size is large which takes longer time to listen to everyone’s updates and blockers. 

When Things are Discussed Unrelated to Other Members' Work

Another factor behind inefficient standups is unrelated things discussed in the meetings. This not only leads to a lack of focus but also lowers participation in discussions. It dilutes the meeting’s purpose and gives less time for addressing real issues. Hence, impacting the overall team’s progress and performance.

When it Becomes Monotonous

This is one of the common pitfalls of daily standups. When tasks or updates remain unchanged for an extended period, they become repetitive. They stop adding value to these meetings and hence, team members start finding it boring. This lowers the opportunities to address challenges and collaboration among team members.

When Managers Consider it to be an Opportunity to Micromanage their Team

Daily standups may lose their essence when engineering leaders start micromanaging their teams. This can be detrimental to the team’s productivity when managers closely monitor and scrutinize their progress. Further, this can disrupt the flow of work as well as decrease their problem-solving skills.

When Trying to Solve a Problem or Challenges in Standups

Standup meetings are meant to be brief and straight to the point. When engineering leaders start taking up the challenges, they aren’t fulfilling the motive of effective standups. Solving a problem should be taken in the follow-up meeting. These meetings are for daily updates, progress, and discussion of blockers.

But, Are They Really a Waste of Time?

If done correctly, daily standups aren’t a waste of time. Accountability and transparency are two aspects of standup meetings. When engineering leaders stick to the right format for these meetings, they will be efficient and straightforward.

Effective daily standups are short. It should be interactive and track the progress of the team members without controlling every aspect of it. Further, this can result in:

Improves Communication

Daily standups act as a vital communication tool within agile and scrum teams. When engineering leaders ask three standard standup questions ( We will discuss them in the next section), it helps in conveying need-to-know information quickly as well as distilling updates into clear brief standards.

Align Projects with People and Sprint Goals

Daily standups help in staying clear with sprint goals, what has been accomplished, and what needs to be addressed. This helps in gaining visibility into each other progress and also focuses on the team’s common goals and sprint objectives.

Address Blockers and Blind Spots

It doesn’t mean that the engineering leaders need to take up the problems during the daily standups. Rather, they need to be aware of and acknowledge the challenges they are facing.

Since it is the first step to address blockers and blind spots.

Fosters Accountability

Standup meetings give a sense of accountability and ownership to team members. It is because they share their progress and commitments with other members. Hence, it encourages them to meet their obligations and deliver results on time.

Time Management

Standup meetings allow team members to discuss their tasks and work on them according to their priorities. This helps them to set a clear daily focus, stay on track, and adapt to changing circumstances smoothly.

Different Standup Meeting Formats to Try

There are various daily standup formats you can try to not make them monotonous and ineffective. A few of them include:

Scrum Standard Questions

This is a well-known standup format where three questions are asked during the daily scrum or daily standup meetings. These include:

What did you do yesterday?

This question encourages team members to share what tasks they have completed the previous day. It gives them a sense of accomplishment and an update on how much progress has been made.

What will you do today?

This question allows team members to outline their plans and tasks for the current workday. This lets them prioritize their work according to scrum planning and align with other individuals.

Any blockers or impediments preventing you from doing your work?

Team members can discuss the blockers and challenges they are facing while doing a specific task. This allows the team to address the blindspots early and ensure the team stays on track.

Such types of meetings can be a good starting point for new agile and scrum teams. As it helps in creating small, achievable goals that can be shared with everyone.However, ensure that it doesn’t turn out to be another dreaded status update. It may also not be suitable for large teams as it can be time-consuming and unproductive.

Walk the Board Format

This standup format focuses on managing the work, not the people. The question asked during these meetings is simple - “What can we finish today?

”This helps the team to not give needless status updates to prove they are working.

In this format, all you have to do is:

  • Review WIP (Work in progress) on scrum board.
  • Start from ‘What is the closest to getting done?’ to ‘What has just been started?’ (Go from right to left) 

It is a visual progress tracking. Hence, it lets team members understand the tasks better and prioritize tasks accordingly.

However, it may considered to be a rigid format and may not always work for remote teams.

Traffic Light Standup

This format focuses on the emotional state of the team members. It helps in keeping a check on how they feel about their work.

In this format, you have to ask individuals whether they are feeling red, yellow, or green (representing traffic light colors).


Red means that they are feeling blocked, distracted, overwhelmed, or exhausted. The reason may vary from person to person. It gives you an idea to focus on them first and have a one-on-one meeting. Ensure that you prioritize these individuals as they may resign from the organization or be mentally unavailable.


Yellow is somewhere between they are present yet not able to focus fully. They are probably facing some minor issues or delays which need to be addressed early. Hence, it could signify that they are looking for help or collaboration.


Green signifies that team members are feeling happy, energized, and confident at their workplace. The reasons may vary such as working as per sprint planning, aligning well with their team, or no blockages.

Although it may not work as a daily standup you can combine it with other standup formats. Ensure that you don’t use it as a team therapy. Rather, to understand the team’s mental well-being and the blockers they are facing, if any.

Asynchronous Standup

Also known as ‘Async standups’ or ‘Written standups’. Here, the team members communicate their updates in written form. Such as using email, slack, or Microsoft Teams.

This allows them to provide updates at a time that is convenient for them. It is also best suited for remote teams across various time zones. As information and updates are written, it becomes easily searchable and accessible. However, asynchronous standups can be ineffective in some cases. This could be when meetings require a high level of collaboration and problem-solving or where quick feedback and immediate adaptation are critical.

‘Wins and Blockers’ Standup Format

With this format, two things are in focus. It includes:

Important Progress Updates or Accomplishments as a Team

Team members share their wins, progress made, or any other positive developments since the last meeting. This encourages them to celebrate their achievements and improve their morale. It also allows members to acknowledge each other work and contributions.

Blockers or Challenges Preventing from Moving toward the Goal

Team members share the obstacles or challenges they are facing while moving forward. It can include anything that is hindering their performance. Such as technical difficulties, unable to understand any task, or due to any other team member. It allows prompt resolution and addressing blockers.

These two aspects help in identifying the blind spots earlier as well as building a positive environment for team members.

However, this format may not be able to give a clear picture of the tasks the team is currently working on.

Remember to choose what suits you the best. For example, if your team is short and new, you can go for scrum standard questions. And when your team is growing, you can choose other formats or customize them accordingly.

How Typo Can Help You?

To make your task easier, you can sign up for Typo, an intelligent engineering platform focusing on developers’ productivity and well-being. 

  • With their ‘Work log’ feature, you can take note of your team members’ tasks and progress. It also allows you to check who is overworked and feeling burnout. 
  • The ‘Sprint management’ feature allows you to track the team’s progress daily. With this, the important tasks are prioritized and new work is added only after that.

These two above-mentioned features not only gain visibility in your team members' work but also act as an upgrade to traditional standup meetings.


Daily standups are a vital part of the organization. They aren’t inefficient and a waste of time if you know the motive behind them.

Ensure that you don’t follow old-age best practices blindly. Customize these standup meetings according to your team size, preference, and other aspects.

After all, the best results come from what is thoughtful and deliberate. Not what is easy and familiar.


CTO vs. VP of Engineering: Defining Technical Titles

In the dynamic world of technology, leadership positions often have intricate and different roles and responsibilities that significantly impact a company's growth and success. Two roles that sometimes need clarification are Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Vice President of Engineering (VPE). While both roles involve core competencies related to technology infrastructure and software development, they each have distinct functions contributing to a company's technological advancement and operational efficiency.

Who is a CTO?

A Chief Technology Officer (CTO), often referred to as a technology visionary, plays a pivotal role that holds the highest position in the technology leadership position. The CTO is not only responsible for formulating and executing strategies to enhance products and services with technology but also for conducting critical technical due diligence. They also oversee the needs of research and R&D activities. They focus their efforts on aligning the company’s products and technologies with the customer needs.

Becoming a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) requires a unique blend of technical knowledge, industry insights, and leadership abilities. Individuals who hold this position have usually devoted over 15 years of their professional lives to the IT industry and possess an advanced degree in computer science and business administration certifications.

A CTO role demands a deep understanding of technology and the ability to align technology strategies with overall business objectives. Although this position comes with its fair share of challenges, it can be incredibly satisfying for those with what it takes. Navigating the ever-evolving tech landscape and leading development teams toward success is both a responsibility and an opportunity for them.

Responsibilities of a CTO

The depth of responsibilities that a CTO has can vary based on the company’s size, industry, and goals. However, in general, here are the primary responsibilities:

Strategic Planning

The CTO formulates the vision for the technology in the company. This includes defining goals and timelines and aligning these strategic initiatives with the business objectives. They oversee the existing system infrastructure to maintain efficiency.

Innovating and Research

The CTO has to consistently keep up with the emerging tech stack, technology advancements, and industry trends; they identify and implement these innovative technologies that give the company a competitive edge in today’s market.

Technology Management

The CTO manages the existing technologies and solutions to ensure that the resources can fulfill short-term and long-term goals. They monitor the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and IT budgets to assess the technological budgets.

Team Management

The number of team members the CTO manages can vary depending on the company size. But ideally, a CTA manages the engineering team's technical architects, and tech leads and plays a crucial role in people management. They also mentor team members and guide as needed.

Business Alignment

The CTO works in tandem with other executives to develop budgets for implementing new technology and solutions. They are responsible for assessing the company’s overall direction and goals to understand how technology fits into business decisions. They collaborate with key stakeholders and adapt technology based on feedback.

Client Focus

The CTO is involved in developing and overseeing the technology solutions for clients. They make sure the services are on par with the customer’s expectations.

Technical Processes

The CTO oversees and optimizes technical processes in the organization. This includes identifying inefficiencies, implementing best practices, and ensuring that technology-related workflows are streamlined for maximum efficiency.

Closely Works with Product Managers

CTOs play a vital role in product management. They work closely with product managers and development teams to align technology strategies with product roadmaps. It involves defining product features, setting technical requirements, and assuring the technology stack supports the product's objectives.

Who is a VPE?

VP engineering role involves overseeing and managing the engineering organization. The VPE ensures the success of the engineering department by leading the team of engineers and engineering managers to build and develop quality software. This directly contributes to the company’s technical roadmap. The VPE is also a key link between the technical teams and the company’s goals.

They also play a crucial role in software engineering leadership. VPEs typically have a background in engineering or a related field, possess strong leadership skills, and have extensive experience in software development and management. VP engineering role is critical in driving engineering teams’ success and contributing to the company’s technological advancement.

Responsibilities of a VPE

To translate the roadmap into technical advancement, here are the responsibilities of a VPE:

Leadership Management

The VPE mentors and leads the development teams, engineers, and engineering managers. They take part in recruiting, developing, and managing the technical teams.

Strategy Planning

The VPE collaborates with the company’s other executives to shape and align the technical strategy with the business goals. They create a roadmap for the company’s vision. ‘

Quality Assurance

VPEs have a crucial responsibility of ensuring that quality standards are met consistently. They develop the standards, procedures, and best practices to provide high-quality software development. A VPE's challenge is finding the balance between speed and quality in software development. They work with their teams to optimize engineering processes and ensure timely delivery of quality products.


The VPE is responsible for preparing and optimizing the engineering department's budgets. They also help optimize processes by recommending technological improvements to increase efficiency.

Technology Trends

A VPE needs to stay informed about industry trends to recommend technological advancements for the company’s benefit.

KPI Monitoring

Have to monitor KPIs related to engineering performance and ensure the delivery of the roles. The VPE assesses and addresses any obstacles that impact KPI achievement.

Company Vision

The VPE ensures the company’s vision is translated into business value through the technical roadmap. They have consistently ensured the engineering team’s objectives align with the company’s objectives.

Effective Communication

They have to collaborate with cross-functional teams like product managers, designers, business, marketing, sales, and more to bring cohesive collaboration and effective communication.


The VPE reports to the CTO, the board, and the other stakeholders regarding the engineering organization. They communicate the areas where engineering needs support and help set them up for success.

Culture Building

VPEs are responsible for building the culture of the engineering teams – this includes -fostering a healthy work culture that enables psychological safety and inclusivity for all. Such culture-building principles ensure employee satisfaction and retention.The VPE role is distinct from the Chief Technology Officer (CTO), with the VPE often focusing on operational and management aspects. At the same time, the CTO is more focused on the company's overall technical strategy.

The Equation between a CTO and VPE - Differentiating Factors

It's important to differentiate between the roles of VPE and CTO in a company. The VPE handles operational management and execution, while the CTO focuses on the overall technical strategy. The CTO also manages the company's patent portfolio and works closely with the VP of Engineering to develop effective patent strategies. They may also represent the company through media appearances and conferences. Here are the differentiating factors:

Vision and Strategy

  • A CTO focuses on technical direction and thought leadership and ensures it is aligned with company goals 


  • A CTO leads smaller groups of engineering managers, architects, and research engineers
  • A VPE supervises the technical staff and engineering teams directly 

Responsibility and planning

  • The CTO steers the company's technological direction, engineering culture, and vision
  • A VPE builds and retains developer teams, charts progress, and contributes to employee growth

Specialization and Execution

  • The CTO focuses on overall leadership, research, revisiting processes, and examining tech architecture
  • The VPE specializes in people, processes, and program management


  • The CTO is the technological leader, often involved in customer-facing activities and working closely with the CEO
  • The VPE collaborates internally with engineers and management to develop company strategies and product

How to choose the Right Role between a CTO and a VPE?

When considering potential job roles, evaluating your strengths and aspirations is imperative. Assess your areas of expertise and determine which position would best align with your skills.

For those seeking new opportunities or hiring for leadership positions, it’s beneficial to focus on the role’s responsibilities rather than just the job title. Consider the areas where your company needs improvement and seek individuals to assist with those specific challenges.

It’s crucial to comprehend the distinctions between the roles of a CTO and a VPE. Although both positions contribute to a company’s technological advancement, the CTO is responsible for driving innovation and technical vision, while the VPE ensures operational efficiency and execution. By understanding these roles clearly, individuals and organizations can make informed decisions that will ultimately lead to growth and success.


Tech Leads: Guide to understanding the role and responsibilities

A pivotal role in the software development world is a tech lead. They harmonize innovation, technology, and collaboration in a way that helps a company’s project thrive.

To understand more about this role, we dive into their responsibilities, character-defining traits, and how to become one yourself or hire one!

What is a Tech Lead?

Tech lead is a position for developers that bridges the gap between them and management functions. These seasoned software developers have garnered enough expertise to oversee the team's software development.

Their primary role is to ensure the team's solutions uphold high standards. They play a collaborative role with the DevOps and the Project Managers, maintaining a vital link in the technical project’s chain – ensuring everything is in the direction of the predefined goals.

Although tech leaders are like the main developers, they must also have leadership and collaboration skills. Because even though they aren’t technically in the management designation, they have to foster an environment for the developers that promotes creativity, leadership, and teamwork.

tech leaders

What is the Difference between a Tech Lead and a Team Lead?

A tech lead is mainly concerned with the intricate technical aspects of the project execution. However, a team lead will be in charge of people management for the assigned team, including managing vacation schedules, workload distributions, and more. The difference between tech lead and team lead is their nuanced responsibilities and roles.

Tech leads

  • Make critical decisions about the software’s architecture, design patterns, and technical direction
  • Are chosen based on their advanced technical skills and how they guide the technical solutions
  • They ensure technology is in alignment with the technical strategy of the company
  • Maintain the coding standards through code reviews
  • Mentor junior developers and help them advance in their careers with their expertise
  • Carry out education sessions for knowledge-sharing purposes

Team leads

  • Manage team dynamics, assign tasks, and track progress
  • They are chosen for their collaborative and communication skills
  • They act as a bridge between the team members and the stakeholders of the company
  • Handle conflicts and challenges within the team and offer solutions
  • They handle the performance evaluation processes of the team members and help them reach their goals

Responsibilities of a Tech Lead

The technical lead wears many hats and is responsible for many duties. A few of the tech lead responsibilities include:

Setting frameworks and standards

Tech leads are responsible for setting a project's scope, team, and resources. They also definite the best practices and establish the frameworks to improve the team’s performance. These processes serve as the foundation for consistent quality.

Project direction

Tech leaders are pioneers in their field. This means they can create a technical roadmap and set the direction of the project because of their technical expertise. They make the decisions on programming languages (unless it is also defined), tools, and architecture which impact the project directly.

Facilitate resolution

While developing code, many challenges come and go – a dynamic world where each day brings new quirks. Therefore, an effective tech lead handles such problems and facilitates efficient resolution that guides the team back on the team with minimal disruption.

Team building and ensuring morale

Although tech leads are primarily concerned with the technical details of a project, considering their seniority and professional experience, they also have the onus of nurturing the teams. They help improve individual strengths and match roles based on their personalities.

They are also responsible for promoting a culture of innovation and instilling leadership skills in younger minds. They have to ensure every team member is heard and valued.

Track progress

They monitor the progress of the project so they can identify potential bottlenecks. They assess the work focus and volume to determine where is productivity lost. Then they make resolutions for quicker turnaround time, bringing the project back on track with its goals.

Collaboration and reporting

Being the effective tech lead of a project also means collaborating with multiple stakeholders. Tech leads work closely with other leaders and managers as well. They are responsible for handling data to generate comprehensive reports.

The reports must highlight the development metrics, the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), success metrics, and future trends. Such data-informed insights help make better product decisions.

Code quality assurance

Tech leads ensure code quality is always adhering to the standards. They implement the best practices and metrics for a robust and sustainable codebase. They also ensure regular code review with the development team, providing a platform for constructive feedback and opportunities to learn and improve.

Architecture and design direction

Tech leads consistently oversee architectural decisions. They assess the code churn and identify the areas of improvement. These assessments lead to design discussions that can bring out necessary changes and help the technical foundation to be solid and adaptable.

Manage technical debt

Technical innovation is crucial in growing companies. However, there has to be a balance between innovation and code quality. Sometimes developers end up pushing the quality of code for newer features which in the long run leads to technical debt. They track the evolution of the project and its technical debt and ensure it is taken care of to avoid future challenges.

Shipping quality code

Since tech leads are involved with the development process from the architectural decisions, they are also responsible for shipping the code. They track the development frequency, deployment size, and bug detection rate. With this, they ensure that timely software releases are high in quality without causing disruptions to the end users.

Characteristics of a good tech lead

Handling responsibilities and technical abilities are essential to being a good tech lead. However, here are some other important characteristics that drive the success of this role:

  • Prioritizes the team over personal success and ensures shared wins and responsibility.
  • Delegates well to prevent burnout between team members and themselves. They know when to handle tasks personally and when to hand them over.
  • Manages time effectively and alternates between the “maker’s schedule” and “manager’s schedule” to balance work.
  • Knows when to give challenging feedback in a constructive manner that helps the team grow. They show how they care for the well-being of the developers and address performance issues collaboratively.
  • Doesn’t let personal, professional setbacks impact the team. A good team leader understands repercussions and takes on responsibility without blaming the team and losing morale. They pick themselves back up and work on fixing issues without allowing any space for inappropriate behavior or office politics.
  • They have empathy and emotional intelligence to handle teams and foster an environment of compassion. They create space for inclusivity with no room for bias.

These traits sometimes cannot be taught, but tech leads need to inherently have these characteristics or learn from others and build on them. This is what makes a good tech lead.

How to become a Tech Lead

To become a tech lead, you need to have certain qualifications.

Here are some of them:

Get a Bachelor’s Degree

Earn a degree in a relevant field like computer science, information science, computer engineering, or other engineering/computer degrees.

Pursue Additional Certification

You can complete courses on Project Management Professional (PMP) and earn relevant certifications to showcase you are prepared for a technical leadership position. They help validate your skills and make a strong case for why you fit the role.

Develop Relevant Skills

As a tech lead, you must hone skills like programming, system understanding, and system architectures, and soft skills like leadership, communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and multitasking.

Gain Professional Experience

You must work in software development roles to accumulate enough experience and then be promoted to tech lead. In your experience as a developer, you have consistently shown initiative. This involves being an active problem solver, seeking opportunities to learn and grow when needed, and constantly upskilling to keep up with trends.

If you follow the above steps, you are bound to reach a position where the natural career trajectory will be the role of a tech lead.

How to Hire a Tech Lead

A tech lead has to have enough technical expertise and capabilities to be a leader. Here are some ways you can identify such skills:

Understand their Technical Background

Tech leads must understand the technical design principle well. They need to make architectural decisions and understand the codebase well – hence, they need to be technically sound and capable overall.

People Management Skills

A tech lead deals with several stakeholders, managers, and technical architects. This means they must excel at managing such people effectively and being the bridge enabling a collaborative environment.

Understand the Candidate’s Strategic Thinking

Look for candidates who understand the importance of long-term and short-term goals. They should be able to weigh tradeoffs in quality assurance and technical design decisions.

Communication Skills

Effective communication skills are an important tech lead role. They must be able to communicate well with their peers. This includes breaking down complex topics, guiding cross-functional teams, and communicating with empathy.

With these criteria at the helm of the decisions, you should be able to assess who is the right tech lead for your company.

Tech leads Guide your Company toward Success

Tech leads, with their leadership, technical, and emphatic skills, drive teams to work collaboratively to build a project the right way. Without them, there would be loopholes in technical timelines, gaps that are overlooked for innovation, and projects whose timelines would drag on.

A tech lead balances it all to do right by their peers and the organization.

Typo, an intelligent engineering platform, helps to make your task easier as a tech lead. Through the platform, you can identify SDLC metrics, and delivery bottlenecks in real-time and foster a positive work culture.


Best Code Review Tools

Code review is an essential part of the development process. It lets you identify problems with your code before it is implemented and helps reduce the time spent on fixing bugs.

In this blog, we’ll explain what the code review process is and what tools you can use to automate it.

What is the Code Review Process?

Code review is an important process of orderly testing of software to find and remove errors, bugs, overflows, and other vulnerabilities found in the code. A good code review process is constructive, limited, and instructive.

It is important to review code because:

  • Improves code readability
  • Improves code quality
  • Creates better documentation
  • Optimizes code for better performance
  • Knowledge sharing

This process directly impacts the review time. For example, If reviewers are overloaded with work, they make take time to review the respective code. As a result, the review time will increase which further results in high cycle time.

Why Code Review Tools are Important?

  • Code review tools automate and streamline the review process. Hence, making it more efficient and decreasing the review time.
  • These tools can help in providing a clear structure for the review and ensure code quality and consistency.
  • Code review tools help in getting a clear audit trail of the review process. For example, Who reviewed the code, when it was reviewed, and feedback provided.
  • These tools facilitate knowledge-sharing and collaboration.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the most popular code review tools:

Top 8 Code Review Tools


Typo’s automated code review tool identifies issues in your code and auto-fixes them before you merge to master. This means less time reviewing and more time for important tasks. It keeps your code error-free, making the whole process faster and smoother.

Key Features

  • Supports top 8 languages including C++ and C#
  • Understands the context of the code and fixes issues accurately
  • Optimizes code efficiently
  • Standardizes code and reduces the risk of a security breach
  • Provides automated debugging with detailed explanations


It is a well-known open-source code repository tool with an in-built lightweight code review tool in its pull request. Hence, developers can easily integrate code reviews into their workflow.

Key Features

  • Simple, User-friendly UI
  • Includes a code scanner feature to identify vulnerabilities
  • Provides detailed oversight of changes in code files
  • Allow developers to follow up and revisit past reviews
  • Graphic representation of current status


Free plan available; paid plans start from $4 per user, per month


It is an automated review tool for static analysis. Supporting more than 40+ programming languages, Codacy also integrates with various popular tools and CI/CD workflows.

Key Features

  • Gives a clear picture of how projects are doing and how their quality is changing over time
  • Adaptable to your code review process
  • Provides code coverage
  • Helps in knowing the amount of technical debt
  • Can identify duplication and poor code metric areas

Adding an organization


Free for open source teams; paid plans start from $15 per month


It is a code hosting and collaboration tool from Atlassian. Bitbucket can easily integrate with other Atlassian tools like Jira, Bamboo, Jenkins, and many more.

Key Features

  • Provides a forum to discuss changes before they are merged into a new project
  • Offers built-in issue tracker
  • Includes automated pipeline build process
  • Creates tasks out of code review comments
  • Automatically integrates security scans and test results into the pull request view

Bitbucket Pipelines | Atlassian


Free plan available; paid plans start from $3 per user, per month


It is a leading code review tool for projects with large repositories. Gerrit works as a median between a developer and the central repository.

Key Features 

  • Incorporates a voting system
  • Includes REST-like API that allows customized automation
  • Combines the functionality of the review tool and bug tracker into one
  • Includes many customization options
  • Helps in finding the error in the source code

Gerrit Code Review - A Quick Introduction

Free plan available


It is a code review tool that is built on a SaaS model. It helps in analyzing code from a security standpoint.

Key Features

  • Gives test coverage by using binary code/bytecode
  • Automates different workflows with integrated and streamlined testing in SDLC
  • Offers set of two code review tools - Static analysis and software composition analysis
  • Provides mitigation management
  • Integrated into existing debugging systems

Static Analysis (SAST) | Veracode

Custom pricing model as per users' requirements


It is a code review platform that offers an integrated tool for Subversion, Mercurial, and Git. Rhodecode has in-built security features for secure software development.

Key Features

  • Includes unified repository management
  • Provides workflow automation
  • Integrates seamlessly with your existing projects
  • Helps navigate the history of your project across various branches
  • Can provide feedback with inline code reviews

RhodeCode › Enterprise Code Management for Hg, Git, SVN


Free plan available; paid plans start from $8 per user, per month

Review Board

It is a free, open-source, web-based document review tool that lets you perform both pre-commit and post-commit code reviews based on your requirements.

Key features:

  • Offers smart indentation handling for code review
  • Private, secure, and in control  
  • Integrates seamlessly with a wide range of version control systems
  • Allows reviewing code as well as PDFs, documentation, and graphics
  • streamlines the review workflow with Slack, Asana, Jenkin, Trello
Screenshot of the Review Board dashboard

Free plan available; paid plans start from $29 per user, per month

How Typo and Code Review tools are Connected?

Code review tools automate your code review process to increase efficiency and decrease review time. Typo provides instantaneous cycle time measurement for both your organization and each development team using your Git provider.

Furthermore, Typo provides automated dev workflows that help in shipping pull requests and code reviews faster. As a result, it helps in saving your time and effort and improving your PR cycle time.


The ultimate guide to developer well-being

Software development is a competitive field that requires time, effort, and energy. It demands lots of thinking and concentration from developers. Hence, they need to have brains in good shape.

But, the dark side is that the tech industry can be a challenging place to focus on wellness. Since developers are very much immersed in their jobs, it mainly goes unnoticed.

In this article, we will be diving deep into developers’ well-being. And how Typo is helping to resolve this major issue. We will be covering the three aspects of developer well-being – Why, What, and How. So, stay tuned!

Why developer well-being is important?

Google defines well-being as ‘The state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy.’

Developers have a lot on their plates. From coding and maintaining software systems to testing them at various stages, they are usually busy with day-to-day activities.

It can cause burnout that further impacts their productivity and performance level. As a result, it can hinder the stages of the software development life cycle. The lack of motivation and creativity obstructs the planning process which directly affects the quality of the coding process. As a result, more errors delay the product to the end-user.

Developers are affected by both technological and sociological aspects of their job. Hence, these need to be evaluated in concert to deeply understand developers’ well-being.

Burnout is also one of the major factors in high turnover rates in the workplace.

If neglected for a longer period, It can further deteriorate the physical and mental well-being of the developers.

Hence, it is crucial for engineering managers to always consider developers’ well-being. It may seem to be an invisible factor, but there is a way.

In the next section, we will be discussing in-depth what Typo offers to developers and engineering managers.

What are the aspects of developers’ well-being?

Through Typo, we aim to help engineering managers take note of their developers’ well-being. Our framework is an outcome of intensive primary and secondary scientific research into the key drivers and elements that impact experience and engagement at each tenure and the organization as a whole.

Below are the 7 EX drivers:

EX drivers

Further, these EX drivers have 29 unique elements that provide a comprehensive and in-depth measure of mood, engagement & experience at every stage.

in-depth measure of mood, engagement & experience at every stage



The leadership’s ability to set and communicate clear direction to the engineering team


Developers need to feel connected with the leadership. Hence, focusing on leadership’s ability to establish connections with developers across the organization


The leadership’s ability to inspire confidence and commitment in the developers to come together to achieve organizational goals

Open and honest communication

Open and Honest communication goes a long way in building trust and confidence in the developers

Invested in the organization’s success

Developers trust their leader better if they have the confidence that they will do everything in their power to do what is right for them and the organization


Policies and benefits 

Their presence may not be a significant boost for engagement, but their unavailability can lead to disengagement


This parameter focuses on developers’ need to have a comfortable workspace and the necessary tools, systems, processes, and access available to carry out their job

Social Impact

Developers view this factor from a lens of how the organization is contributing back to society and they derive a sense of satisfaction from being a part of this journey. It also looks at how organization encourages them to lead their own efforts to contribute to society

Strategy and vision

The sole purpose of the existence of an organization. Developers who relate well to the organizational purpose and are inspired by it, display better engagement levels, and show a significantly high voluntary effort to achieve results


Goals and targets

Clarity about goals and targets, timeliness in setting goals, discussions about them, and fairness of the process are important to ensure that developers are well aware and focused on what they need to achieve.


Flexibility about developers’ way of doing work can be key in engaging and motivating them

Sense of purpose

If developers feel accomplished and their job can make them feel that way, it will ensure that they are very well-engaged and highly productive

Job – person fit

How developers feel if they are in the right job or they have the right skill set. It has a direct impact on engagement, contribution, and productivity 

Work-life balance

An organization’s willingness to adopt flexible work options can go a long way in engaging a diverse workforce in today’s gig economy



A key role of an Engineering manager is to be “aware” of their developers’ team and be empathetic to their situations. They should be able to demonstrate “care” for them to help build trust

Coach and guide 

The engineering manager is expected to act as a role model and coach and guide their team to great performance and a great career at the company


Developers expect engineering managers to provide their teams with quality and timely feedback. The feedback that they can work with them to improve upon their performance/contributions

Freedom of opinion 

Engineering managers who promote new ideas, and different perspectives, even though these may be conflicting or challenging, help promote innovation, openness, trust, and confidence in the team.


This aspect tries to understand if the developers feel appreciated and recognized for the good work they do.

Culture and values

Fair and transparent

Ways of working that create Openness and trust between engineering managers and developers. It establishes an environment where the organization operates fairly toward all its stakeholders.


This focuses on building a performance culture in the organization without any favoritism and biases. Rewards and recognition is based on this culture of performance is the key driver.

Safety and wellbeing

Workplace Safety and well-being relate to all aspects of working life, from the quality and safety of the physical environment, to how developers feel about the organization’s interest in their well-being

Organization values 

This parameter covers other Organization values that the organization holds dear and evaluates how developers relate to it



It talks about the developers’ ability to work with each other and support each other for the overall success of the team and the organization

Commitment to quality work

Developers who deliver high-quality output respect each other. Moreover, as they are committed to high-quality output they deliver better results and thereby raise the quality of output for the developers as a whole

Team bond

This aspect focuses on the personal connection that developers have toward one another

Career and learning


This parameter explores an organization’s ability and willingness to provide learning opportunities to its developers so that they upskill and develop themselves

Career growth 

This aspect provides an understanding of the organization’s ability to provide a fulfilling career to developers’  


This aspect explores that developers have a good understanding of the organization’s compensation philosophy

How to assess & act on developer well-being?

There are various ways to calculate the above-mentioned focus and sub-focus areas.

Burnout prediction:

As mentioned above, Burnout is the main reason for mental and physical health issues among developers. Hence, it is necessary to not ignore the signs and take the necessary actions.

The burnout signs may vary, but common ones include:

  • Disengaged in work
  • Feelings of fatigue
  • Disruptions in sleep patterns
  • A decline in the quality of work
  • Constant headache
  • Taking a longer time to finish the task
  • Increased irritability,

And so on.

Although, these signs could be due to other reasons as well or may go unnoticed. It is important to monitor them through the engineering platform.

Typo tracks the work habits of developers across multiple activities, such as Commits, PRs, Reviews, Comments, Tasks, After-work hour commits, and Merges, over a certain period.

If these patterns consistently exceed the average of other developers or violate predefined benchmarks, the system identifies them as being in the burnout zone or at risk of burnout. These benchmarks can be customized to meet your specific needs.

When the system flags a developer, it is advisable to review their work logs to gain insights into their workload distribution and take appropriate action. These pointers are important to help you drive effective conversations & remove blockers proactively.

effective conversations & remove blockers proactively
Pulse Check-ins and Dev NPS (or Developer net promoter score):

Step 1: Pulse Check-ins and Dev NPS

Pulse Check-ins is a brief and concise survey that helps in understanding how your developers feel at the organization. It contains a short set of questions related to employee satisfaction, work environment, job role, coworkers, and communication.

These short surveys are anonymous so that developers can be open and honest about their opinions. Pulse check-ins are usually done continuously to gather real-time insights and feedback from them.

Dev-NPS is a way of measuring how your developers feel about the organization. It is a survey-based method that gives a holistic view of developer experience (along with other key metrics). To calculate Dev-NPS, here is a quick formula for it:

Promoters % – Detractors % * 100

  • Promoters: They represent those developers who have a high level of satisfaction and loyalty towards their organization. They scored 9-10 or agree/strongly agree in their satisfaction survey.
  • Passive: These are the set of developers who are moderately satisfied at the workplace. However, they are not actively engaged and lack of loyalty. They scored 7-8 or neutral in their satisfaction survey.
  • Detractors: They are the ones who are unsatisfied with the workplace and disengaged in their positions. They scored 6 or below or disagree/strongly disagree in their satisfaction survey.

A few of the rules you need to keep in mind for writing good surveys are:

  • The questions should be to the point and direct. Every question should ask only one thing.
  • Don’t change wording at all, if you want to compare the results.

While our Typo platform covers features such as engineering insights and real-time visibility into SDLC metrics. It also lets engineering managers take note of developers’ well-being in one place.

Below are the five elements that the Typo covers to help engineering managers in pulse check-ins and Dev-NPS.

  • Mood analysis: How do your developers feel working at the organization?
  • Well-being score: How much are your developers engaged at the organization?
  • Feedback response rate: How many employees are responding to the employee feedback survey?
  • Key areas that are working well: What are the key areas that are the strength of the workplace?
  • Key areas that need improvement: What are the blind spots that need to be addressed quickly?


But this is not all! Engineering managers need to take note of them and further, communicate accordingly with developers.

And, this is how one-on-one meetings come into the picture.

Step 2: One-on-one meetings:

You now have a holistic view of how your developers feel working at your organization. Let’s move on to another step i.e. One-on-one meetings.

These meetings are a great way to communicate with your team on a personal level. It allows you to understand the need and challenges faced by the developers in the organization.

Ensure that you don’t confuse it with regular sync-up meetings. Keep the work aside and discuss their honest opinions about the workplace. Ask them about the key strength areas and blind spots in-depth. Know how the organization is aligned with their personal growth and so on.

There are many software available in the market such as HuddleUp, Notion templates, and ClickUp that let you create agendas, add talking points, and schedule meetings. As a result, making your work easier and let you focus only on the latter part.

Step 3: Create an action plan:

Based on Pulse Check-ins, Dev-NPS, and One-on-one meetings, create an action plan.

When identifying action steps, know what are the pain points and trends within your organization that need to be addressed.

Let’s assume that on the Typo platform, the three main parameters that have lower ratings are: Compensation, open and honest communication, and work-life balance. Further, to get more information about it, you conduct one-on-one meetings with your team. Hence, based on it, you have in-depth insights into what really the problem is. Now, you can create an action plan accordingly.

Make sure that you set a SMART outline to set the right goal.

  • Specific: Goals should be clearly defined.
  • Measurable: Ensure that your goals can be easily measured.
  • Attainable: Goals should be possible to achieve. Even when you are setting high goals.
  • Relevant:  Goals should be relevant to the abilities, skills, and interests of the developers.
  • Time-based: Goals should have specific deadlines including a starting and target date.

Besides this, make sure there is a timeline for smaller tasks.

To get more benefits from the action plan, you can create a template for the same. This reduces rework and saves your time and effort.

Don’t forget to monitor your progress after a specific period. Keep track of the improvement and where more attention is needed.

This step may seem to be a daunting task but it has benefits that help in the long run. A few of them include:

  • It helps engineering managers and developers know each other properly.
  • It let you understand the ‘why’ behind the developers’ intentions and motives.
  • It helps in understanding the challenges faced by developers and giving support to them accordingly.
  • It serves as a platform for exchanging positive and constructive feedback.
Recognition and acknowledgment:

Let’s assume three developers worked on:

  • Hardest algorithm problem and solved it on time.
  • Writing clean and easy-to-understand code.
  • Ensuring that there are no obstacles in the deployment process

They not only made the tasks easier for other developers but made sure that everything is done smoothly. It may seem that this is what the developer’s job is for, but their efforts deserve acknowledgment and recognition.

Recognition and appreciation are one of the overlooked aspects of the workplace. You assume they already know that you love their work but this is not the right approach. Everyone, including developers, wants to get acknowledged for their work.

It doesn’t mean that you need to give them a gift but a simple thank you goes a long way too! All you have to do is let them know their presence is valued and matters a lot at the workplace.

A few of the advantages of recognizing developers at the workplace include:

  • Retain and attract top talent
  • Increases their productivity and performance
  • Promote positive behaviors among developers
  • Improves connections and feelings of well-being
  • Increases employee engagement

One of the ways to acknowledge developers and the engineering team is through the kudos (or donut) feature by the HuddleUp Slack app. Best for engineering teams to gamify the conventional recognition methods. As soon as someone did an outstanding job or does anything that needs to be done urgently, give them kudos.

Another way of doing so is to recognize them with the tags. Such as Developer of the Month, Job-well Done, Backbone of our team, and so on.


Although there are many ways to encourage developers’ well-being. The above-mentioned ones are the most important.

To understand what’s going on in your engineering team’s mind, pulse check-ins, Dev-NPS, and one-on-one are the best ways to do so. As it not only allows you to know the blind spots but also figure out the reason behind them.

Burnout is the root cause of mental and physical health issues among developers. Hence, it is crucial to know about it before it gets too late.

Since recognition and appreciation are the underrated key factors to drive engagement and productivity, it needs to be taken into consideration too.

Make sure that you implement them and monitor the progress continuously so that your team is happy working at the workplace.

All the best!


A Guide to Technical Leadership

48% of leaders believe their company has high-quality leadership. However, HRs in the company don’t feel the same way. Only 28% of them agree.

Technical leadership is a challenging role; getting it right is more complicated than it seems.

Take a look at this number; Georgy Todorov of Thirve My Way says as much as 79% of employees believe they could potentially quit a job due to a lack of appreciation from leaders,

All these numbers reiterate the importance of good leadership. Therefore, in this blog, we break down different facets of being a technical leader and tips to be better consistently.

What is Technical Leadership?

Technical leadership, often represented by someone referred to as the tech lead, is the process of managing the technical professionals in a company. A successful technical leader guides the development team and helps build the products and provide the services of a company.

Myths of a Technical Leadership

Good technical leadership is essential for a software company to thrive and have its software and engineering teams happy. The leadership and direction they provide directly reflect how well-organized and efficient the technical teams are.

However, being a tech leader isn’t an easy feat. Often, these are the two myths that affect technical leadership.

A Good Developer will be a Good Technical Leader 

A good developer skilled in their craft is indispensable to the team. However, while they can be good leaders, this isn’t always true. Leadership positions combine management with technical knowledge, and often they get tired of the former part of the position.

Dreamers Make the Best Technical Leaders 

Dreamers make the world reach greater heights. A technical leader needs to understand the ground reality and formulate practical solutions. Dreamers can often get caught up in technical fancies and innovations, which can damage productivity.

Technical Leadership Skills

Technical leadership qualities take time to achieve. The person leading the technical experts of a company must be able to guide and manage them. Technical skills are developed in their professional career, and some managerial traits are part of their personality and habits. Here are some of the important skills they need to have:

Technical Decision Making

Often in a company, many decisions related to the product, team, moving forward after a technical setback, conflicts, and a lot more come up. They have to be equipped to handle them well.

Code Reviews

A tech leader doesn’t have to be involved in minuscule changes in the codebase. However, when needed, they have to be a part of code reviews.

Project Management

They must be able to develop the strategy for the team’s work, overarching planning, and ensure execution. These are all critical parts of project management that technical leadership must undertake.

People Management

A technical leader should have effective people management skills to ensure teams and motivated. If any conflict arises, they must be able to address and resolve them swiftly.


Often the team will look at technical leadership for solutions. Therefore they need to remain calm under pressure, consider all the facts, and ensure problems are solved quickly yet efficiently.

Data Analysis

They need to be able to look at data, analyze it, and come to reasonable decisions that could have short and long-term consequences for a team, product, and the company.

Excellent Communication Skills

The technical lead is often the bridge between the technical teams and stakeholders; they are also the voice of reason and authority in a team. Hence effective communication is an important skill.


Any leadership or management position needs people to uphold empathy and understand others, which fosters better relationships and an understanding dynamic within teams.

Interpersonal Skills

The people in leadership positions have to deal with people across hierarchy levels. With good interpersonal skills, they can help the team when needed and maintain the tone and culture.

Change Management

A tech leader is responsible for navigating the change effectively and fostering a culture that encourages and embraces innovation.


Often a team will prefer to work in a way incompatible with the tech lead. However, they have to change their technical leadership style and adapt to the needs of the team and company more than themselves.

Responsibilities of a Technical Leader

Technical leadership role involves more than just being tech savvy. It includes a wide range of responsibilities. Here are some of them:

  • They must be actively involved in mentoring team members. 55% of CEOs believe building next-gen leaders is a challenge. Simultaneously, 63% of millennials believe they aren’t developed and mentored by the leaders for management positions, according to a Deloitte survey. The technical lead is directly responsible for mentorship; shaping the careers of younger team members and elevating the skills of others.
  • Technical leadership involves looking at the long game for your team, and they need to have a vision and move towards it with their team.
  • They must know how to do strategic planning i.e. having a deep understanding of both business and technology to make informed decisions.
  • Tech leads have to be the beacon of light during difficult times. Whether a customer is dissatisfied, a product launch is stalled, the team makes an expensive mistake, or any other kind of adversity. Technical leadership has to take ownership and help the team overcome the situation well.
  • They must create a culture of trust, open dialogue, accountability, and transparency in the team.
  • They must be involved in making architectural decisions to make the projects more feasible and provide directions to the developers. Alongside, they can help in prioritizing the attributes when there is a disagreement in the team when it involves architecture, help address the risk involved in each, and deal with them.

Should a Technical Lead Code?

This is often a debated question, and here is what we think. Someone in the technical leadership position should be able to code. They don’t have to code regularly; however, they are responsible for:

  • Code reviews for which they need to have coding knowledge
  • Help the team get better at peer-to-peer reviews
  • Help the team figure out issues and write complex code

Technical leaders shouldn’t be spending most of their day coding but helping the team make better decisions, provide architectural requirements, and ensure seamless technical processes.

Here are Four Tips for Your Technical Leadership

Now that we discussed skills and responsibilities, here are some tips for technical leaders.

Involve the Team in Your Decision-Making Process 

A good technical leader will always consider the team’s choices and understands different perspectives before making an important decision.  

Establish Certain Clear Rules (But Keep Them as Few)

Certain rules cannot be flexible; this could be a standard coding language, how team members treat each other, and ensuring there are no prejudices or discrimination in the team. There has to be a zero-tolerance policy for specific behaviors that must be clear within the team.

Encourage Documentation

Documentation encourages proof of work and accountability. It acts as a knowledge base, reiterates processes, and helps other non-technical teams better understand the team’s work.

Here is What you Shouldn’t Do in Technical Leadership

While we addressed the positives, it is essential to understand what could lead to bad technical leadership and how to avoid it.

Get Competitive with Your Peers over Technical Process

Technical leadership members are developers or technically skilled in one way or another. However, in this position, they will be taking a step back from core technical work, providing the team direction, and doing managerial work. This could lead to distress as some find it hard to adapt to this role and get competitive with the other developers in the team. Technical leads must understand that their position brings the team and products together; getting competitive will only be counterproductive.

Become Complacent and Not Work on Building a Skillset 

In the age of digital transformation, upskilling is necessary for every role, and leadership roles aren’t an exception.

"In a working world where the speed and scale of innovation is faster than ever, one of the most important things a senior leader can do is to continually upskill," said Parvaneh Merat, Ciso’s VP of Training and Certifications

Here are some newsletters for engineering leaders that you can check out to help along the way.

Not Delegate Enough and Work Only in Silos 

A leadership position can often feel lonely and overburdened. They must make difficult decisions and consistently ensure the team is motivated and provides direction. This usually ends up with technical leaders taking on more work and trying to do a lot on their own, which could build resentment toward the team. This is among the biggest mistakes technical leadership people make.

Instead of working alone, they need to trust their team members, delegate tasks and involve the team in their tasks as much as possible.

Not Involving Stakeholders Enough in Decision Making 

In tandem with the point above, working in silos also leads them to make decisions alone. However, it is essential to understand the importance of client management and involve company management, business partners, and board members in more significant decisions. And include team members as well as they are also stakeholders too. This helps maintain relations and brings unique perspectives to make better-informed decisions.

Technical Leadership Defines a Team’s Success!

Every employee in a company plays a role; however, leaders define direction. A technical leader formulates the direction of the company’s products and services and technical capabilities. These have ripple effects throughout the company. Marketing, sales, and every other department are built around this vision.

Therefore as technical leaders, they are the captain of the ship. They need to be up for the responsibility and understand their role in ensuring the ship is not only staying afloat but also steered in the right direction.

We at Typo understand this can also be challenging at the same time. We have built a product that will help you and your team work more efficiently, gain engineering insights, focus on team performance and wellbeing, and steer your engineering efforts to align with business goals.

Here’s a snippet of our product:

If you are looking for a leadership position, we hope you learned something today. Good luck!


Top 6 Productivity Tools for Developers to Try

Software developers usually get overwhelmed easily since they have a lot on their plates. From keeping track of deadlines to producing code and to focusing on application goals, they prove to be real professional jugglers. But, in the long term, this can be challenging and costly. It will not only lead to a delay in work but also a decrease in productivity.

This is why developer productivity tools are a must. It assists them in managing their time and maximizing productivity. Hence, getting their work done faster with fewer distractions.

Best Productivity Tools for Developers


Tabnine is an AI-driven code completion tool. It uses context and syntax to predict and suggest the following lines of code. The more the usage, it can provide more accurate and tailor-made suggestions. Tabnine can plug into well-known IDEs including Visual studio code, Vim, Atom, and Sublime.

Tabnine Key Features:

  • Whole line and full function code completions
  • Includes team learning functionality option
  • Supporting programming languages including Python, C++, Java, Rust, and GO to name a few
  • Flexible hosting options for increased security and compliance
  • Support offline mode too


Lightrun is an on-demand observability platform. It enables you to add metrics, logs, and traces to the code base directly into IDE or CLI in real-time. Besides this, they can also be integrated with various compatible third-party application performance monitoring (APM) and logging tools.

Lightrun Key Features:

  • Powerful debugging tool for an app already in production
  • Works on monolith microservices, Kubernetes, docker swarm, ECS, big data works, and serverless
  • Instrument everything without obstructing the live application
  • Includes a wide range of performance metrics for synchronization, timing, and business logic
  • Routed into APMs or analytic tools such as Grafana

The Silver Searcher

Also known as Ag, The Silver Searcher is known for its speed. It is a command-line tool for quick code-base searching. It allows you to find specific lines of code easily within large documents. The Silver Searcher works by leveraging multiple search files and CPU cores.

The Silver Searcher Key Features:

  • Open-source, free-to-use tool
  • Stable and user friendly
  • Editor integration for sublime text, vim, and emacs
  • Ignores certain file patterns from the .hgignore and .gitignore
  • Available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and BSD


F.lux is a cross-platform designed to reduce eye strain. It dynamically modifies your screen’s display according to the time of the day and location. The default setting of F.lux is that when sunset is near, it changes the display into warm colors. And when the sunrise is near the location, the display colors change to default settings.

F.lux Key Features:

  • Easy installation and use
  • New hotkeys to adjust colors
  • Automatic screen adjusting
  • Various screen modes available
  • Backward alarm clock act as a reminder to not stay up late


Tuple is an integrated remote pair programming app. Through this, you can collaborate in real time when writing code or sharing URLs. Both parties can use a mouse and keyboard. Tuple also lets you highlight or draw code on your collaborator’s screen to direct their attention.

Tuple Key Features:

  • Fast and lightweight tool
  • Offers 5K quality video stream and crisp low-latency audio
  • Internal chat option
  • Supports asynchronous pairing
  • Low CPU usage


Typo is an intelligent engineering platform designed to maximize your productivity. It enables you to gain visibility, remove blockers and get real-time insights via SDLC metrics. typo can be integrated with various applications such as Slack, GIT, CI/CD, and Calendar.

Typo Key Features:

  • Cycle time breakdown
  • Efficiency benchmarking
  • Work log
  • Investment distribution
  • DORA metrics
  • Developer burnout alert
  • PR insights
  • Developer workflow automation


Developers need to be productive throughout the software development life cycle. Hence, it is advisable to invest in the right productivity tools. It helps you save time and effort on repetitive tasks. And rather focus on core activities that need your direct attention.


Common challenges Every Engineering Manager Face

The term ‘Engineering manager’ sounds quite appealing to all. And it definitely is! They are leading everything and the decisions are upon them.

But, as much fulfilling and lucrative as it seems, there is another side too. The challenges that engineering managers face in day-to-day tasks. They have their own set of difficulties and tough moments.

The tasks of engineering managers are not defined clearly. Although, they have three common grounds that they need to take care of. It includes:

  1. Technical 
  2. Team management 
  3. Administration 

A technical aspect includes managing SDLC, knowing software updates, pairing teams with projects, and so on. Team management comprises leading strategic meetings, and ensuring team happiness and satisfaction. Hiring new developers, and meeting job candidates come under the administration aspect.

It’s important for engineering managers to recognize the challenges faced by them. This can let them know about it before it becomes a bigger issue. Here in this article, we will be exposing a few challenges faced by them and how can they be overcome.

Characteristics of a Good Engineering Manager

Apart from the above roles, below are some important characteristics that drive the success of the engineering manager role:

  • An effective engineering manager has a strong technical background. This doesn't mean they should know everything regarding technical problems. Rather, they should have enough knowledge to guide and mentor their team effectively.
  • They should know conflict resolution. Conflicts are inevitable in any team. Hence, a good engineering manager must facilitate healthy communication and solutions that can benefit the whole team.
  • They should foster diversity and inclusion in their workplace. This allows their team to feel safe and respected and share their ideas without being hesitant.
  • They should know how to have difficult conversations with their team. In other words, a good engineering manager must be able to address challenging topics, offer constructive criticism, and handle conflicts with empathy.
  • They should ensure work-life balance for their team. It includes taking care of the team's physical and mental well-being and creating flexible work arrangements.
  • A software engineering manager should be good at leading cross-functional teams. So that there is an effective alignment and communication among different departments and teams.
  • They should have good project management skills. So that they can create realistic project plans that can be executed efficiently.
  • Engineering managers must promote career development among their team members that aligns with their aspirations and organizational goals. They should also include training and development for the developers who need improvement and support. 
  • Lastly, they should know how to do performance reviews in the right way. It includes identifying every team member's strengths and areas of improvement. 

Challenges Faced by Engineering Managers

Balancing Technical and Managerial Responsibilities

The common challenge among engineering managers is juggling between technical and managerial responsibilities. They are expected to lead their team well and also contribute to technical projects. Hence, it becomes demanding since they are expected to find the right balance and excel in both these aspects.

A few of the practical approaches to overcome this obstacle include:

Seek Mentorship and Coaching Programs

Engineering managers can attend relevant training programs and seek mentors to enhance their organizational skills and technical knowledge. 

Prioritize and Time Management

Create a well-structured schedule and allocate time to both aspects based on urgency and importance.

Leverage Agile Practices

Use agile methodologies for better and more flexible planning. It will help in breaking large important tasks into small, manageable chunks. Also, use agile metrics which can act as performance metrics. so, to measure the team culture and performance.

Regular Assessment of Work Distribution

Lastly, have regular check-ins and assessments of the work. It helps in taking note of workload distribution and effectiveness in both these domains. As per the same, adjust the approach accordingly.

Weak SDLC and Visibility Challenge

Weak SDLC is known to be the silent velocity killer. Especially in today’s times, when it is driven by the continuous improvement culture and ongoing iterations.

The major challenge faced by engineering managers is they are unable to figure out the ‘What’ and ‘Why’. Hence, they need to keep it in check and test it at its earliest.But, this is not easy as it seems. The biggest barrier to high SDLC blockers is due to limited visibility. It results in unsustainable prioritization, ambiguous SDLC processes, and broken development workflows.Visibility is necessary as it correlates with agility and helps them perform efficiently. It assures engineering managers get a clear picture of each phase of SDLC. And when it is taken into consideration for a longer period, it helps in prioritizing goals and data-driven decisions. Engineering managers need to have full-fledged visibility of the issue. So, that they can allocate responsibilities wisely.

Pro-tip: Get complete visibility on your SDLC & cycle time breakdown & identify blockers with Typo.

Developers' burnout

Burnout has become a common workplace phenomenon among developers. Due to longer hours at work, they are indulging in presenteeism. It not only reduces productivity but delays the outcome as well.

The visibility, as mentioned above, is needed here too. To help in figuring out the reason and knowing what to do afterward. But, visibility is already a top-most challenge. The burnout aspect comes a little late to the engineering managers.

A few of the burnout causes include:

  • Overwhelming ADHOC requests
  • Shipping codes
  • Incident alerts 
  • Debugging beyond working hours

It is also been seen that the developers don’t have clarity about their roles. It increases their working hours and tasks get postponed.

They must ensure that developers get the requested time off and a healthy work schedule. They should also understand that goals should be realistic with a proper action plan. But, this can only be possible after the visibility challenge is sorted. It will help in resolving the issue quickly before it becomes a bigger problem.

Poor Communication Skills

The most overlooked challenge that engineering managers face is communication. It usually happens that there are alignment issues and context switching between the developers' teams. And without proper communication, there will be a lack of clarity about the same.Engineering managers also get confused to have over or too little communication. While over-communication can be a sign of micromanaging. Less communication leads to a lack of clear understanding of the work.Engineering managers need to find a balance between taking status updates and resolving development barriers. Even having excellent technical abilities, poor communication can be the biggest hurdle.

They can set up a meeting including relevant information, agenda, and expected output. Use automated stand-up tools for knowing daily tasks, progress, and blockers.

Measuring Team Success

Engineering managers have the wrong approach to measuring success in terms of throughput. Rather they should focus on the volume of software being pushed to production.

They usually use agile methodologies without empowering the developers. When deadlines aren’t met, engineering managers only focus on specific pain points. They avoid looking at the issues that can be the cause of long-term issues.But it is halted as not all developers have completed their targets. Codes were required to be released but now, it’s delayed due to some developers.But, when looking only at the output, it may seem like everything was delayed. Instead, this was not the case!Engineering managers must measure success on the basis of three things. It includes:

Engineering Metrics

Such metrics track the performance of engineering systems/processes. In these metrics, the following should be measured:

  • Merge request rate
  • Cycle time 
  • Throughput 
  • Commit to deploy 

Agile Metrics

Under these metrics, different sprint stages are measured. It comprises of:

  • Sprint burndown 
  • Team velocity 
  • Epic burndown 
  • Lead time 

Morale Metrics

These metrics are often overlooked. They help in tracking the engagement and satisfaction of your employees.

  • Code quality confidence 
  • Individual and team morale metrics 

Managing Multigenerational Teams

In today’s times, there are different generations of groups that are working together. It is a positive sign but has its own sets of difficulties too. These four generations are Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. They have their own working styles, career ambitions, and motivators.

‘One size fits all’ that engineering managers usually go for isn’t the right approach in these cases.

No matter how small this challenge sounds, it can have a negative impact on the outcome.

Engineering managers can break down the team into smaller groups with a focused plan. These groups can be divided on common grounds. It includes the working style, experience, strengths, and so on. There can also be tools and resources that you can distribute accordingly. Such as a few traditional logging and APM tools that can be used best by the old generations. While new ones can find them difficult to use.Also, the common ground for discussing with all of them can include:

  • Team mission
  • Alliance 
  • Coding guidelines 
  • Definition of ready and done 
  • Testing strategies 
  • Bugs severity levels 

Hiring the Right Developers

One of the major challenges engineering managers face is hiring the right people for their team. hiring is a lengthy process. It consumes a lot of time and energy away from other managerial responsibilities. Apart from this, they hire the best talent but this isn't the correct way. An effective engineering manager should hire the right talent for their organization. Apart from this, By this, we mean:

Assess your Hiring Needs

Identify your hiring needs so that you get your requirements right. This helps in creating job descriptions accurately reflecting the right skills, qualifications, and expertise. Further, it helps in setting realistic expectations for the developers.

Conduct Technical Interviews and Assess Soft Skills

Design technical interviews that can help in assessing candidates' problem-solving skills, coding abilities, and technical expertise. Also, ensure that you take note of their soft skills as well. It includes their decision-making process, communication skills, time management, and so on.

Evaluate their Growth Potential

The right candidates are those who are willing to learn and grow. Try considering those who demonstrate their willingness to adapt to new environments and ensure continuous improvement. You can conduct training and development sessions for them to align with the organization's goals.

In a nutshell

The challenges mentioned above may seem tough to crack. But, with the proper visibility and the right tools, these can be overcome quickly.

Using an engineering management platform like Typo can help in gaining insights across tech processes. These remove the blockers, align engineering with business objectives, and drive continuous improvement.

Developer productivity: How to Measure it?

Developer productivity is notoriously difficult to measure – it is complex & nuanced with major implications for software development teams. A clear, defined, measurable developer productivity could provide engineering managers & leaders the ability to ship software faster & efficiently.

Your company is currently measuring your engineering team by output and not the processes. The CEO doesn’t care about commits, story points, or code written. They care about more features, happier customers & getting more without spending more money. So how can you quantify the software developer productivity to make the business/CEO care more? And how do you align with the business objectives?

Developer Productivity | Programmer humor, Programming humor, Programmer  jokes

What is Developer Productivity?

Developer productivity is a measure of the team’s ability (& not just the individual’s ability) to efficiently ship high-quality products that deliver business value based on the goals assigned.

How to Measure Developer Productivity?

There are several myths about Developer Productivity. Understanding these myths uncovers a key takeaway about measuring productivity.

Productivity is not Just about Developer Activity

According to Nicole Forsgren in an interview for InfoQ who created the SPACE framework (we’ll be coming to it soon!)

One of the most common myths — and potentially most threatening to developer happiness — is the notion that productivity is all about developer activity, things like lines of code or a number of commits. More activity can appear for various reasons: working longer hours may signal developers having to "brute-force" work to overcome bad systems or poor planning to meet a predefined release schedule.

Measuring only the developer outputs is detrimental because of the lack of data points on the productivity gap at the developer level or company/surroundings.

Measure Teams, Not Individuals

Most organizations measure individual performance metrics like review time, code commits, size of commits, and code review frequency. This is not the right method to improve engineering efficiency.

The focus should be on the team, than just the individuals. Combine the above metric with the team-level parameters like team goal accomplishment, and collaboration and see how they are growing together.

Productivity Cannot be Reduced to a Single Dimension (or a Metric)

Productivity is not just about one dimension like developer activity based on code commits, PR reviews, etc. It represents multiple factors ranging from SDLC metrics, to work distribution, and well-being at the team level as well. Co-relating cross-metrics gives an accurate picture of the team’s performance.

Why is it Important?

A few of the reasons why developer productivity is important are stated below:

Business Outcomes

Efficient software developers can ship high-quality code that delivers business value. Positive business outcomes accelerate the development process. This not only increases customer satisfaction but also results in faster product releases and new features.

Improves Overall Well-Being

Developer productivity is not just important for business outcomes. It improves the physical and mental well-being of the developers as well. High productivity among developers leads to reduced stress and helps prevent burnout. Hence, it contributes to their positive mental and physical health.

Developer Satisfaction

Developer productivity allows the development team to be highly satisfied with their work. This is because they can see the impact of their work and can accomplish more in less time, contributing to a positive Developer Experience. Besides this, they can focus better, set better goals, and be more effective at their jobs.

Improves Quality of Work

Productive developers are more efficient at work. They help them to strike the right balance between speed and quality of work. As a result, it reduces the need for rework and extensive bug fixes.

Improves Creativity and Problem-Solving Ability

Productive developers have more time to focus on creative problem-solving and innovation. They have better analytical and decision-making abilities. Hence, they can introduce new and innovative features and technologies that enhance their products or services.

Best Practices for Measuring Developer Productivity

Define Clear Goals

Define clearly what constitutes productivity for developers. Make sure that it aligns well with their objectives, project requirements as well as organization goals.

Ensure Coding Standards and Quality

Monitor adherence to coding standards and quality to ensure code readability, consistency, and maintainability. Well-documented coding standards help in shared understanding among developers. Emphasizing code quality is crucial for producing reliable and efficient software systems.

Debugging Efficiency

Measure the time and effort taken by developers on debugging and troubleshooting. To make it less complicated, use debugging tools to identify issues and address them in the early stages.

Give Honest Feedback

Use developer productivity tools and metrics (Such as the SPACE framework) to provide genuine feedback to developers. Make sure that the feedback is clear, specific, and actionable to let them know the blind spot and how they can improve it within a time frame.

What is SPACE Framework?

In the developer world, there is a state of hyper-productivity commonly referred to as “flow”. The framework uses several data points to gauge the productivity of the team & not just at the individual level. It combines together quantitative & qualitative aspects of the developer & the surroundings to give a holistic view of the software development process. SPACE is the acronym for satisfaction, performance, activity, communication, and efficiency. Each of these dimensions is key to understanding and measuring productivity, according to the researchers.

Satisfaction and Well-being

The dimension of employee satisfaction and well-being is often evaluated through employee surveys, and it assesses whether team members are content, happy, and exhibiting healthy work practices. There is a strong connection between contentment, well-being, and productivity, and teams that are highly productive but dissatisfied are at risk of burning out if their well-being is not improved.

Although quantifying satisfaction and well-being is challenging, objective metrics can identify circumstances that may lead to dissatisfaction or burnout. By combining quantitative metrics with qualitative information and survey data, engineering leaders can gain a better understanding of team satisfaction. Work in Progress PRs is another useful measure, as a high number may suggest that developers are being forced to switch tasks too often, which can prevent them from entering a state of flow. To gain a more comprehensive view of team satisfaction, engineering leaders should examine both short-term changes and overall trends.

For instance, when a manager at typo noticed a sudden increase in the volume of PRs and reviews, she took it as an indication to investigate the workload of each developer. She discovered that engineers were working overtime and on weekends to launch new features and successfully advocated for extra time off to help them recharge and avoid burnout.


The SPACE Framework originators recommend evaluating a developer's performance based on their work outcome, using metrics like Defect Rate and Change Failure Rate. Every failure in production takes away time from developing new features and ultimately has a negative impact on customers.

The latter is particularly useful to measure the quality of code shipped to customers. In evaluating team performance, PR Throughput is a vital complement to quality metrics, counting the number of PRs merged over time to gauge productivity and progress.


The Velocity framework includes activity metrics that provide insights into developer outputs, such as on-call participation, pull requests opened, the volume of code reviewed, or documents written, which are similar to older productivity measures.

However, the framework emphasizes that such activity metrics should not be viewed in isolation but should be considered in conjunction with other metrics and qualitative information. Among the useful activity metrics within the Velocity, framework are coding metrics, like Commits Per Day and Pushes Per Day, which enable leaders to assess the balance of work, workload expectations, and delivery capacity aligned with strategic goals. Additionally, Deployment Frequency is a helpful metric for measuring how frequently teams release new features or bug fixes to production.

Communication & Collaboration

Teams that are highly transparent and communicative tend to be the most successful. This enables developers to have a clear understanding of their priorities, and how their work contributes to larger projects, and also facilitates knowledge sharing among team members.

Indicators that can be used to measure collaboration and communication may include the extent of code review coverage and the quality of documentation. One example of a collaborative practice that can enhance team performance is Pair Programming, which involves two developers working together to write code and can be attributed to both developers.

Evaluating the effectiveness of your team’s collaborative code review process can be accomplished through the use of metrics such as Review Speed, Time to first Review, and Review Coverage. These metrics offer insight into whether your team is prioritizing collaboration, allowing sufficient time for the review of pull requests, and providing meaningful feedback in comments. By analyzing these metrics, you can assess the overall health of your team’s code review process and identify areas for improvement in code quality.

Efficiency & Flow

The concept of efficiency in the SPACE framework pertains to an individual's ability to complete tasks quickly with minimal disruption, while team efficiency refers to the ability of a group to work effectively together. These are essential factors in reducing developer frustration. However, it's important to note that excessive efficiency and flow can be detrimental to collaboration and feedback. Surveys can be used to determine perceived efficiency and flow, while objective measures of speed can be obtained through metrics.

In terms of efficiency and flow, Velocity considers Cycle Time and Mean Lead Time for Changes as important metrics. Cycle Time represents the time taken by a team to bring a product to market and a low Cycle Time implies faster delivery of new features and bug fixes to customers.

This metric offers an objective means of assessing process changes and evaluating the output of the team, which can indicate the team's stability. Mean Lead Time for Changes, which measures the speed of code changes in DevOps, can be an indicator of team health and the ability to respond promptly to requests. Both metrics can provide insight into the effectiveness of a team's culture and processes in managing high volumes of requests.

The SPACE creators also laid down the framework in action at three levels - individual, team & system as shown below -

SPACE Framework: A Quick Primer

Taking Developer Productivity into Action with Typo

To develop a high-performing engineering team, it is crucial to have a balanced combination of abilities, responsibilities, values, and schedules. Establishing a cooperative atmosphere that prioritizes manageable deadlines, fosters creativity, and recognizes achievements can enhance the efficiency of developers.

 Incorporating tools and platforms that prioritize Developer Experience, such as an engineering management platform like Typo allows monitoring of engineering performance indicators, work distribution & team wellbeing. Additionally, it can aid in increasing team productivity by identifying and addressing inefficiencies and areas of improvement.

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